Eat The World Tree

Chapter 152: Young Demon, Dowon (1)'

Chapter 152: Young Demon, Dowon (1)'

Are you ready to depart soon?

It was early dawn. As always, climbing the mountain, the elder spoke to me before I could even start a conversation.


Probably tomorrow, or even immediately, the assault will begin.

Time really flies disgustingly fast. All this fuss just to kill one young man.

Now that the opponent had shown movement, there wasnt much for us to do.

It was natural for us, at a disadvantage in an organized squeeze, to lose.

Any chance of winning?

Impossibly none.

According to the elder, there seemed to be one hermit with skills enough to match Cheonma.

I cant win, so I die to buy some time.

After all, I was the target of their mission.

If I died, this situation would end, so I would rampage around like a madman, and when my strength was gone, Id pretend to be dead.

Then, I return to the present day. I would become a dead man without any farewell.

But doesnt this not make sense in terms of cost and benefit?

What do you mean?

To die for the mere delay of annihilation, not even to prevent it.

Its not like youre truly dying, is it?

[Hit the nail on the head, didnt he?]

Shut up.

The World Tree of Time appeared sporadically to talk to me.

After more than two months, we no longer avoided aggressive speech towards each other.

You think youre making a great sacrifice right now.

The elder mockingly ridiculed my great undertaking.

From the beginning, I was ready to accept my end. It was you who decided to delay it unnecessarily.

Think beyond yourself. The kids are too young to lose their father.

Haha, is that something for you to say? You still dont know who you are.

The elder emphasized each word with force.

Tree Spirit King, Cheonma. Among villains, youre the successor of only the worst.

I knew.

No matter where I shot, I couldnt help but become a bad guy.

I had long accepted and understood this.

Too young to lose their father? Ridiculous coming from the axis of evil. Its laughable. A pointless effort.

The elder, sitting on a rock, turned his back.

The World Tree of Time commented on such an elder.

[Hes not being honest.]

Admit it, admit again.

That person does have a bit of that aspect.

Tsundere, perhaps?

Despite all the harsh words, he took care of things behind the scenes, and when it came to his daughters, he pretended not to care while listening closely.

After spending two months together, I got a rough sense of the elder.

Despite all the harsh words poured out, he must be thankful at heart.

So, what do I have to do?

Wait until the opponent arrives.

Was I on standby then?

Time would pass slowly, but it was inevitable.

The moment movement was detected, I must go and offer my neck.

Then I wont be able to see the kids anymore.

I will speak to them. To Hongyeon as well.


Hearing that name brought a smirk to my lips.

She was one of the people I wouldnt be able to meet after I returned.

Different from Cheondo. Even after I return, Cheondo would be alive.

But with Hongyeon, I couldnt even share a proper farewell.

I deliberately tried not to get attached.

Its impossible to completely ignore someone if they were human.

I thought its better not to leave any room by going to say goodbye.

Even knowing was a problem.

If I went now and significantly hinted that I was going to die, what then?

Its not like were going to suck and chew on each others feelings.

Its better for me to cleanly make my exit.

Cheondo is ah, I dont know.

I knew because I had experienced it.

The kid I thought I could meet tomorrow died.

It may sound like a joke now, but it wasnt at the time.

Cheondo, too, would have a hard time getting over this experience as usual.

But I still believed.

She was my master, after all; she should be able to overcome this by herself.

It was inevitable to feel heartache.

Understood. From now on, Ill just wait here. Please speak well to the kids who know me.

As my response landed, the elder rose and started descending the mountain.

His slumped posture, more pronounced than usual, left a lasting impression.

Despite his decline, he was Cheonma.

It could be the first time hes felt powerless, unable to shake off those who have cornered him.

The stories of his once-mighty strength were now a thing of the past.

Perhaps I was merely a fleeting presence in someones life story, right at the very end.

I settled down seriously on the rock where the elder had been seated.

The sunrise was truly breathtaking.

This marks the end.

Finally, I could embrace the present.

I was not thrilled, but that reality awaited me.

[You cant dwell in the past forever.]

I beg to differ. Isnt there a future, after all? Isnt it just that the era Im in is different?

Fatalism. A term I abhorred.

It belittled everyones efforts.

No matter how diligently you strived for success, it was fated to be so.

You made wise choices, yet destined to fail nonetheless.

Its disheartening to hear, for both the unsuccessful and the accomplished.

But being thrust into the past directly, I had no option but to believe in that fate.

[Its a tad distinct. My abilities are unique, but its evident that time progresses linearly.]

Do you realize the contradiction in your words?

[Your actions can indeed shape the future. However, altering the present is beyond reach. Its already a fixed reality.]

Each time I hear that, Im tempted to ask can we influence it, or not?

Initially, it was asserted that nothing could be altered.

No matter what antics I pulled, the present remained unchangeable, so just carry on.

Yet, residing here, I discovered that many aspects of my actions were intertwined with the present.

My identity, my abode. Perhaps even the kindness my mentor extended to me was influenced by that.

[Its already happened Thats all I can say now.]

Its complicated.

Cheondo, Baekdo, Hwangdo, I really didnt understand those three.

Assuming my actions could have an influence.

If the home and identity I settled into when I came to this world were prepared by me, then my actions could influence the present.

Then in my masters memory, there must remain an image of me.

Definitely not.

Those three showed no signs of knowing me.

Unless for some reason they lost their memory. In that case I get the gist.

Sitting quietly, I reflected on the past.

I was fortunate to have plenty of time. More than enough time to organize my thoughts.

[No. The present will not change.]

It was said that the present could not be changed.

The World Tree of Time mentioned it was a complex issue to explain.

And you said before.

[My authority can interfere with the past. However, its only very faintly only traces remain. Just as I thoughtlessly begged for your mercy without any basis.]

The present could not be changed, but interference was possible.

It couldnt be more contradictory.

No matter how I spin this, it sounds like it can have an influence. Right?


She couldnt speak now.

The World Tree of Time maintained that attitude.

Thus, I could only come to a conclusion internally.

That means its doomed in the end. Dowon and even Cheonma die.

Its disheartening to think that all the effort until now had been in vain.

But when I broadened my perspective, thats not the case.

[There was nothing unnecessary in your actions.]

The causality was too tangled to properly sort out.

Honestly, I believed I contributed to Dowons development and made Cheonma open his heart to me.

I worked diligently even for Dowon, which was doomed to fail anyway, with no relation.

But thats overthinking it.

The words of the World Tree of Time were correct.

The impromptu things I did, I had no regrets about any of it.

So, the reason I came here was to die?

Its for extending the lifespan of Dowon and Cheonma.

I came here on a request, but upon realization, the matter had grown in importance.

[But thats not all Ill explain later.]

Well see.

The time would come when I would know.

What I had gained here was more than enough.

Not just stopping at how Dowon was destroyed, but also learning how those under the World Tree acted, and who opposed Cheonma.

Not to mention the skills.

Even if I were to return, Id be willing to interact with the World Tree of Time again.

I stretched my arms wide and yawned.


A crackling sound came from my back.

It felt much better to make some noise.

Its time to go!

I shouted loudly towards the cliff below.

Whats left now was to prove the past training to the adversary.

And to wait here until the time came.

Hongyeon dressed herself in a bright red undergarment, adorning her appearance.

The beauty reflected in the mirror.

Her skin was white and without a single scar.

Though there were no scars on her hands, the calluses from holding a pen for a long time made them look less pretty to her.

Others would call this a flaw in the gem.

Her ample chest, muscles toned from long training.

But lately, she had been doing a lot of paperwork, and it seemed she had gained weight.

Did I gain too much weight?

Looking at her overly thick thighs, Hongyeon expressed her dissatisfaction.

Her wrinkle-free face scrunched up cutely.


Thats when the door opened.

Ah, you startled me ahem. Who is it?

Hongyeon unnie?

The one who opened the door was Hwangdo, with her auburn hair.

The girl, mature beyond her years, gaped at Hongyeon.

Are you getting ready? Oh my, oh my.

An unexpected adornment.

Hongyeon quickly pushed the makeup items on the table into the drawer.

Why? What? Why? Cant I adorn myself?

Her complaints came naturally. Young ones didnt understand their troubles.

She had just turned twenty, but it was time to start paying attention to wrinkles.

You sounded just like our older brother just now.

Older brother? Ah Are you talking about the Young Demon?

Having been criticized so much, it stuck in her own speech.

When scolding the juniors, that persons habits would sometimes slip out.

So, why did you come here?

I came because my allowance is a bit short~ But now Im more curious about why Hongyeon unnie is getting dressed up.

Short on allowance?

Hwangdo wasnt one to waste much. It must have been Baekdo who told her to come get it.

-If you bring it, Ill do the cleaning instead.

-Really? For real?

-Yes, yes.

Hongyeon remembered Baekdo later pretending not to know anything about it and sighed.

Do I need a reason to get dressed up?

Well, not really~ But you put a lot of effort into it this time.

Hwangdo smirked mischievously as she approached.

Despite her youth, her burgeoning chest swayed with each step.

A child with a frightening future.

Dont tell me. Unnie, have you fallen for someone?

Fallen for someone?

The face of a frivolous man popped into her mind instantly.

Hongyeon shook her head sternly.

Its not like that, I just want to look good.

So theres another one like Cheondo.

As if tired of it, Hwangdo stuck out her tongue.

Hongyeon changed her clothes, puzzled by Hwangdos behavior.

Still, red undergarments are sexy, unnie. You might get praised tonight.

Be quiet! Take the allowance yourself, I must go now; Cheonma has summoned me.


Presumptuous little thing.

Hongyeon sighed deeply as she looked at Hwangdo.

Whos there to praise, saying such nonsense.

She pouted as she reached Cheonmas room.

-Knock knock knock.

Standing in front of the door, she knocked politely and knelt down.

It was always required when facing Cheonma.

-Who is it?

Its Hongyeon, the sect leader.

-Come in.

The door swung open.

Hongyeon kept her head bowed for a moment.

Normally, he would instruct her to raise her head. But for some reason, that directive did not come.

A prolonged silence enveloped the room.

Lift your head.

When he finally spoke, Hongyeon lifted her head, feeling a sense of unease.

The face of Cheonma, her adoptive father, appeared weary.


Theres something I must tell you today. Close the door and come in. Unless you want trouble.

The addition of a curse word hinted that it might not be too serious?

However, the atmosphere felt notably different from the usual.


She shut the door and knelt in the center.

Do you know about Dowon?

If you mean the Young Demon, yes. I have always collaborated closely with him.

Yes, that guy you strongly opposed. Initially, I planned to inform you after it was all settled, but it seems appropriate to tell you now, given your growing influence.

Recalling that incident only brought shame.

Opposing the Young Demons rise was undeniably risky, but it had turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Everyone now held him in high regard.

What are your thoughts?

If thats what hes asking.

Hongyeon did not hesitate to reply.

He is an extraordinary talent. Such a remarkable individual may not emerge again in a lifetime.

It was Hongyeon who had opposed such talent.

Regardless of the reason, it was ultimately her fault for not trusting Cheonma.

Under normal circumstances, it could have led to execution.

The fact that she was essentially his adopted daughter was the sole reason she was still here, but she knew it was not something to be taken lightly.

Is that so?

Cheonma spoke with a grave expression.

It seems my daughter has indeed chosen a worthy disciple.

A voice tinged with bitterness yet a hint of satisfaction.

Hongyeon could only widen her eyes, perplexed.



But what about that man? What will he say?

Hongyeon bowed deeply, curious within.


She occasionally thought about that man.

What if I had accepted him from the start?

Perhaps their relationship would have been warmer than it was now.

Its an impossible thought now.

She smirked inwardly, waiting for Cheonmas words.

Eventually, the old man spoke.

That bastard will die in a few days.

It was a bolt from the blue.

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