Emperor of Steel

Chapter 168 - Lukes Wrath 3

Chapter 168: Luke’s Wrath 3

In the office room of the Manor, Luke met with Pavel and ordered for a site for a new village near the Lamer city.

“Are you certain about creating a new village? I know for a certain that the number of immigrants is growing around here…”

“It isn’t because of them. We need to be ready when the other men get here.”

“Are you referring to the fairies?”

Pavel understood Luke’s words as he talked to Victor a moment back.

“Exactly. It will help our estates in numerous ways.”

To help Luke, there needs to be a lot of fairies on his side.

And Luke had no intention of just keeping them by his side.

He was going to get every one of them, the great blacksmith and warrior dwarves, the magical fairies and the quick, slender elves.

“Of course that is a thing to consider, but I doubt it. They are all in the Republican, and they mislead the princess and made her disappear, haven’t they?”

Ravel and Victor and the other Volga attendants of Reina didn’t initially know that Reina had opened the door to the Spirit World. If they knew, the old servants were bound to oppose it, so Reina decided not to say anything to them.

Lately, Pavel had been feeling very down about the matter of Reina disappearing, but he was more resentful towards the fairies.

As if it wasn’t enough for the fairies to side with the revolution side of the Volga and ruin the nation, but now they made the whereabouts of the only remaining Royal family of the Volga unknown.

“Not all fairies are Republicans. And they all joined hands with the movement only to survive.” Luke tried to reason with him.


“First and foremost, they took responsibility for their actions and have vowed to obey me.”

All the fairies were already out searching for the whereabouts of the princess, even before Luke had entered the manor.

And Luke too knew it wasn’t about them claiming the responsibility.

Although they failed once, the fairies weren’t giving up the hope to open the door to the Spirit World.

Pavel was still dissatisfied.

“I understand how your heart feels. I too feel very frustrated about it… but, I don’t think that we can achieve what we want by excluding and hating them.”

“Phew… yes, that sure is very right.” Pavel agreed.

Anyway, to find out the princess, they needed the power of the Elves, who were very well informed over the continent, and specifically the Volga Intelligence which was operating around the elves.

“Anyway, I believe you, Sir Pavel. I will leave the Kirillov co, and the matter of the fairies in your hands, along with the city of Lamer.” Luke said.

“Are you going back to Torlot Fortress?”

When Luke got up from his seat, Pavel asked.

“No, I’m not going back right away, I need to stop by Katarina.”

He had to talk things about the Gigant he captured in the last war.

Luke wanted to leave them since he had come to the estates. It was better to keep them in some normal space than a subspace in his bracelet.

Of course, in order to keep them there, Luke would have to tell Mute about the origin of the Gigant and the subspace bracelet that he wears, but he didn’t have to worry as he thought of what he had to say.

“Then I have a request from you. With the other elder people in the manor, please share them my will and persuade them.”

“Understood, you don’t have to worry about it.”

Rather than just saying in a form of polite manner, Pavel truly wished the best for Luke.

The reason why Reina chose to sacrifice herself was to get some comfort about Luke’s well being.

Sometime later, Luke reached the Katarina Magic Tower.

Already being informed, Mute was waiting for him along with some other iron mages.

“It has been a very long time. I’m very sorry for the matters surrounding Princess Reina.” Mute greeted Luke.

“There is no reason to talk about it. Rather…”

Luke took the Gigants out from his Subspace.

As dozens of Gigants appeared on the large site in front of the magic tower, Mute and the other iron mage’s mouths went wide open.

“This, this…!”

“These were all captured in the last war. I snuck them out of the Imperial palace, so be careful.”

“Well, that we’ll definitely do, but, how did you get all these?”

Mute asked with his sparkling eyes.

In his opinion, there was only one thing that could hide their kinds of things.

A subspace artifact.

“On my way to the Torlot Fortress, I save a few fairies from the slave traders. During that time, a fairy had given me the subspace artifact as a token of appreciation.”

At first, he thought of saying that he found it in the Devil King’s Castle, but he discarded that idea.

Listening to that story, the wizards would want to confirm the truth behind it, and they would try to find out the existence of the secret lab or the underground workshop.

“Anyway, design them as if they belong to our Magic Tower and then hand them over to the land.” Luke ordered them.

“Understood. I will replace the gloves right away.”

Luke nodded his head, agreeing to their method and asked.

“Oh, and last time I heard you were trying to make a warrior-class Gigant?”

“Yes, would you like to see it?” Mute asked.

Luke guided by Mute, moved into the workshop located in the deepest place of the tower.

In the studio, where the space seemed tight, a small but sleek white Gigant was under check by an Iron mage.

“‘Stiletto’ it is being called. The development process is still going on, but the basic performance isn’t much far behind the top ten magic towers.” Mute explained.

However, the tower lacked the skills to make core parts, so they had to bring them in from another place.

And they were trying to gradually increase the proportion of the self-made parts.

“Do you have a production plan?”

“Yes, we held the field test for 3 prototypes to find problems and security issues. If that will be done, we’ll get the quantity we need from the estate…”

Mute spoke to Luke about his production plan which he had prepared after consulting with Knight General Rogers.

Liking it, Luke nodded his head at Mute’s story.

“And I’m trying to develop the Knight-class based on the blueprints you handed me before. But it is likely to take a lot more time as the magic and skills are much higher than a warrior-class.” Mute explained.

“There is nothing we can do about it. We can’t get it right from the very beginning.” Luke told him.

If Mute could do such tasks after just a short amount of time since the construction of the Magic Tower, he already was amazing.

Far from a warrior class, there were small and medium magic towers that still had difficulty producing their own parts.

‘We wouldn’t have achieved this level of performance if I hadn’t handed over the blueprints.’

Satisfied with the performance of Katarina, Luke returned to the Torlot Fortress.

Mute asked him to stay for a few days, but Luke refused.

Not because he was afraid of leaving, but because he felt like he wouldn’t be able to stay in the estate thinking about Reina.

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