Eternal Melody

Chapter 972 My Beautiful Monster Part 73

Chapter 972 My Beautiful Monster Part 73


Toh explains to her how these security measures will be in place until the threat has been exterminated. When she questioned how, when everyone would be locked in their rooms. Toh mentions that the guards are an exception to the rule. Her thoughts drift to Jacks and Renna, even though Renna isn't an official guard. There is no doubt that she will be amongst the ones exterminating the threat.

Seeing Toh sat on the couch and pouring himself some tea, Sumire blinks. "I didn't have any tea here, certainly not a fresh batch."

Toh chuckled. "This is also part of the security system. If you didn't get lucky enough to be locked in the kitchen. There is a power system in place that transports food from the kitchens. You just have to wish for it."

"Oh, it sounds convenient."

"I do hate to admit it. But the organisation comes up with interesting devices." Toh trails off and points to the space beside him on the couch. "Why don't you sit here beautiful? Didn't you want to chat with me?"

Sumire slowly nodded as she walked over to him. The moment she sat down beside him. Toh moved her head so it was resting on his shoulders. 

"How have you really been doing beautiful? On the surface you look okay, but I know you better than that."

Sumire bit her lip. She shouldn't say anything, it would feel like a betrayal to Lucifer. But she feels so comfortable being around him like this. This person will never harm her, he will never betray her. He will always remain by her side and keep her safe. She has nothing to fear when it comes to him.

She takes a deep breath and gives him a brief summary of her emotions the past few weeks. 

"I feel guilty. I keep remembering Yi/Sora but my own memories of my life with Lucifer is limited. It's almost like there is something blocking me from remembering." 

"Hmmm." Toh traced her knee with his hands. He wasn't doing anything sexual, he was simply drawing circles to reassure her. "A normal person would have concluded that the reason you can't remember is because the other person is lying. But, you don't think he is making this up do you beautiful?"

Sumire shakes her head. "At the start, I did think there was a chance. But I can't deny the pull towards him, you would think it's silly. However, not only can I feel the connection between us, but I can see it too. I can't deny it, it's there Toh."

Toh nodded. "I believe you beautiful. The Lord has always made it clear that you were his, and now I understand why. There really is something between you two."

 Sensing his bitter tone, Sumire takes a deep breath. "Do you still like me Toh?"

"I love you Sumire."

She felt her cheeks redden at his straight forward words. He should have hesitated even a little. What is he doing telling her so directly?

Toh chuckled. "You've always liked the honest approach."

Sumire coughed. "But, I'm a married woman. I thought this would go against your morals."

Toh paused and for a moment Sumire thought she over did it, when Toh nods. "Yes, it should. I'm not the type of person who makes a move on women who are bound to another for the rest of their life. I may not be religious, but I believe in the importance of vows."

"But then how come you-"

Toh squeezed her legs. "However beautiful, you make me a different person. When it comes to you, I find it easy for me to throw away my rationality."

Isn't that just a roundabout way of saying that she is a bad influence on him? 

"Do you want to sleep beautiful?" Toh asked.

She was about to protest and say she isn't tired. But Toh is lifting her off the couch and heading towards the bed. Sumire sighs knowingly as he places her down and joins her.

"Lucifer is going to kill you, I don't think this is what he means by me finding a way to warm the bed before his return."

Toh chuckled. "The Lord will understand. It's a good thing I came when I did. If you were locked up in the room by yourself, you would have been afraid wouldn't you?"

She would like to say he is wrong. But, after seeing that darkness. She would be lying if she said he is wrong. Sumire slowly nodded as Toh pulled her into his arms. She doesn't really understand why she feels comfortable around him. Even with her missing memories, she remembers Toh. Their time together is blurred, but she does recall something. Unlike Lucifer, her memories and time as Toh's girlfriend remains firm in her mind. 

Sumire takes a proper look at him, dark circles under his eyes. His face looks almost bony. He has lost a lot of weight. She reaches over and caresses his cheek.

"Something must be wrong with you." Sumire mumbled. "Each visit, you seem to get worse."

Toh chuckled. "It's alright, I have just been busy with work."

Sumire frowned. "I know Lucifer has been busy, but he doesn't look this tired. Is it because he is the boss? Is he making you do the more difficult jobs?"

If he is, then she will certainly need to have a word with him. It isn't right for him to overwork Toh like this. If he is that busy, he shouldn't have the free time to harass her.

Toh chuckles again. "Will you lecture him for me beautiful? That I want to see."

"Of course! I will always be on your side Toh!" Sumire exclaimed.

Toh looks at her with wide eyes and it takes her a moment to understand why. She felt her cheeks turn warmer and warmer by the minute. She felt Toh's hand on her cheek. 

"You know, sometimes I forget how innocent and pure your feelings are. You're a violent person after all but when you talk you're so pure."

Sumire tilted her head. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Oh, it's definitely a compliment." Toh's gaze softens. "Even with you in this state, I can still see traces of you. The girl I love."

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