Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 344 344: Diary part 1

Chapter 344 Chapter 344: Diary part 1


As the scene board in Keyji's hand was closed, it announced the end of the first episode of "Prologue" filming.

"Everyone worked hard! You all performed wonderfully."

"Miss Eileen was a bit nervous at the beginning, but she gradually got into the groove and performed better and better. Miss 86, I don't need to say, she was too impressive. From beginning to end, her acting skills were simply amazing, with various expressions, tone of voice, and control over the character's details. She was perfect!"

"If I didn't know that you were Brother Renji's assistant, I would have thought you were an experienced and powerful actress!"

Keyji praised 86 endlessly, and the entire crew was happy that they were able to finish shooting so smoothly. Especially in this day and age, finding an actor who is not pretentious or affected and has such a high level of professionalism is too difficult.

Although the shooting was very smooth, half a day had passed in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the sky darken, and with the next chapter of "Enchanting Body" about to begin, the human leader would appear, along with his three bodyguards. The number of characters would suddenly increase, so it would be better to wait for Director Merlon to come and give on-site guidance before starting to shoot.

Today's work was completed successfully, and the excited Keyji waved his hand and decided to take the entire crew to the best restaurant in Sin City to eat and reward everyone.

However, Renji naturally refused, as he had more important matters to attend to later.

Seeing Renji's refusal, Keyji looked embarrassed, not because he thought Renji was not giving him face, but because...

Just before they parted ways, Keyji took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention and secretly pulled Renji aside.

"Brother, listen, don't be too intense in the evenings these days, and don't do anything too noghty, or it will affect your filming during the day. If you really can't hold back..."

Keyji glanced at Renji's five female assistants not far away, then turned around and leaned in close to Renji's ear, whispering, "If you really can't hold back, we'll find you some new replacement assistants. Although they may not be as good as yours, their business skills are definitely top-notch, and their service attitude is great! What do you think?"

As soon as Keyji finished speaking, before Renji could respond, the young man suddenly felt a chill behind him.

When he turned around subconsciously, he almost jumped in fright.

"Miss Artius?" Keyji wondered if he was seeing things, as he had just looked at the distance, but it felt like Miss Artius had teleported in front of him.

However, what made Keyji breathe a sigh of relief was that Miss Artius still had a gentle smile on her face, and she obviously hadn't heard their previous conversation.

She had come over now because she saw that he looked a little sick and wanted to give him some 'medicine'.

Compared to the shady practices of giving money and gifts in the entertainment industry, Keyji was deeply moved by Artius' simple and unassuming act of giving him medicine. People like her, who were pure and innocent, were truly rare.

"No wonder Miss Artius was studying in the Holy Kingdom. Her medical skills are amazing!" Keyji gratefully accepted the medicine and praised the nun repeatedly. At the same time, he looked at Renji with envy and realization, as if to say, "No wonder you have so many assistants and are in such good health. It turns out someone is taking care of you."

Renji wanted to say something but held back. He saw that Keyji treated the nun's medicine like a treasure, as if it was a secret recipe for strengthening the kidney and enhancing yang. He could only sigh inwardly.

'It seemed that we would lose another director tomorrow'

Of course, the potency of the medicine here was not as strong as it was in the old era. At most, it could help one sleep peacefully or prevent one from getting up for a short period of time. Moreover, it did have a nourishing effect. In this case, the person who received Suthia's medicine could be considered lucky.

After leaving the shooting base, Renji let 86 and Eileen have fun in Sin City, while the three girls stayed with him as they headed straight to the core building of Sin City, the towering "Sin Tower."

Renji did not lie to Keyji. He really had something important to do later.

In Lena's previous letter, she mentioned that after he finished shooting an episode, she would give him a "personal reward" to relieve him. There was a corresponding secret room in the Sin Tower that would open for him.

At that time, Lena would be waiting for him in the room with her little props.

Now, Renji was eager to enter the Sin Tower, not because he cared about any little props, but because he could finally see Lena.

As soon as he entered the door, a succubus receptionist at the front desk seemed to have been waiting for a long time. She quickly came to Renji and handed him an old bronze key.

Renji looked down at the key and saw the number 0721 on it, which was obviously the room number.

After taking the elevator to the seventh floor of the Sin Tower and finding room 221, Renji was now alone in the empty corridor. He did not choose to bring the three women with him.

At first, the three women strongly objected, but under Renji's insistence, they finally compromised and repeatedly reminded Renji that if Lena really did anything inappropriate, he should use the contract to notify them, and they would come to kill her immediately.

The reason Renji made this choice was not only because he trusted Lena but also because Lena's letter hinted that there might be some things in the room that the three woman could not accept in the short term.

Taking a deep breath, Renji prepared himself and inserted the key into the door. With a clear "click" sound, the door slowly opened.

As he walked into the room, he found that it was not large, like a study, and the light inside was slightly dim.

Directly opposite the door, there was a pink pendant lamp that was particularly eye-catching in the dim environment, clearly guiding him.

Under the lamp, there was a desk. When Renji approached it, he saw that the desk was very clean, with only an open diary on it.

The diary is currently open to the first page, and Renji looks at the date on the first line. The date is written in a hesitant and confused manner, as if the writer was struggling with complex emotions.

[The first day after Lord Ashen's disappearance]

Before Renji can read any further, the diary emits a pink glow, and a magical spell activates on its own. A force pulls Renji's spirit into the diary, into the story recorded within, and into the first day after Lord Ashen's disappearance.

Old Era.

Ashen Empire.

Imperial Affairs Hall.

Today is a tense day for all citizens of the Ashen Empire, no, for all people in the world.

Even the elite core members selected by Lena in the Imperial Affairs Hall are having trouble concentrating, unable to focus on their work.

Normally, as a "political official," Lena would be furious and would fire several people at the very least. But today, she is unusually calm, because she herself is in the same state.

The reason is simple.

Today, Lord Ashen has led the empire's expeditionary forces to the deepest part of the Miasma Abyss to conquer the source of Miasma.

In other words, today is the day of the final battle.

The day of the final victory over the Tainted Miasma.

Ten years ago, no one living under the shadow of the Miasma, struggling to survive under the blood-red sky, could have imagined that in just ten years, the Miasma would be defeated and driven back to its lair. And now...

"It's here!"

"The battle report from the front lines is here!"

"We won!"

"Lord Ashen has killed the Mother of Miasma, and the Tainted Miasma Abyss has completely collapsed. The pollution in the entire world is rapidly retreating. We have succeeded! We have succeeded!!"

The person guarding the communication device shouted at the top of his lungs. The Imperial Affairs Hall, which was usually calm, was silent for half a second before erupting into cheers.

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