Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 153 Unassuming Kadath

Several Days Later, Goldtooth City, Demon Continent, 8th Floor of the Tower.

Samiel was sleeping in their room in the Inn, while Yvraine was snuggling up to him as they enjoyed each other's body warms and treasured this moment. During their last date, one of the major inner blockades was breached in Samiel's psyché.

Soon enough, they would be going to the Human Continent once more, because the Star Demon Tribe issued some interesting mission, which the Khaos Chapter Mercenary group decided to undertake, as the payment was good and the mission took place in the southern area of the Human Continent.

And as they were sleeping there, enjoying a morning comfort, suddenly Samiel's Holo-Brain started beeping, signifying that somebody was calling him, and there were not many people who would be calling him. Thus he stood from the bed and went to another room, as he picked up the call and saw it was his master that was calling him.

"Master, to what I owe this pleasure at this morning?"

Samiel asked politely, but in truth, he was annoyed that his master was calling him this soon in the morning because he wanted to laze in bed for longer. Especially right now, when he was cuddling together with Yvraine, so because of that, he wasn't really happy to leave.

"I have a mission to assign you... because of your past achievements and especially due to the information that Bishop Antigonus obtained from the assassin of the Avalon Kingdom and aristocracy from that same Kingdom, Jaspar de'Charetier. The collegium of Cardinals was very pleased with you as well, so because of that, I have decided to entrust you more important mission."

Samiel listened to every word that the Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber was speaking with great interest. It was clear that this would be a very important mission because the Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath was personally assigning him the mission.

"I will carry the mission best to my capabilities."

Samiel stated already pre-learned phrases like a machine, as he was curious about the mission that would be given to him directly from the Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath.

"You will go to one of the human cities south of the Human Continent and carry out the Spawn Creation Ritual."

The moment he heard the words, Samiel was washed by cold sweat because he was given really an important task by the Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath. Spawns were essential to the might and power of the Hall of Kadath. Eldritch Spawns were one of the abominations of nature that were created through some obscure rituals during an enormous sacrifice.

Samiel never carried out the Sacrifice because such a thing was completely out of his Level, as typically, the Eldritch Spawns were created at the Initial Stage Legendary Level or at least peak Gold-Tier at best, so Samiel didn't really understand what was going on right now.

"We are experimenting with cultivating the Eldritch Spawns from the lower Tiers... to see if it is possible to give birth to the Holy Legendary Eldritch Spawn, something which has been out of our reach for a very long time already."

Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber stated as Samiel looked at him surprised but didn't say anything. Of course, this mission would not only be about finding a suitable place to carry out the ritual and carrying it out to create Eldritch Spawns; he would also need to bring them to a place, where they would be transported out from the 8th Floor of the Tower to another place.

"Can I depend on Bishop Antigonus to create a spatial portal for the Eldritch Spanws to leave the 8th Floor?"

Samiel questioned, already formulating plans about how to deal with the Eldritch Spawns after they were born. He knew that they were very problematic creatures, and mainly they were without any higher intelligence.

They were like primal beasts, acting only on their instincts and their raw and unrestrained desire to destroy everything they see. Because of that, during the rituals, their wills are shackled through a special branch of Soul Magic so that they could be controlled as proper weapons of war.

If not, it would be highly possible that they would turn on their creators and kill them as well. Certainly, this didn't include the creators who were themselves bearers of the Eldritch Blood or were Eldritch Creatures, but this was mostly the case with those others who were creating Eldritch Spawns.

"Yes, but it would be prudent for you to find a safe place and activate some wards through the device which was given to you. Right now, the 8th Floor is very much scrutinized through by the Legendaries of the Avalon Kingdom and Demon Tribes; we don't want them to notice what is happening too fast..."

Menuyhutt Faulhaber stated in a stern voice as Samiel remembered the order. While it was risky, Samiel knew what, at least partially knew, why he was given this mission. It was another kind of test by the Hall of Kadath because, due to the fact that the 8th Floor was overseen by many Legendaries, it would be harder for Samiel to carry out the task.

It was a fine challenge for him, as he would gladly undertake a mission like this. Not only could he prove that he was capable because he knew for sure that even in the Hall of Kadath, but there would also be a lot of people who would be unconvinced of his power and skills.

The Hall of Kadath was a faction where a meritocracy was above everything else, as everything was decided based on someone's skills, abilities, capabilities, merits and achievements. So, even though he was the bearer of the Holy Blood of the Primordial Demiurge, there were many people who were still dissatisfied with this fact.

So, because of that, Samiel needed to prove his competency, something that the Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber greatly approved off. Due to that, Samiel wasn't shy from any mission from the Hall of Kadath, and this time it won't be any different.

"How is your training going?"

Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber asked after some time when they were finished with the official business of the Hall of Kadath, as he wanted to check up on his disciple personally. Samiel was not only the Holy Son and his inheritor, but interestingly, he was something akin to a family, or the closest thing to family, what the elderly Holy Legendary had in his life.

"It's going well... I have already reached Level 37 Bronze-Tier, and became an Intermediate Magician in the Void Magic, Winter Magic and Necromancy Arts."

Samiel stated swiftly, as his master just nodded in acceptance of the fact, not awaiting less from someone whom he personally thought and someone of such inheritance as Samiel Zentaur. One could say that no less than perfection was acceptable, but Samiel didn't like the concept of perfection itself.

If something was perfect, it meant that it couldn't improve, and if something couldn't improve, it meant it was flawed and that meant it wasn't perfect. Ergo, the concept of perfection is fundamentally flawed in its very own nature.

"And the Metamagic Studies?"

The Metamagic Skills was something that he started working on together with him on the 5th Floor, where he made some decent progress learning and mastering at least the basics of the Metamagic Techniques. Of course, Samiel's aim was to get a Leveled Ability in the aspect of Metamagic like Yvraine had.

"I have been using Architect to copy Yvraine's usage of the Metamagic from time to time, and while I am able to memorize and learn the techniques easily, their execution is an entirely different matter altogether. I am still having some minor problems, but that is merely the luck of time and practice and deeper comprehension of the meaning behind the technique."

While Level 4 Transcendental Ability Architect was very powerful there was no doubt about it. However, the one thing that he couldn't do with his current Proficiency with the Level 4 Transcendental Ability Architect, not to mention increasing the Proficiency with the Architect, was an absolute nightmare. Though in that aspect, what would one await, as the Ability was meant solely for the Transcendental Entities, not something that should land in the hands of the mortal.

"That is only understandable, and I hope that you are not over-relying on the Architect's calculation during the fights."

The Hall Master stated sternly, as Samiel could only maintain a neutral expression because while he took the advice of his master to heart, but at the same time, he took liking very much to the Architect's calculation during the fight because they were too convenient.

"I have lessened the usage by 54,68% and I am trying not to be completely dependent on the calculations during the fights."

Samiel answered truthfully when he was asked the question for all money by his master. He knew that his master wouldn't be too pleased by this, but at least he achieved some significant progress in this aspect, if not anything else.

"At least that you understand the hidden danger in this."

Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber stated with a slight frown as he looked at his disciple through the Holo-Brain. Then they talked about some more insignificant things, mainly about Samiel's progress while the Hall Master was giving him some pointers on what he should do and what he should not do.

After Samiel ended the call with the Hall Master Hall of Kadath, he returned back to the room, where Yvraine was no longer sleeping as she was waking up the moment Samiel left the room to have a talk with the Hall Master.

"So, what forced you to leave the bed this soon in the morning?"

Yvraine asked curiously because Samiel was a heavy sleeper, he loved to sleep and he never woke up very soon.

"I had a call with the Hall Master of the Hall of Kadath; he assigned me another mission that I will need to carry out on the 8th Floor."

Samiel stated as Yvriane was now hooked up on whatever Samiel was going to do while he was contemplating if he should take her with him. Not like there was any safety danger to it, but the process of creating Eldritch Spawns was not very nice... appearance-wise, it was disgusting, truth to be told.

"Based on your expression, you are going to do something unsavory, morally disgusting and probably something that would make even Demons look like saints in comparison."

Yvraine stated, as Samiel could wholeheartedly agree with her, because such was the truth, not like he cared about the opinions of how people perceived that. Though in the end, he knew that Yvraine didn't really care, especially when he was going to carry it out on the humans, a race that she deeply hated just for existing.

Really different reasons why Samiel hated humans and humankind as well, despite being a former human and having a human part till this way. Though at least something for him, he was already in the process of shedding off his last human parts.

"Yes, indeed."

Samiel stated while Yvraine revealed a cruel grin hearing that he was going to carry out some obscure ritual on the entire human city. Not like she cared, and in truth, she wanted to witness it because she found it greatly fascinating.

"Do you know about the Eldritch Spawns?"

He then proceeded to ask a question, as Yvraine's face morphed into mild disgust as she imagined the image of the Eldritch Spawns because their appearance was really, really, really gross and disgusting.

"Yes, they are the tanks and the fighting force of the Hall of Kadath."

Yvraine answered, as her Uncle, her father's elder brother, was one of the Cardinals of the Hall of Kadath, and he once told her about the Eldritch Spawns. They were absolute abominations of nature that were created by some madmen and the Hall of Kadath used them for various purposes.

"Basically... though their most common purpose is just to let them destroy everything in their path, they are pretty useful in that aspect. Whatever, right now, I am heading to the Human Continent, preferably to the southern area, to carry out the Spawn Creation Ritual on some human city to create a whole bunch of Eldritch Spawns."

Samiel stated to which Yvraine nodded as she understood that this was probably a very big thing for Samiel to be assigned this mission. She was aware that this was a way for him to get the achievements that he desperately needed as a member of the Hall of Kadath, especially because he was named the Holy Son out of nowhere.

While Yvraine didn't really have a fear of undergoing something similar, she underwent several tests to be fit as Heiress Apparent to the Silvermoon Throne of the Nesser Dynasty, and she would undergo several more, but they were mainly tied to things like governance of some area or things like that.

"At least that would be more interesting than just sitting here and doing nothing... Ork already went to take out some missions from the Demon Tribes about some rogue human elements that were hiding on the islands, but the Demons are lazy to deal with them."

​ As Yvraine was saying that, Samiel remembered that many of the humans managed to escape back to the demon-controlled territory, which were the islands in between the Demon Continent and Human Continent.

While this may seem stupid and in fact it was stupid in the long run, from the short term, the refugees managed to buy themselves some time to live because the Demon Tribes won't be sending anyone after them.

Though they didn't probably count on the fact that some of the smarter tribes would notice this and send someone to clean up, as apparently, the Star Demon Tribe was sending people to clean out these rogue elements before they could properly take roots there and become problems for the demons.

"We should depart several hours later; I want to have this completed as soon as possible... also in a few days, the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe will be taking over the remains of the Central Region, so that would be the best opportunity to carry out the ritual, because most if not all Legendaries who are right now observing the Floor from afar, would be looking at the Central Area, on the top of that, I had some device that would be able to congeal the ritual for a few hours."

Samiel got a few insurances from the Hall of Kadath if he was going to carry out the Eldritch Spawn Creation Ritual, so be completely sure that everything would go according to the plan and without a single mistake.

Because of that, he also chose the time that was the most ideal for conducting the Ritual, during which almost all of the Legendaries would be preoccupied with something else. Even though the Legendary Level Professional, not even them, could observe the entire Floor of the Tower all the time, it was night impossible... even though this was just one of the Lower Floors of the Tower, it was still tremendous in size.

So he didn't fear that the Legendary Level Professionals would intervene in his business and maybe even kill him... not, though he didn't want to risk it all together, because he was well aware that even if he activated the Magetech Device that he had prepared for this purpose and even chose the most appropriate time, some of the more powerful Legendaries would notice that something was wrong on the Human Continent and would probably send someone to check on it.

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