Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 4775: Gu Changfeng fights against Ye immortal

Chapter 4775: Gu Changfeng fights against Ye immortal

In the past few years, Lu Ming devoted himself to comprehending various secret techniques, and did not spend time comprehending Zhan Zi Jue.

Today, Lu Ming's chance of triggering the ninefold combat power of the Zhanzi Jue is still one tenth.

Now go to enlightenment, as long as it can increase the chance of triggering a little, it is good.

All parties are making preparations, the sky over the garrison of the Heaven Extinguishing Army, refining Tribulation Divine Thunder, still blasted wildly, the great array trembled, and the light became dim.

Soon, twenty days passed.

The formation of the Heaven Extinguishing Army garrison was already in danger, as if it would collapse at any time.

All the masters of the Heaven Extinguishing Army and the demons were ready.

Lu Ming, Xie Nianqing, Bone Demon, Lion, Rong Jin and others, as well as the powerhouse of demons, all stood high in the sky, facing the powerhouse of the Celestial Race.

The atmosphere is getting more and more tense.

Both sides are ready for the war.


With the constant bombardment of the Thunder God Refining Tribulation, the formation of the Heaven Extinguishing Army's garrison became increasingly dim, and bursts of explosions suddenly erupted.

The formation was torn apart, many bases were blown up, and huge cracks appeared in the formation.

"Ready to fight!"

The lion roared, its body grew sharply, and turned into a lion-like behemoth, roaring like thunder with a violent breath.

"Kill all the Celestial Race!"

The devil's strong man also roared, killing intent to the sky.

"Hmph, overwhelmingly, after the big battle is broken, it won't take long for them to be defeated and let them feel despair."

"Yes, we have twenty strongest Heavenly Monarch level powerhouses, but they can't make up for them with numbers."

Outside, some devas sneered.

The expressions of most of the Celestial Races are very relaxed.

Their Celestial Race has the combat power of the twenty strongest Celestial Monarchs, which is too strong. Before, they defeated the demon army, like a ruin.

In the age when the roots were not born, the twenty strongest heavenly monarchs were truly unmatched.

In their view, destroying the heavenly army and demons is nothing more than stubborn resistance. Once they fought, they would be defeated in a few seconds.


The formation continued to bounce and disappear, and after a while, the formation of the Heaven Extinguishing Army's station completely disappeared.

The Thirty-Six Regiment Refining Tribulation God Thunder also merged and transformed into a war sword again.

However, this war sword, compared with the previous ones, was seriously inadequate in spirituality and had been half ruined.


Ye's immortal voice rang all over the sky, and stepped out first, rushing towards the station of the Heaven Extinguishing Army.

He is holding a divine sword and wearing a divine armor. They are all top-level source-level divine soldiers, making him even more extraordinary.

Behind, Ye Qiuxian, Heavenly Lord of Hundred Battles, etc., possessing the strongest power of Heavenly Lord, followed Ye Immortal to kill the Heaven Extinguishing Army.

The other three thousand gods of the human race did not fight out together.

Obviously, the combat power of the twenty strongest heavenly monarchs is enough, and it is enough to defeat the heavenly army and demons.

At that time, the Heaven Extinguishing Army and the demons were panicked and fled in all directions, a piece of sand.

The God Lord of the Three Thousand Heavens is responsible for hunting down.

This was also the way to deal with demons before. At that time, the demons were completely stunned and fleeing in horror. They couldn't form any combat power. They were killed by a large number of powerful men by the 3,000-day human **** master.


The lion also roared suddenly and rushed into the air.

At the same time, Lu Ming, Xie Nianqing, Bone Demon, and some masters of the devil also rose to the sky and killed Ye Immortal and others.

The Heaven Extinguishing Army and the demons did not all attack, and they only dispatched hundreds of masters.

But these hundreds of masters, all are the top powerhouses.

The other gods are standing by, looking for opportunities to shoot.

At the moment when Lu Ming and the others rushed out, a beam of light and a figure burst out from somewhere in the station of the Heaven Extinguishing Army, rushing out at an astonishing speed, the latter came first, caught up with Lu Ming and others, and rushed to the sky. The strong of the human race.

This person is Gu Changfeng.

"Gu Changfeng, it's you, why didn't you die?"

Someone from the Celestial Race recognized Gu Changfeng and exclaimed.

"What? He is Gu Changfeng, the forbidden body 80 star years ago? Didn't he mean that he was dead long ago? Why is he still alive?"

Other celestial races who have heard Gu Changfeng's name also exclaimed.

"Gu Changfeng? Since you are alive, let this seat take you on the road."

Ye Immortal spoke indifferently, his aura exploded, and the divine sword in his hand filled the sky with astonishing sword aura. There was still a distance between him, and he slashed out with one sword and slashed towards Gu Changfeng.

"You are the immortal? The strongest ancestor of the Celestial Race? I will meet you."

Gu Changfeng whistled, and a spear appeared in his hand.

There is no doubt that this is also a source-level magic weapon, and its level is very high.

Characters like Gu Changfeng, like Lu Ming, are also people with great opportunities. They are the protagonists of an era. How can they lack magic weapons?

The spear pierced out and turned into a bright glow, colliding with Ye's immortal sword light.

With a bang, the two attacks dissipated at the same time.


Lion and others showed joy.

But Ye immortal, his eyes condensed, and he said indifferently: "See how you can block me, kill!"

Gu Changfeng and Ye Immortal took the lead and collided first.

After the two collided, they fought fiercely.


Their speed was too fast, and in an instant, they fought dozens of moves.

Regardless of outcome.

At this moment, Lu Ming, Shi and others finally relieved.

Gu Changfeng's combat power was really terrifying, completely blocking Ye Immortal, not weaker than the opponent, it can be said that it is difficult to distinguish the outcome.

"Hahaha, forbidden body, really powerful, kill!"

The lion laughed wildly.

The morale of others was also boosted.

"It seems that the real taboo body with clear mind is far stronger than the strongest Tianjun, but this is the normal level."

Lu Ming's heart moved.

In a battle at the same level, the body of taboo far exceeds the strongest heavenly monarch, which is too normal.

After all, the strongest heavenly monarch's combat power only controls the three strongest heavenly powers.

The reason why the two taboo bodies controlled by the Celestial Race can only exert the power of the strongest Heavenly Monarch is because they have completely lost their spiritual wisdom.

It's just equivalent to a puppet, and it can't fully display its strength at all.

It would be terrifying if it were two sane and taboo bodies.

At this time, other people also collided together.


The lion roared, confronted the extinct heavenly monarch, and fought with the extinction, the battle was inextricably difficult to separate.

The other strongest divine lord of the Heaven Extinguishing Army was against the Heavenly Lord of Hundred Battles.

"Leave these two taboos to me, I will fight two taboos with one battle, hahaha!"

The bone demon laughed and issued a terrible attack, enshrouding the two forbidden puppets.

The two sides made a few moves in succession, and the bone demon's body shook wildly and retreated violently.

But he completely ignored the defense, and killed two taboo puppets.

The attacks of the two taboo puppets landed on the bone demon, they just made a sonorous sound, sparks were everywhere, but they could not interrupt the bone demon's bones, or even leave a trace.

The bone demon merged with the bone under the immeasurable demon stele, and its body was too hard.

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