Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 156 Demon Breaking Plan (1)

Bishop Abraham Antigonus was starting at the Dark Youngs with wonder because he was checking their talent, essentially their limitations on how far they could Level Up and which Tier they could reach. It was a great shock for him to realize that all of these 7 Dark Youngs had the potential to reach the Limit Legendary and a solid chance at achieving the Holiness.

"This is splendid... all 7 of them have reached the utmost of their potential... it appears that the new version of the ritual from the RD Department has been indeed fruitful. Who would have thought that in the end, they would be able to tweak it to loosen up the evolutionary constraints on the Dark Youngs... most curious... the blessing of The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young is strong in them."

Stated Bishop Abraham Antigonus with happy glee in his eyes because this was indeed the biggest surprise to him. One could say that the universal curse of all-powerful factions was their stagnancy and contentment with what they achieved.

This typically packed up one on another, mostly resulting in the fall of countless factions across the entirety of the Cosmos. Some of the powerful factions realized that if they became satisfied with what they had already achieved would sooner or later lead to their fall, and due to that, the Hall of Kadath was one of the factions that was doing everything to get better and constantly evolve.

Like the Swarm... evolution was the path to go. Interestingly enough, some seemed also immune to it, like the Orks; as species that never had any progress and devoted their entire existence into waging wars, they couldn't become stagnant because of the continuous wars and fights that their species was constantly embroiled in was forcing them to adapt and become better and better for the next war that they would wage.

That was the reason why the Research and Development Department of the Hall of Kadath was constantly striving for the betterment of the Hall of Kadath, and due to that, some of the researchers came up with the tweaked version of the Eldritch Spawn Creation Ritual.

Eldritch Spawns were the essential part of the strength of the Hall of Kadath, especially when they were cultivated to their potential; they were extremely powerful, be it as offensive power or just as a meat shield or any other purpose the Hall found for them.

"So it worked well..."

Samiel muttered, waiting for confirmation from Bishop Abraham Antigonus, who nodded his agreement. Seeing that, Samiel sighed in satisfaction, became maybe several centuries later, at the fastest, the Hall of Kadath would obtain another 7 Holies to do their bidding.

Of course, if these Dark Youngs reached the Holy Legendary Level, they would remain hidden and serve as a trump card of the Hall of Kadath in case they were attacked enemy too strong for them to handle. Dark Young at the Holy Legendary Level were the world-destroying threat, which could destroy the entire Mana-Less World and exterminate entire civilizations, even in the most powerful of the Middle Worlds.

While the Hall was strongest out of the mortal factions on the material plane, there may be many unforeseen circumstances that could create even stronger factions, far, far stronger or some like Swarms or Mind Flyers, were too threat that was even on the higher level than the Hall of Kadath, though not at the individual level.

"I will be taking these with me and send them to the Inquisition so they can groom them to the higher Tiers as soon as possible, while some would be sent to the Cardinal Sauron to be groomed."

Cardinal Sauron was one of the Cardinals of the Hall of Kadath and the sole one among them who could easily control the Eldritch Spawns of all types and sub-species and strengths. Samiel heard from the Hall Master that Cardinal Sauron was an old coot who refused to ascend and had long ago reached the Holiness but was still in the material plane.

Apparently, he enjoyed his time here, and his expertise was grooming things... he was a master in Genecrafting and his hobby was generating monsters, abominations and other things that would be considered as unspeakable horrors across the entirety of the Cosmos.

Samiel observed how Bishop Abraham Antiognus opened a huge portal and navigated the Dark Youngs to the portal, successfully transporting them out of the Tower to some random world, which was under the control of the Hall of Kadath.

After the last Dark Young passed through the portal, Bishop Antigonus followed suit; as it closed entirely, the thing was done. Samiel had successfully completed the mission from the Hall as he turned over to take a loot at Yvraine, who was petting Nefertari, waiting for the moment when they would be returning to the Goldtooth City.

"We can now go back..."

Samiel stated after a short while, to which Yvraine nodded. This trip was rather fruitful for her; she saw how the Dark Youngs were being created, which was something spectacular even though she found the process extremely disgusting.

Though no matter what, she knew why Samiel took her on this trip because, from his side, it was a show of trust, not to mention another symbolism was the pending alliance between the Hall of Kadath and the Nesser Dynasty.

Since the times when her father's elder brother had joined the Hall of Kadath, the Hall and the Dynasty were becoming closer and closer, politically speaking. And if the joined union of the Holy Son and Crown Princess came to fruition, then it would mean that the Hall of Kadath and Nesser Dynasty officially became long-lasting allies.

Of course, her father was haunted by the idea of the Hall of Kadath gradually absorbing the Nesser Dynasty to the point where it would become its detached faction or something in that way. Because even right now, the Hall of Kadath was obtaining many supporters among the upper echelons of the Nesser Dynasty, not worshippers of the Outer Gods because the majority of the High Elves and Silvermoon Elves were devoted to the Seldarine Pantheon, but the ideals were spreading.

Elves were never a warlike race, but for past centuries, the military presence of the Nesser Dynasty have been increased exponentially and various generals, marshalls, admirals and other military-related occupations were getting much political power compared to the past time.

And in truth, it wasn't entirely impossible, mainly because of the disparity of strength between the two factions, but that was a concern for the future. Right now, it didn't really matter, and Yvraine didn't really care about those concerns.

Though for her, it would be good to wage war on the enemies because, during the time she spent with Samiel, Yvraine discovered one thing about her... she started liking war... it was a very intoxicating feeling, leading the charge, conquering the civilization, killing the weaker and getting stronger.

After that, both of them, together with one flying Elder Wampus Cat departed to the Goldtooth City on the Demon Continent.


Some time later, ruins of the Qririth.

Not even one hour had passed since the moment the magetech device, which was casting the shroud onto the entirety of the Qririth City, collapsed; some members of the Demon Tribes of the Legendary Level who were observing the happenings on the 8th Floor immediately noticed what had happened.

Of course, two of such Legendaries went to check up on the situation, with both of them having a very humanoid appearance, aside from their horns sprouting from their heads, tails and wings that were very similar to that of the wings of a dragon.

One of them was a member of the Star Demon Lineage and another of the Moon Demon Lineage, as these two Lineages were best in the Arcane Arts and Magic overall; due to this fact, they were sent by a discussion with the other Demon Legendaries to check up on the situation on hand which rose up in the human continent.

"What do you see?"

Asked one of the Demon Legendaries, one from the Moon Demon Tribe, as he watched his colleague from the Star Demon Tribe casting some scrying spells on the area of the Qririth City while he stood guard. The Star Demon Lineage were the descendants of the Vassago of the 72 Pillars, the Bloodline best suited for various kinds of divination-related spells.

Aside from them, both of the demons were sure that somewhere the Legendaries from the Avalon Kingdom were lurking because of the complete massacre of the residential city like Qririth, which had more than several tens of million according to the official numbers.

Of course, the Avalonian won't be doing anything aside from watching because the last thing they needed was an open confrontation with the Legendary Level Demonkins, who were swarming the entire 8th Floor.

The Demons never carried out such massacres of the residential cities because they preferred to enslave the captives and sell them. That way, they would obtain riches and resources because the slave trade was one of the most profitable businesses across the Cosmos.

While humans were not a very good commodity for the slave because they sold for not much, but they always came with a number, very high numbers, and tens of millions of them, like in the Qririth would fetch tremendous sums of money that would move even Advanced Stage Legendaries like them.

"Someone cast the Shroud over the place when he was carrying out some sort of Ritual related to 'Them'. Probably some sort of sacrifice or some sort of that; my best bet would be in hopes of creating the Spawns. The aura of the Outsidness is very strong here and there are even remains of the Void all around the place, like one of their Avatars descended here."

Stated the Star Demon man, as the other one grimaced because very soon they found out that someone from the Hall of Kadath was lurking in the darkness and even managed to carry out the ritual that sacrificed one of the biggest residential cities of the Human Brotherhood to the Outer Gods, in attempt to create an Eldritch Spawns.

"Are you sure for 100%?"

The Moon Demon man asked for confirmation as the Star Demon just nodded solemnly, not saying anything else, because this instantly became a headache for both of them. Just the fact that the perpetrator of this act was able to cast a Shroud over the large are of Qririth City stood for the fact that the person must be either from a very, very powerful faction or be very powerful by himself.

Of course, through the scrying spells that the Star Demon man did, he found the residual Void touches all around the city, not to mention the Qririth still had some bits of flesh, blood and gore all around it, and the entire aftermath looked very similar like one of those obscure Eldritch ceremonies in honor of their Gods.

"Results of the spell are clear. I have detected not only some residual traces of the Void, but also some special Energy, very close to the Divine Origin, yet bearing the typical coldness and destructiveness of the Void... you should know what does mean. This is not something to take lightly; somebody carried here a sacrificial ritual to the Outer Gods and summoned who knows what to the Material Plane."

Star Demon man stated sternly, as his companion grimaced, hoping that he was wrong, only his hopes being crushed into smitternes as the Star Demon man finished the sentence when he stated the results of the scrying spells.

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