Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 230: Allies & Obstacles

Chapter 230: Allies & Obstacles


Eventually, when they began to talk again, they were all ready to move forward. Aymora raised the issue of their time in the human world, and Reth nodded. He would take this part.

"Once you reach the human world," Reth said quietly, "You'll connect with our Guardians there. They'll be able to help you."

"I though Gahrye was going to be my Guardian?"

"This is a different kind of Guardian. These are the Guardians of the Secret. There is a single tree of the human line whose families have held the secret of the Anima for millennia."

"I thought you hid Anima from humans?"

"We do. But the Guardians have known of us for as long as our histories record. They are a specific family line, and in each generation two are chosen to hold the secret. In return we assist them with… other things."

"Things like what?"

"Money, primarily. But we have also taken some of their orphaned children, and once we sent soldiers to fight on their behalf."

Elia gaped at him. "In my world?"


"When? I mean—was there like an Anima army or something?"

Reth frowned and looked at Aymora.

"It was during the conflict I believe you call World War one," she said. "The family were at risk of losing their property to militia groups. We sent a small band of Guards over who assisted in ensuring they would keep it. They were very grateful."

"I'm sure they were," Elia said faintly. "And these people will help us if we just show up?"

"Yes. They assist any Anima, whenever we arrive there. For obvious reasons, we can't warn them of our arrival, so they are always ready."

"And they can handle things like identification and a place to live?"

"Yes, those things. But also with your tasks."

Elia blinked. "What tasks?"

Reth's stomach clenched. This was the part he'd been nervous about, praying she wouldn't become too fearful. Aymora must have anticipated his unease, because as soon as Eila asked, Aymora touched her arm to get her attention.

Reth didn't miss that Gahrye was watching all three of them very closely. Obviously sensing Reth's tension and Aymora's gentle caution.

"Elia," Aymora said gently, "I told you that when I found out you were with cub, I did some research in the histories, yes?"

"Yes. And that's how you knew how to help me heal my wounds."

Aymora nodded. "Well, the reason I did that research was to confirm what I thought I remembered, what I had heard earlier, about… about the offspring… when Anima mate with humans."

Reth felt Elia go very still. "What about them?"

Aymora took Elia's other hand. "Sometimes in those unions, the pregnancies and delivery can be… complicated."

"Why?" Elia snapped.

"Because depending on which of us the cub—the child—favors, they may have a different physical make up than you. Or even… they may be able to shift," Reth said, his hand over hers on the table.

Elia whipped her head around to look at him. "You knew about this?"

"Aymora spoke with me yesterday when you were still unconscious. We didn't know how it was going to be for you, Elia. I had to make decisions about what… how we would… deal with different… scenarios."

Even remembering that conversation made his stomach sick. Aymora's stifled emotion as she tried to explain what she knew of how Elia's body might—or might not—respond to the child. Or how the cub might respond to hers. And what the risks were of different herbs and treatments she could try.

Elia's eyes softened then, as she sensed his pain. Then they widened. "You're saying… our baby is in danger?"

"We won't know that until we know which of us the child takes after."

She frowned. "Wouldn't she be a mix of us both?"

"In some ways, yes," Aymora jumped in. "But with Anima, when there are mixed-species, the child always develops as one or the other. There are no half-lions, or half-horses, you might have noticed."

Elia nodded. "I thought that just meant you didn't interbreed."

Everyone around the table shifted. "The act of mating occurs between breeds frequently," Brant said with a small smile. "And the Tribes do not prohibit the taking of a true mate of different breeds, either. But most Anima spend so little time between tribes, they usually find mates within their own."

"Not to mention that the tribes all have different traditions and functions. Many Anima do not wish to breed—or attempt to breed—with those whose customs at home or in the bedroom are significantly different."

Elia pulled her head back, frowning. "What kind of different?"

Aymora gave it thought. "For example: The Serpents believe the young are best raised only by the females, while the males provide. While lions lean heavily into the role of the male as leader of the family pride, with the females being productive and often the sexual leaders. It doesn't make for a good match."

Elia blinked and Gahrye grinned at her.

"The Equines are greatly aroused by legs, where we prefer strong chests and arms—our tribes generally don't find each other attractive," Candace offered, and Behryn nodded.

"Okay, I think I get the picture," Elia said uneasily.

"Wolves are quite sexually aggressive and at times wish to breed in their beast forms. Most Sheep would choose to avoid that," Brant said, but Reth caught the hint of glee in his eyes. Poor Elia's cheeks were beginning to pink.

"This is all great," she said, keeping her eyes off all their faces, "But what does it have to do with our child?"

Reth took her hand and pulled it into his lap. Elia turned to look at him, and he waited until he had her eyes before he spoke. "Our child will either be human, or Anima, Elia. And if she is Anima… it is risky for you."

"How risky?" she asked, her voice tight.

He squeezed her hand and prayed she'd feel his love. "Very risky," he said and wanted to bite something when her eyes filled with fear.


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