Extreme Knight

Chapter 231: remains

   "Sure enough."

After some inspection, Sean nodded. It did not exceed his expectations. The lightning talent has transformed into an advanced level, but whether the increase in its own strength is the same as that of the strength talent, which is also 30 times, is not known now. , I am afraid that it can only be tested by returning to the Colburn Empire and using the test room that can test the strength of high-level legends, but if you want to increase the power of his lightning attack to the level of high-level legends, there should be no problem at all.

   "Thunderbolt talent has finally reached the upper legendary level!"

   Taking a deep breath, Sean carefully sorted out his current strength.

   In terms of strength and speed, when he left the Kolben Empire, he was already in the early stages of a high-level legend. Now that his talent for thunder and lightning has changed to an advanced level, and the power of lightning attacks has also increased to a high-level legend. These three aspects are considered to have reached the level of a high-level legend.

  As for defense, needless to say, even he himself doesn't know how strong his defense is now.

   There is no doubt that his current strength is definitely at the level of a high-level legend, and it is the kind of high-level legend with long-range attack capabilities.

   The gap between him and the real high-level legends is probably the flying ability. Unfortunately, so far, he has not met anyone with the talent of flying blood.

   On the second day, the team set off, but not towards the capital of the Silver Moon King, but towards the west of the Silver Moon Kingdom.

  The reason why she was not heading towards the Silver Moon Kingdom, but towards the west of the Silver Moon Kingdom, was because the Seventeenth Princess was planning to go to the Thunder Beast's lair.

  According to Kipling Harris and Simona Walker who led the way, this Thunder Beast suddenly appeared in the Silvermoon Kingdom two months ago, as if it appeared out of thin air.

After hearing about this from the two of them, the Seventeenth Princess suddenly showed a strong interest in the Thunder Beast's lair, and insisted on going to the Thunder Beast's lair, saying that she wanted to see if there was anything good in the Thunder Beast's old lair. thing.

  However, Sean felt that going to the Thunder Beast's lair this time was not as simple as the seventeenth princess said. He felt that the seventeenth princess should have some reason, but he didn't say it.

A group of people marched towards the western part of the kingdom. In the end, because they wanted to enter the mountain range, they had to leave most of the team at the foot of the mountain range, and then brought a dozen people forward with light clothes, including Kipling Harris and Simona. Walker, the two guides sent by the Silver Moon Kingdom, was among them.

  Three days later, a huge black cave appeared in front of everyone, and this was the lair of the Thunder Beast.

  Lighted a torch, and everyone walked in. The cave was very long and winding, and they walked for half an hour without seeing the end.

"This is…?"

  Suddenly, Xiao En, who was walking, looked forward in surprise, because a huge metal door appeared there.

  The entire metal door is more than 20 meters high and has a bronze color. It is divided into left and right leaves, covered with some complicated patterns, simple and weird in style. Sean is sure that he has never seen such patterns.

  He couldn't help thinking of the abnormal behavior of the seventeenth princess before. If there was still suspicion before, it is almost certain that the seventeenth princess is definitely hiding something.

   "How can there be a door here?"

   All the people looked at this obviously strange metal door in surprise, with surprise and doubt in their eyes. They never thought that there would be such a huge metal door in the middle of this mountain.

It is not easy to transport this metal door, which obviously weighs hundreds of tons, into the deep mountain, at least it must be a strong paladin level to do it, but why would such a strong person build such a door in the deep mountain? Woolen cloth?

  The metal door was not closed, but partly opened to the outside, as if it was knocked open by something from the inside.

  Eve looked at the huge metal door in front of her with a face full of surprise. She looked through the open space of the metal door and looked inside, but it was pitch black and she couldn't see anything.

   "Cousin, what is this...?"

She couldn't help looking at the Seventeenth Princess. Obviously, she had already guessed the reason why the Seventeenth Princess insisted on coming to this Thunder Beast's lair. At this time, not only him, but almost everyone had guessed it. Obviously, the Seventeenth Princess was aiming at This door, and even the things behind the door, came from it.

   Seeing that everyone was looking at her, the Seventeenth Princess didn't hide any more, and said straight away.

   "This should be a relic of an ancient civilization!"

   "Ancient civilization?"

   Sean was surprised and looked at Princess Seventeen in disbelief.

   "A long time ago, there was a very powerful civilization on this continent. Later, this civilization disappeared in a very short period of time, leaving only some incomplete relics. The empire called this civilization ancient civilization!"

   Princess Seventeen said slowly.

"In fact, several ruins like this have been discovered in the empire, and before these ruins were discovered, fierce beasts suddenly appeared, so after learning that this fierce beast appeared suddenly, I had a faint feeling. This kind of speculation, I decided to come and take a look, but I didn’t expect that it was really a relic.”

   "What kind of civilization is the ancient civilization?"

   Sean frowned and asked.

"have no idea."

  Princess Seventeen simply shook her head.

   "So far, I have not seen the whole picture of this civilization, but the only thing I know is that this civilization is very powerful, so powerful that it is terrifying!"

   "Too powerful to be scary?"

   Sean raised his brows slightly. This was said by an imperial princess, which made him have some guesses.

   "Yes, it is so powerful that it is terrifying. According to some clues discovered by the empire, this civilization is extremely powerful. Even if the empire and the West Pole Holy Witch Kingdom are combined, they are far from being the opponent of this civilization!"

  17 Princess said with lingering fear.


  Everyone, including Sean, took a deep breath.

The Kolben Empire and the Holy Witch Kingdom of the West Pole are the two most powerful countries on this continent, powerful enough to easily destroy other kingdoms, but even two such powerful countries, together, are not this ancient civilization How strong is this civilization?

  With deep awe in their hearts, more than a dozen people followed the Thunder Beast with torches and tiptoed in.

  Under the light of the torch, the situation inside appeared in front of my eyes.

The surrounding walls and ground are made of an extremely smooth light green material, but it is not any kind of stone they know, and it may not even be stone. Even the heavy body of the Thunder Beast, stepping on it, did not leave any footprints , obviously this material should be extremely hard.

  The passage goes downwards, and Sean and the others can clearly feel the downward direction of the passage. Obviously, this ruin should be built below the mountains.

  About ten minutes later, the eyes suddenly opened up, and a huge room with tens of thousands of square meters appeared in front of them.

  In the room, there are more than a dozen huge pool-like grooves, all of which contain a dark green liquid.

   "What the **** is this place?"

  Looking at the dozen or so weird green water tanks, Eve asked curiously.

   "This should be the beast training room of ancient civilization!"

   Princess Seventeen explained.

   "It's the place where the beasts are cultivated in batches."

   ", Batch cultivation... ferocious beasts?"

  Sean sucked in a breath of cold air. A powerful beast like Thunder Beast, whose strength is comparable to legends, can be cultivated in batches by ancient civilizations.

  Especially as far as he knows, among the fierce beasts there is such a powerful existence as the legendary beast that wears gold. If it can really be cultivated in batches, then this ancient civilization would be too terrifying.

   No wonder the Seventeenth Princess said that even the combined Kolben Empire and the West Pole Holy Witch Kingdom are no match for this ancient civilization, and now she understands a little bit.

   "This Thunder Beast should have been bred from a breeding pool here."

   Princess Seventeen continued.

  Passing through this huge room, a passage appeared there. The passage was much smaller than the outside. The Seventeenth Princess left the Thunder Beast behind, and then a group of people walked in.


  Suddenly, Sean's expression changed, he grabbed Eve beside him with one hand, and retreated violently.

  The moment he retreated violently, countless green spikes with a length of half a meter shot towards him in unison.

  Hearing Xiao En's warning, and seeing the dense spikes being shot, the complexion of more than a dozen people changed drastically, and they all retreated violently.

  The people who can appear here are not weak, but there is still a seventeenth princess guard with the strength of a paladin. Because he walked in the front position and had no time to dodge, he was directly shot into a hornet's nest.

  The remaining people returned to the room, looking at the paladin guard who was shot into a hornet's nest with lingering fear.

  The moment the spikes came in, it wasn't that the opponent didn't support the defensive force field, but the opponent's paladin-level defensive force field was easily pierced in front of those spikes.

   "Thank you, Brother Sean."

  Eve had cold sweat on her forehead, and thanked Xiao En with lingering fear.

  Among the dozen or so people, she was the weakest. If she hadn't been rescued by Xiao En, she might have died at this time.

"Need not."

  Shawn shook his head and looked into the passage, also with a little apprehension.

   It can make the paladins defenseless, and the power of this mechanism has at least reached the legendary level.

  An institution has such power, this ancient civilization is too powerful.

  He stretched out his right hand, and above the five fingers, there was a flash of lightning, which shot into the tunnel, and soon bombarded the ground of the tunnel.

   Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

  Five explosions sounded in the passage, and violent thunder raged in the passage immediately.


  After the thunder passed, Sean frowned slightly.

  In the tunnel, there were no green spikes shot down like before, and even the ground in the tunnel where he was struck by lightning showed no signs of damage.

  If it is said that the green spikes have been shot, he will not believe anything, but what is the situation, why the lightning strikes the ground inside, but the spikes cannot be triggered?

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