Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 4569: Tongzu Mountain

Chapter 4569: Tongzu Mountain

In this way, Lu Ming is really not easy to shoot, because it is really not cost-effective. In case of exposure, it is troublesome to be besieged by a master of the Celestial Clan.

Lu Ming observed for a while, left here, and went to another mine.

He found that the other mine was similar, and it was harvested once a day, and then left without any delay.

Lu Ming walked several mines in a row, all the same.

Even around a relatively large mine, Lu Ming felt several powerful breaths hidden in the dark.

There was a breath in it that gave Lu Ming a sense of crisis.

Unless Lu Ming was extremely keenly aware, it would be difficult to detect.

Obviously, there are celestial beings ambushing in the dark, and if Lu Ming appears, it will break out.

However, it can be seen that the number of the Celestial Clan is not enough, otherwise it will not only ambush in the larger mines, and the smaller mines in the past have no ambush.

Lu Ming observed for a while, and did not shoot, but left here.

"Lu Ming, you should let me try. I might be able to dig into the mine and devour ice, silver, and ice."

At this time, the ball fairway.

"Drill into the mine? Ball, you know, there is terrible light in the mine, people who are not from the Yan Clan will get a terrible attack, and my forbidden power can't bear it, you can afford it Alright?"

Lu Ming said.

"I feel like I can try it. After I broke into the main realm of God, my strength increased greatly. Also, you see..."

The ball said, on the surface of the body, a layer of liquid metal suddenly flowed, flashing red and blue stars, wrapping the ball inside.

"This is... Ice, Fire, and Silver!"

Lu Ming was a little surprised.

"Yes, I ate ten catties of ice and martian silver, which can transform the surface of the body into the characteristics of ice and martian silver, and the ice and martian silver here are always exposed to that kind of light. I cover my body with ice and martian silver, maybe I can block it. "

Ball fairway.

"Okay, let's go to the first mine, you try it!"

Lu Ming said, after finishing, Lu Ming took the ball and returned to the mine near the village of Haizong.

Here, there is no guardian of the Terran, and Lu Ming enters the mine silently.

In an unmanned corner, the ball started to move. He flew out, biting it wide open, and quickly dug out a cave into which his body entered.

After a while, the ball flew out again.

"Ball, how are you?"

Lu Ming asked.

"No problem, my body turned into ice, fire, and silver, which has a great blocking effect on that light. Most of the destructive power of that light is blocked. Although there is still a little destructive power on me, but I Enough to resist, staying in the mine for ten days and a half at a time is not a problem."

The ball said proudly.

Lu Ming was overjoyed.

In this way, is it possible for the ball to continuously refine a large amount of ice, fire, and silver, even if it does not collide with the sky-human race, Lu Ming can get a large amount of ice, fire, and silver.


"Ball, you are digging here. I am waiting for you in that village. If there is a situation, please send me a voice."

Lu Ming said.

"Okay, no problem, wait for me to evacuate the ice, sparks and silver of this continent, haha!"

The ball was proud and continued to drill into the mine and disappeared.

Lu Ming returned to the village where Haizong was located.

Lu Ming was not worried about the safety of the ball.

The ball can block that kind of light, and it can come and go freely in the ore, even if it meets the master of the seven-fold **** of the gods, you can retreat safely.

However, it is enough to drill into the ore, and the Celestials dare not enter the ore.

Returning to Haizong's other courtyard, Lu Ming continued to learn about Honghuang style and war character tactics, and planned to wait for the ball to dig out enough ice, fire, and silver before taking the next step.

In addition, this continent definitely contains Hong Huangjing, but it is just not found. Maybe the ball can be found, then it is issued.

In the past half month, the ball came back and spit out five pounds of ice, fire, and silver from his mouth. This speed has been many times faster than the mining speed of the entire mine.

However, the balls face was a bit unsightly. Lu Ming said: "Lu Ming, I found that there are not many ice, fire, and silver mines left in the mine site. It has been mined by the Terran for so many years. It's exhausted, next time I'm going to see other mines!"

"Okay, ball, be careful yourself."

Lu Ming nodded.

"Relax, I will go too!"

After talking, the ball flew away and left.

At the level of this village, no one will find the ball coming and going.

In this way, Lu Ming stayed in this village for another three months.

In the past three months, the ball went back and forth to various mines, bringing a total of more than 20 pounds of ice, fire and silver to Lu Ming.

Colleague Ball told the other mines that they are almost exhausted and there is not much ice, Mars and silver to dig.

"It seems that the ice, fire, and silver are almost digged out by the Celestial Clan. I dont know how much Ice, Mars, and Silver in the Celestial Clan. I originally planned to find a way to occupy this continent later. It seems unnecessary, as long as you get the Celestial Clan. Ice, Mars, Silver..."

Fiery light flashed in Lu Ming's eyes.

However, with his current cultivation practice, it is not enough, and he still needs to wait.

"Lu Ming, I also discovered a big secret..."

At this moment, the ball approached Lu Ming, whispered, a mysterious look.

"What secret?"

Lu Ming was very cooperative and asked pretending to be curious.

But to be honest, Lu Ming is really a bit curious.

Seeing Lu Ming's appearance, the ball's vanity was greatly satisfied, and said with a smile: "It's about Zushan."


This time, Lu Ming was really taken aback. Originally it was just a little curious, but now it has become a deep curiosity.

The ball was even cooler and said: "Yes, it is Zu Mountain. I found that there are various metal ores in the deep underground of this continent. The amount is amazing, like a vein, crisscross, along these veins, can pass To Zushan!"

"Below this continent, are all metal ores?"

Lu Ming was taken aback, and then his eyes were fiery.

"Yes, this continent was definitely not simple in the last era. Unfortunately, most of the ores are not advanced, and they can only refine royal-level magic soldiers or emperor-level magic soldiers, even those capable of refining main-level magic soldiers. There is very little ore, and it is of little use."

The ball sighed.

Lu Ming is also a pity.

Indeed, only the metal of the imperial-level or the imperial-level magical soldiers can be refined, and Lu Ming is really disrespectful now.

The cultivation of the ball has already reached the double of the Divine Lord. These relatively low-level metals have almost no effect on the ball.

Even if you eat more balls, you can't improve your cultivation.

With Lu Mingxiu's improvement, his vision naturally became higher and higher.

"By the ball, did you find Hong Huangjing underground?"

Lu Ming asked again.

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