Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 4553: Void Behemoth

Chapter 4553: Void Behemoth

Pen Fun Pavilion , the latest chapter of Emperor Long Dao as soon as possible!

The whole heaven and earth seemed to be blocked, and the sky above cast a large shadow, a terrifying breath, permeating between heaven and earth.

Suppressed by this breath, Lu Ming and Ye Chugong's body could not help trembling, and a chill spread from his heart to the heavenly spirit.

Horror, horror.

Not only Lu Ming and Ye Chu Gongzang, the black worm completely stiffened down, instead of chasing Lu Ming, but trembling constantly, it seemed very frightened.

Lu Ming and Ye Chu Gong Zang couldn't help looking up, and then the pupils contracted sharply, revealing incredible colors.

Above, a giant beast suspended in the air.

At this time, a strange giant beast with a tiger head and lion body, but a pair of wings, wings spread out, covering the sky.

He also has a pair of sharp claws, like eagle claws.

This giant beast is huge, like a small meteorite.

"This is...Void Monster!"

An idea came to Lu Ming's mind, and he felt bitter in his mouth.

Unlucky, really bad.

Feihuang gave him a jade jade with detailed records of the ruins of the universe.

Among them, the life of a kind of Void Beast is recorded.

It stands to reason that the rules of the ruins of the universe are profound and chaotic. Apart from all kinds of bugs, other creatures cannot be bred.

It was only in the last few decades of stars that the rules of the ruins of the universe became more orderly, and some ethnic groups were bred.

However, the Void Behemoth has not emerged only in the last few dozen years of stars, but since ancient times.

No one knows how the Void Behemoth appeared, only that since the ruins of the universe, there have been Void Behemoths.

The Void Behemoth is extremely large, even larger than the planet, and small as the mountain.

They wander among the cosmic ruins and feed on the various ores of the cosmic ruins or various bugs.

Some terrifying void monsters can even swallow a large continent.

And now this one is definitely a Void Behemoth. Although the body is not as exaggerated as the planet, Lu Ming speculates that it is very likely that this is just a juvenile Void Behemoth and has not grown up.

However, according to the records of Flying Phoenix, the Void Behemoth is extremely rare, and it is rarely encountered in the vast ruins of the universe.

Most people, who have spent their entire lives in the ruins of the universe, have not encountered the Void Behemoth.

Flying Phoenix adventured through dozens of stellar years in the ruins of the universe, and only encountered twice.

Therefore, Flying Phoenix did not specifically mention the crisis of the ruins of the universe, but just let Lu Ming look at the information.

Obviously, Feihuang didn't think Lu Ming's luck would be so good, as soon as he entered the ruins of the universe, he would encounter a void monster.

Facts have proved that Lu Ming's luck is so good.


In the high sky, the Void Beast dived down, bringing up a violent energy and rushing towards the black worm.

The black worm was unwilling to resist, opened his mouth, and the scarlet flesh flew out like a spear, piercing the eyes of the void monster.

The Void Behemoth does not shy away, let the scarlet strip stick on the eye mask, and with a bang, the Scarlet Flesh is bounced back, but the Void Monster's eye mask has nothing at all.


Lu Ming gasped.

Eye mask is definitely the softest and weakest place for any creature.

However, the Black Worm couldn't even break through the weakest part of the Void Behemoth's defense, which was terrifying.

Run away!

Lu Ming did not hesitate to raise the speed to the extreme and rushed forward.

Ye Chu Gong Zang is the same, rushing in another direction.

A black worm is not something they can deal with, let alone a gigantic beast.

Without seizing the opportunity to escape, there is only one way to die.

At this time, the Void Behemoth continued to dive down, with a big mouth and a tongue in his mouth, and then took the black insect more than 100 meters long and swallowed it into the mouth.

In the same way, the black worms devoured multiple Celestial Clan, but in the end, it became the ration of the Void Beast.

Haw! Haw!

The Void Beast swallowed the black worm and chewed it up, showing an expression of enjoyment.

The Void Behemoth did not pursue Lu Ming and Ye Chu Gong Zang, but glanced at the mainland.

Suddenly, the wings of the Void Behemoth flew up into the sky, and the violent strength swept across the world. The gravel ancient wood on the mainland was directly rolled up and turned into ashes.

Then, the Void Behemoth swooped down, rushed to a ground on the mainland, and a claw directly grabbed the ground.


The ground erupted and roared, and continued to burst. The claw of the Void Behemoth caught directly into the depths of the earth. When the claw reached out, he had caught a black worm on his claw. The previous one is several times longer, and it is several times thicker.

But this black worm, in the hands of the Void Behemoth, had no resistance at all, was thrown into his mouth, and was eaten in a few clicks.

After eating this black worm, the Void Behemoth continued to look for it, and after a while, he found a few hundred meters long black worm to eat.

After this, the Nether Beast no longer found the black worm.


No black worms were found, the Void Behemoth seemed very irritable, roaring continuously, and the whole continent shook.

Afterwards, its eyes turned to Lu Ming and Ye Chugongzang's escape.

Then there was a long roar, wings incited, and a huge body rose into the sky, chasing away in the direction of Ye Chugong's escape.

When the Nether Beast captured the black worm, Lu Ming and Ye Chu Gong Zang escaped with all their strength. They had long escaped from the mainland and entered the void.

Moreover, after a while, they have escaped far away.

Ye Chu Gong Zang was all relieved, and finally thought it was safe, but suddenly, a long whistle came from behind, which made Ye Chu Gong Zang almost scared to death.

"No, I'm here!"

Ye Chu Gong Zang's horrified roar, and the power of the most powerful sky burned lifelessly, raising the speed to the highest peak in history.

However, the speed of the Void Behemoth is too fast, and the distance between it and Ye Chu Gong Zang is quickly reduced.

"No no no..."

Ye Chu Gong Zang roared and escaped with all his strength.

He originally wanted to rush to Lu Ming. Before learning Lu Ming, he led the Void Behemoth to Lu Ming, but he sadly found that he and Lu Ming had escaped in a completely different direction. They have been flying for so long now. The distance between them, I do not know how far apart.

I can't do it if I want to lead it.


The Void Behemoth growled, its wings incited, and its huge body broke through the Void. It was too fast, and the distance between it and Ye Chu Gong Zang kept getting closer.

It didn't take long for the distance between the two sides to be only a few thousand miles.

This equidistance, for the Void Behemoth, is just a blink of an eye.

"No, no, no, I'm not reconciled..."

Ye Chu Gong Zang screamed in despair, and was swallowed by the Void Beast.

After the Void Beast swallowed the Yechu Gongzang, his eyes turned to Lu Ming's direction of escape.

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