Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 172 Festival Of Demon Stupidity (1)

Teleryan Pass, Human Continent, borders of the Western and Northern Area.

Samiel was waiting in the ambush with the rest of the Khaos Chapter Mercenary Party. While waiting for the demons to walk into their death, everyone was doing their own things; as the plans were discussed, everyone knew what their roles were in the ambush, so the only thing which remained was to wait.

Dharzug looked bored as hell because there was nothing to kill, so the only thing which he could do to pass the time was to sharpen the waraxe, having it nice and sharp for the incoming slaughter.

When it came to orks, they didn't have many hobbies aside from various fighting games, drinking and eating... one could say that they were pretty one-dimensional creatures without much depth... but that was the reason why Samiel liked them. They were easy to understand and easy to deal with.

Juulius observed everything like a hawk, carrying out his duty as the personal knight of his liege and as the Codex of the Holy Templar Order dictated him to do. There was no time for letting his guard down and one needed to be in constant vigilance in case an enemy came.

Yvraine was talking with Samiel as they were enjoying some cuddling time together because this was one of the rare occasions of peace, not to mention this place had a nice environment that would be soon tainted by the smell of blood and rotting corpses so it was prudent to enjoy it in its most pure state.

And their felines of, Nefertari and Tytos, were hunting for food mainly to pass the time, but they were also hungry, or rather they were always hungry. Even Nefertari never had a moment when she would reject the food, not talking about the White Tiger Tytos, who had an enormously gluttonous appetite.

Two felines hunted down deer-type magical beasts on which they were right now feasting on. It was clear that both felines were greatly enjoying their feast because they hunted down one of the rare Bronze-Tier Magical Beasts, so for them, it was good food.

"How long till they arrive here?"

Yvraine asked as she was leaning over Samiel's chest and Samiel was holding her close to him. She was enjoying the time with the man she loved because such times of tranquility were relatively rare, even though they were before battle, which made it even weirder, but at the same time, it was very comforting.

"Soon... I could hear them approaching at a fast pace."

Samiel stated because, with his superior Eldritch senses, he could sense the demon army coming to the Teleryan Pass. It was not that hard because he could sense their mana from kilometers away right now and even their approximate number. They didn't even bother to at least hide...

'You are leading an attack or ambush on somebody and you are essentially telling him beforehand that you are going attack... how more stupid you can be'. Samiel thought about the incoming demon army, which he could sense from the kilometers-long distance.

"It would be a glorious fight and would be another failure for the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe."

He then said with venom because he really hated the demons. They were crude, barbaric, stupid and spread chaos and destruction without a purpose. Contrary to the Hall of Kadath, which was also doing the same thing, they had at least a purpose, but the demonkin didn't; they were doing it just for the sake of spreading destruction.

Not to mention during one prayer he carried out, he got the vision from his God that Demons would be one of his greatest enemies that he would encounter during his Journey. Out of 'Them', there was one who was the greatest enemy of Azathoth's Court.

'He' would do everything in his power to destroy everything that was under the rule of the Outer Gods, as they were the biggest enemies. Because of that, Samiel despised the demonkins; he hated them with passion and would stop at nothing to destroy their race, as that was his Divine Mission from his God.

The Holy Quest would start to go and break the demon species beyond reparation, to the point that they would remain broken for several Epochs. This was something on which the Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath Menuhyutt Faulhaber wholeheartedly agreed because the Demons were an "unfactionate" faction that needed to be broken up and kept that way.

They were too dangerous to be left alone and letting them unify into one singular body would be the gravest mistake one could make because that would create a threat on the same level, if not a bit weaker level as Insect Swarms or Mind Flyers.

Golden-Horned Demon Tribe wished to unify them under one singular and centralized banner, but fortunately, that was foiled for now, but that only meant a single thing. That the unification won't be a peaceful one but full of blood and iron, but it could still happen and he knew that some key players in the demon races would go for that no matter the price.


Not that long distance from the Teleryan Pass, one could see an army of demons marching towards the mountain pass. They were numbering in tens of thousands as they marched in disorganized formations because the such thing would be too much to expect from them.

There were demons of various shapes and sizes, of countless species and it was clear that this was one mish-mash army that was hastily put together or the greater probability was that it was one of the not-that-important armies of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe.

Yet, they were armed relatively well and would do the job when they were sent somewhere.

This army was under the command of Silver-Tier Professional demon from the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe. It was not the dream job, but the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe was too paranoid to give the command over even one of their armies, even if it were the lowest of the lowest, to someone who wasn't a member of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe.

It was a good strategy, but unfortunately, there was one big weakness of this, which was many of the commanders were absolutely inexperienced spoiled brats that knew nothing about leading troops and commanding an army.

"My Lord, we are nearing the Teleryan Pass."

Reported the adjutant to the golden-horned humanoid man with tanned skin, who was the leader of this army. Contrary to many of his fellow Golden-Horned Demons who got the position only due to their species and loyalty towards the Tribe, he was also experienced in leading the troops and even fought in some minor wars.

By no means he was not a decorated general who survived a hundred battles, but he was no newbie who knew nothing of commanding an army. Having a basic understand of the commanding, military strategy and battle tactics was pretty much enough for the commander of the demon army to have.

"Have the scouts reported something?"

The Golden-Hornned Demon Man asked as he ordered for several scouts to be sent and see if the Teleryan Pass was safe to be crossed. He knew that this place was best for ambush and if the reports of the Undead Scourge be right about the Necromancer who was controlling the Undead Scourge that was rampaging through this area were true; then there was a slight possibility that the Necromancer would notice the incoming demon army and prepare an ambush for them.

"No... the path is clear and there is nothing in the surroundings off the Teleryan Pass."

Reported the adjutant to the commander of the army. The grave mistake, yet the unseen, was of not sending any Magicians with the scouts because even the stupidest and most corrupted Warlock would be able to notice countless Spell Holding Wards that were all around the Teleryan Pass.

Naturally, ordinary scouts that were untrained in the mysteries of Magic and depths of the Arcane would never spot them because they lacked the affinity for it; thus the entire demon army was unknowingly walking into a trap that would take the lives of countless of them.


Meanwhile, on the other end of the Teleryan Pass, Samiel was observing everything with glee in his eyes because he knew that the moment when the scouts arrived, the plan was already a success. The fact that the commander of the army didn't send any Magicians with them wasn't exactly that surprising, but it still showed the commander's lack of experience.

On another note, just the fact that the commander bothered to send somebody to check out the area around the Teleryan Pass and the Teleryan Pass itself showed that this was not some privileged nobling and absolutely and utterly inexperienced person in charge of the demon army.

"Fortunately, they didn't send anyone proficient in magic with the scouts or this trap wouldn't have worked... we have the honor with someone who is either pretty naive or not experienced enough when dealing with necromancers. To think they are hunting for necromancers and are not even care enough to check for traps..."

Samiel muttered as he observed how the demon army numbering more than 40,000 demons was getting closer and closer to the Teleryan Pass. It didn't take a long time as the troops of the demon army started entering the Teleryan Pass, one by one, hundred after hundred, thousand by thousand.

Samiel knew that the Spell Holding Wards would activate and release the spell they were holding only when the demon army was approximately in the middle of the Teleryan Pass because, from that point, they would have a harder time returning back or rushing to the exit. Of course, to force them to the exit where the Undead Scourge was waiting for them, Samiel prepared a few fail safes in case the commander ordered them to retreat.

And as the demon army was approaching the targetted destination, they soon arrived at the middle parts of the Teleryan Pass where it all started, when Samiel and the company heard and saw several tremendous explosions happen in the Teleryan Pass.

With each passed second, more and more of these explosions were happening and even some parts of the Teleryan Pass started falling down onto the demon army, burying them alive under the rocks and stones that fell from the mountains.

This also effectively cut the exit for the demon army, so right now their sole possibility was to leave through the other end, which led to the Western Area, where the Undead Scourge would be already waiting for them.


Samiel then gave the command to Negash and Ashimer to summon their Undead as he did the same thing and all three of them started positioning them into the 'U' formation around the entrance to the Teleryan Pass, where they would meet the demon soldiers if they manage to get out from the Teleryyan Pass alive.

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