Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 4571: Faith cuts the lifeline

Chapter 4571: Faith cuts the lifeline

"That wouldn't be the case. The lifeline is related to the luck of a race. If the lifeline is broken, it means that the luck of the race is cut. , This race will be destroyed."

Bone Magic explained.

Lu Ming took a breath.

Breaking its lifeline can actually cause genocide.

"The nine ring-shaped mountains are nine lifelines. If they are completely broken, the Yan people will definitely go to extinction in the future. If they can leave a few, there will be a ray of life."

"Now it seems that the power of the Yan people's faith can help the Tianren tribe to break their lifeblood and cannot do it with their own power."

Bone Magic Road.

Lu Ming nodded and came here. Lu Ming finally understood what the Celestial People had done to gather the power of faith.

The Celestials descended on this continent and became gods. They not only enslaved the Yan Clan, let them mine, but also collected their power of faith, but in the end it was used to break the Yan Clan's own lifeline.

This method is brilliant and fierce.

I have to say, that Yeling is a personal guardian.

The Yan people are really sad.

The gods of their piety and faith, but they are doing things to break the lifeblood of their race, I do not know what kind of feelings the people of the Yan tribe will know.

At this time, the Celestial Race has already begun.

I saw that the power of faith in dozens of statues constantly poured into several war swords, so that the war sword was covered with a strong power of faith.


Ye Ling Tian Shou ordered loudly.

A few Celestial Clan forces urged the general war sword to cut towards the outermost mountain range.

When the War Sword was approaching, the mountain range glowed, and Lu Ming clearly saw that there was a vein in the mountain, which turned blood red, and seemed to be integrated with the mountain range.

This blood-red vein is the real lifeblood.

It can be seen that a huge gap in this lifeline seems to have been destroyed for a long time, and it is already in jeopardy, as if it will be cut off at any time.

This should be the place where the Celestials attack for a long time.


The war sword was cut in the gap of the lifeblood, and a violent roar erupted. It can be seen that after the sword was cut, the gap became larger.

"carry on!"

Ye Ling Tian Shou continued to order.


The second war sword with the power of faith was cut down again, also cut into the gap, making the gap larger.

After the war sword is cut, the power of faith will be consumed, but on the dozens of statues, a large amount of power of faith will immediately flow into the war sword.

These dozens of statues are the power of faith collected by the Celestial Clan over the past few decades. They are extremely rich and can be used continuously.

boom! boom! boom!

Several people in the Celestial Clan controlled a sword, and the War Sword continued to cut above the lifeline. You can see that the gap in the lifeline is getting bigger and bigger.

Half a day later, the power of faith in the dozens of statues has become very thin, but the lifeline is almost cut off, leaving a trace of connection.



Finally, another sword was chopped on the gap of the lifeline, and the last place where the lifeline was connected was cut off.


The entire ancestral mountain shook violently. At this moment, the countless Yan tribes on the whole continent felt a sense of panic and catastrophe.

This is an autonomous induction in Mingming, which is unclear.

It can be seen that after the lifeline was cut off, like a living dragon, it wriggled continuously, and finally turned into a light, flew into the depths of Zu Mountain, and disappeared.

And the outermost mountain range is still there, but now, it looks very ordinary, as if it has become an ordinary mountain range.

"Hahaha, finally cut the first lifeline!"

All celestial beings are ecstatic.

"Without the protection of my lifeline, this mountain is just an ordinary mountain. Get through this mountain. Let's go inside and see."

Ye Ling Tian Shou ordered.

Immediately, a few Celestials took action, and the Divine Weapon turned into a gorgeous glow, chopped on the mountain peak.

Bump bump bump...

The **** soldier landed on the mountain peak, the gravel splashed, and the big rocks collapsed, and a crater was blown out of the mountain in an instant.

Compared with other peaks, this mountain is still extremely hard, but it is no longer indestructible. It is a matter of time before it gets penetrated.

"Shoot together!"

Ye Lingtianshou ordered, even he himself shot, constantly bombarded on the mountain, they will penetrate the mountain and enter it.

Although there are eight lifelines inside.

However, there is a gap between the first lifeline and the second lifeline. Perhaps, there is a great chance.

"Lu Ming, this lifeline has disappeared, and the underground barrier has also disappeared. I will take you straight in!"

Ball fairway.

"Go, go in and see!"

Lu Ming said.

The ball reappeared over Lu Ming, and the two entered the underground ore vein, and then walked along the ore vein toward the inside of Zu Mountain.

Before they were blocked by a lifeline, they could not get in. Now the first lifeline is cut, they can directly follow the underground veins and cross the barrier of the first mountain range.

After a while, the ball started to move upward, and then the two appeared in a canyon.

Yes, there is a gap between the first lifeline and the second lifeline, about a hundred miles apart, forming a canyon.

"Good life essence, this is... Honghuangqi?"

Lu Ming took a deep breath and his eyes were bright.

It is full of vitality here, and countless plants multiply here, exuding a rich life essence.

And, there is a trace of wildness in the void.

"Lu Ming, look, is that Hong Huangjing on the wall!"

The ball cried in surprise.

Lu Ming looked at the wall of the first lifeline.

Here is the first inner-test wall of the lifeline, the Celestial Clan, and the outer wall of the lifeline.

I saw that there were light spots on the inner test wall. These light spots were clearly blocks of crystals inlaid on the wall.

At a glance, the number of Honghuangjing is no less than 1,000.

Lu Ming's heart thumped.

I made it.

He has long speculated that there are definitely Honghuangjing in this continent, but it has never been found.

It turned out that Hong Huangjing was here, among Zu Mountain.

Thousands of Honghuangjing can definitely improve his cultivation by one step.

"Ball, take shots together and dig out these wild crystals."

Lu Ming screamed and rushed directly to the walls. Under the wall, Lu Ming directly took out a source-level magic soldier.

Instead, the Zhendian Shenbing of the Soul Heaven Court began to dig up.

With the sound of Keng, Yuan-level Divine Soldier was chopped on the wall, a rock shattered, a piece of Honghuangjing flew out, and Lu Ming was caught in his hand.

The rich energy inside Hong Huangjing made Lu Ming's heart move.

Receiving the storage ring, Lu Ming continued to wave the source-level Divine Soldier and excavate the second piece of Honghuangjing.

The ball also rushed over to help.

The two shot, and soon won dozens of Honghuangjing.

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