East Meet West

Chapter 30: Sneak Attack 2

Chapter 30: Sneak Attack 2

30- Sneak Attack 2

Although, I am able to dodge for now; But I felt, that I need to improve my sense stat again to defeat this guard.

So, after few seconds, I asked the system to add more 5 Free stat points to the sense stat again. And to repeat it again after 5 seconds.

When the first command was done, I felt my vision and other senses improve. Now I could clearly see the guards spear trajectory. And my dodging response increased.

When the second command was done, I once again felt my vision and other senses improve. This time I felt, that the guards moment became slower than before. And with my agility, I could easily dodge his attack without breaking any sweat.

As I got used the guards offensive, I can conclude the guard's feelings from the expression visible on his face. Which was fierce at the beginning, then he frowned after that he was shocked and now, he had a panicked expression when he saw that I was able to dodge his attacks easily.

Gradually, I saw flaws in his attacks due to his panic.

I felt this was my chance, and dodged his attack and immediately got closer to him. When I was close enough, I took out the sword from the storage box and slashed it towards his neck.

The guard could not react to my speed, and failed to dodge.

My sword easily slashed his neck but could not behead him. Although, it was not a one-hit-kill. I slashed deep enough that blood gushed out of his neck and the guard tried to prevent blood leak as a reflex.

But after a few seconds, he lost his strength due to huge blood loss and fell down. I once again slashed my sword and beheaded him. The system notification rang.


Refinement stage Human killed

+2500 exp

Level up

Level up

Obtained 40 Free stat Points and 3 extra Free stat Points for levelling up 2 times consecutively

After reading the system it can be basically confirmed that, the guard died.

From this fight, I learned a lesson. That is, I was blindly adding Free stat Points to my Strength and Agility stats. While neglecting other stats.

So, thinking about this, I opened the Status window


Name: Orochi

Race: Human

Rank: G

Level: 15/100

Exp: 900/1500

Title: None

Condition: Poisoned

Stats: (Available Free Stats Points: 54)

HP: 1300/1500 MP:99/150

Strength: 66

Agility: 105

Defense: 34

Resistance: 34

Sense: 45

Stamina: 28 ------ Fatigue: 31/280

Intelligence: 32

Charm: 10 (can be increased with Free Stats Points, but wont increase when leveling up)

Vitality: 2 (cannot be increased with Free Stats Points)

Luck: 8 (cannot be increased with Free Stats Points)


Skills: Observation Lvl 1


Jobs: Thief.


Thief job skills

Stealth Lvl 2, Sprint lvl 2, Spying lvl 1, Disarm Traps lvl 1, Pick Lock lvl 1


Balance = 2,300,233 Sikka


After taking a look at my stats, I was startled that my Agility stat has crossed 100 and my Strength stat is 66.

No wonder, my speed has increased so much that, even an Evolver could not catch up with me and a Refinement stage guard can also be killed with some effort.

After thinking for a few seconds, I said to the system

System add 6 (Free stat Points) to both Defense and Resistance stat. Add 5 (Free stat Points) to sense, Stamina, Intelligence and Charm stats

(Charm stat might have no use, but it doesnt hurt to look Handsome, right? Right?) : p

Although, it looks like my speed can match or even surpass a Evolver stage cultivator; but I remember that when I was at Evolver stage, my speed was 20 to 30 times faster than now. And these Refinement stage and Evolver stage guards have about 5% power at the same stage; compared to when I was at Gurukul school.

Maybe, it is due to background.

Like I belonged to the Leon clan, I got many cultivation resources from the clan and my cultivation was guided by many experts from the Leon clan and Gurukul school. The techniques I studied were of top notch.

And these guards are not the children of any big clan or sects. They might have got few resources to reach this stage and techniques, but not the top notch techniques like me. And they might hardly get any special teaching or guidance from any expert.

So, altogether I cultivated in a good clan and School. And the guards did have any proper teachings. Which results in low strength, fighting techniques and experience when compared to any one at the same Level of cultivation from the clan or sects.

When I think of this, I remembered that in many novels that I read in my past life. There are many situations, where the clans or sects' disciples are stronger than people at the same level. And when I compare my previous strength to these guards, I conclude the huge difference in power.

Suddenly, few images and names appeared on my mind. And I remembered that Oliver and Olivia have joined 4 Elemental Palace, while Lily Connor, Jack Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony have joined Frozen Palace.

If I remember correctly, my father said that 4 Elemental Palace and Frozen Palace are power comparable to the 8 Empires. And if you think about it, my Cultivation conditions have such huge power difference from these guards then what would be the cultivation conditions of those guys who belong to Empires and sects like Frozen Palace and 4 Elemental Palace?

When I imagine this, I feel deep frustration and weakness.

(Refer chapter 11 and 12)


Or that is what exactly I would feel before I got the system.

Because now, my power comes from the system and I dont believe those guys can surpass me.

When I think like this, I feel energized and refreshed.

Putting these things behind, I searched the guard and did not find any valuable except for few gold and silver coins and the spear he used, which is similar to the one I have and would most likely have same stats too.

I would not be taking the armor from this guard though, because I dont like wearing clothes or armors worn by others.

(Well yeah, I am wearing the Leather armor obtained from the first man I killed, but that was a necessity and the situation demanded that. Plus, the armor I am wearing looks new while the armors these guard wearing are old and used regularly.)

(There is a difference OK!)

(Anyhow, if I get out of this forest. The first thing I will be doing is getting myself clothes and armor)

I stored the spear in the Storage box and converted gold coins to the system currency. And as I was already done with adding Free stats points to my stats, I looked in the direction from which I earlier heard a womens scream.

Hesitating for a few seconds, I decided to look what it is. So, when I started to move in that direction, I heard the system notification.

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