Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 250 250: May the Emperor’s Glory Last Forever

Chapter 250 Chapter 250: May the Emperor's Glory Last Forever

This also marked the entry of a third party into the battle, and their identity was clear – they were the Machine Servants that Renji had been seeking.

With a successful strike bringing down the witch, the Machine Servants' artillery array prepared to follow up with another attack. The intense brilliance, akin to a mini sun, flickered again, signaling the imminent launch of another Heavenly Cannon. This time, the target wasn't the sky but the ground.

Renji, witnessing the screen filled with bright light, instinctively twitched his eyelids and immediately maneuvered his mech to quickly escape the range of the bombardment.

However, the anticipated second strike did not materialize. Instead, when Renji looked again, he saw the previously ready-to-fire Machine Servant artillery array suddenly malfunction in the final phase.

The light from the entire artillery matrix, like lightbulbs losing power, rapidly dimmed.

[Error in Heavenly Cannon activation, error code number: 10836. Redefining battle plan]

The electronic synthesized voice was still very clear in Renji's ears. He realized it wasn't that the voice was loud enough to cover the entire battlefield, but it seemed like he had joined the "voice channel" of the other side.

[Detected increase in Miasma concentration, pollution values at peak. Confirming the witch has entered phase two. Battle plan adjustment complete, all units withdraw from formation and enter defense mode]

As soon as the voice from the Machine Servants ended, from the deep pit created by the Heavenly Cannon, still filled with smoke and dust, a scarlet beam of light shot into the sky.

"Hehehe~, I knew it. You annoying lot would definitely show up."

"Merely mediocre and ineffectual ants."

"No one can stop my will!!!"

Amidst the witch's shrieking, the scarlet column of light that had soared into the sky spread out to both sides, transforming into a Miasma Gate. Immediately after, deformed and mutated Miasma monsters surged out from this gate, roaring and charging towards the Machine Servants' formation.

After the witch summoned the tide of Miasma monsters, Renji understood what the "defense mode" mentioned in the voice channel meant.

Clearly, the Machine Servants had anticipated the witch's next move through various calculations, so now facing the onslaught of groups of Miasma monsters, they were well-prepared.

The team, consisting of about fifty members, had the outermost Machine Servants construct thick energy shields on their arms. The second layer comprised Machine Servants wielding beam swords, and the third layer consisted of shooters who had already started firing, raining bullets on the monsters.

Besides, in the far back, in the innermost layer, there was a lone Machine Servant scanning the battlefield. This position was very familiar to Renji, equivalent to the brain of the team, responsible for commanding the battlefield. It seemed that the instructions and battle plans he had heard before were likely issued by this Machine Servant.

The oncoming tide of Miasma was significantly reduced by various lasers and artillery before it even reached the Machine Servants' defensive line.

Next, the Vanguard Machine Servants, with both hands and feet transformed into sharp blades and protected by energy shields, danced a deadly waltz among the monster horde, appearing like cold and precise assassins.

The Miasma monsters, numbering in the hundreds, were unable to break through the defense line formed by just over fifty Machine Servants, demonstrating their formidable combat strength.

Thanks to the arrival of the Machine Servants, which diverted the witch's attention, Renji decided to delay "awakening" and continue to stay within 'Dream Zero'.

He moved to the edge of the battlefield, allowing the recently overused 'Number 86' to recharge, while observing the battle.

At first, the Machine Servants did seem to have the upper hand, but this did not last long. The first weakness of the Machine Servants quickly became apparent.

The firearms and hand cannons of the shooter Machine Servants started to misfire, as if running out of ammunition, followed by the energy shields of the shielded Machine Servants dimming and eventually collapsing completely.

Meanwhile, the Miasma monsters summoned by the witch continued to emerge in an unending stream, showing no sign of weakening. Consequently, a new command was issued from the Machine Servants' commander: [All units were to switch to Vanguard mode and engage the monsters in close combat]

Without the cover of shields and shooters, Renji quickly noticed a second weakness of these Machine Servants – their bodies seemed unusually fragile.

If the durability of 86 was rated as a hundred, these Machine Servants might only be at thirty or forty, not even half as durable. The monsters' claws could easily scratch their bodies and tear off large pieces of wiring with a bit more force. Despite their mechanical nature, which should have made them "harder," they did not show this advantage to Renji.

As for the last and perhaps most fatal weakness Renji observed, it seemed like they didn't know how to retreat.

The Machine Servants, no longer as powerful as when they first joined the battle, were showing signs of deterioration and began to suffer casualties.

Continuing like this, with increasing casualties, would only widen the gap in strength between the two sides. As a competent commander, a retreat order should have been given by now, but it appeared these Machine Servants had no intention of retreating, as if determined to fight to the last moment.

Renji glanced at his maid, which had recovered about 80% of its energy, and prepared to intervene. Otherwise, the Machine Servants were likely to be completely annihilated.

With his current strength and that of 86, and without finding a way to counteract the witch's 'degradation' ability, victory was impossible. Therefore, the only way left to save these Machine Servants was to take action himself.

While observing the Machine Servants, Renji had not been idle; he had quietly moved to the rear of the Machine Servant troop along the edge of the battlefield.

As he had learned from the scavenger thugs' information, the Machine Servants only focused on the Miasma monsters, providing an opportunity for Renji. He set his sights on the solitary mech in the rear.

In the next moment, 86 burst out like an eagle swooping over the machines.

Renji's actions finally caught the attention of the Machine Servants, and the voice channel of the Machine Servants suddenly rang with warnings.

[Warning, warning. Unknown unit approaching at high speed. Target suspected to be a combat entity. Scanning for identification code failed. Assessment result: Phantom of the witch, execute attack command]

Renji's maid was initially mistaken by the Machine Servants as one of their own, but since Number 86 was not part of the Machine Servants network, it was quickly classified as an illusion created by the witch's phantom.

This delay, while the Machine Servants analyzed this outcome and prepared to divert troops to protect the command unit, proved to be too late.

Renji swiftly grabbed the command unit with his robotic hand. Although the command unit resisted, its efforts were like that of a child against Renji's robotic arm.

Having captured the command unit, Renji didn't hesitate and immediately turned to flee the battlefield.

The command unit was akin to the brain of the Machine Servants. By abducting their "brain," Renji expected that the remaining Machine Servants would no longer entangle with the Miasma monsters and would instead pursue him.

This way, he could lead these Machine Servants away from the witch's territory, successfully rescuing them.

Renji considered this strategy perfect until...

[Number 17639 confirmed as captured, emergency protocol triggered, transferring temporary command to Number 19873, this unit is now switching to combat mode]

[Assessing enemy status as unknown. Optimal extermination plan determined]

This sudden announcement from the voice channel gave Renji a bad feeling.

Looking down at the Machine Servant in his arms, he noticed a dangerous red light flashing in what appeared to be black-

clothed eyes of the unit.

It was a countdown.

[The Glory Program has been activated, remaining to self-

destruct time 201918]

[May the Emperor's Glory Last Forever]

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