Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 235: Behold the bright king

Chapter 235: Behold the bright king

The news of the new king coming by and changing the palace, making a ceremony for the citizens as well publicly use magic was spread fast among the residents of the small kingdom of twilight pearl, this new king has not done anything for a year and just came about doing things flashily.

Most citizens just made complaints about the blatant use of magic, even though Yunan technically did not use magic, it was a small technically as using magic tools should be considered using magic, so the government made sure to fine Yunan the new king in a manner that would cripple a king who recently bought a new kingdom and had a new palace made just the other day.

The fine they sent towards Yunan to appease the population was a bit over exaggerated, they estimated the price of the old palace and the cost of moving it and doubled it, and presented it to Yunan who just paid it at the same moment, he would rather not have any problems when showing off his queens and a few pieces of gold was not worth the headache it might cause if he didn't pay it.

Once the fine was paid in full, those who were very critical of Yunan found themselves unable to say anything, because as the king of the land, respectfully paying fine instead of flat out rejecting it was almost unheard of, although some thought it was weakness the smart ones knew this man was not to be trifled with, if he had a storage space big enough for a palace he was rich enough to wipe out this small land and rebuild it in his own image, thus they stopped those going on strikes as well as those going on protests, this one was a benevolent king that chose law over dignity, he was, therefore, someone who doesn't care about what this kingdom can offer except for its peaceful ways.

Yunan didn't announce anything other than the fact that he was showing his face and his wives for those who wished to see their king, the gifts were left as a surprise as well as the interior of the throne room.

There were many that chose to attend the event, most of them were from the elderly who brought their grandchildren to see the splendour of a king, the rest of those attending were officials who were sent by their community to meet the king. The numbers were rather low even if Yunan expected on the government and guild employees to attend, therefore he changed his plan and decided to let everyone in at the same time since the throne room was big enough to accommodate all of the possible guests, at least those present at the moment.

Yunan made gear made completely out of pearls, the dresses for the girls were so breathtaking that the girls thought it was a waste to put them on, as for himself he made a battle armour that was so shiny and sparkly it was almost a crime.

At 9 am in the morning the masses were allowed inside the bright palace, where gasps of awe and wonder echoed in the marble halls, the well-preserved murals and the archaic feel the whole bright palace gave made people wonder where such a palace came from, it was beyond extravagant, and certainly not made by sentient being from the current age, another thing that was asked endlessly was where is the light coming from, there were no lamps, no torches, no candles, and nothing that seemed like a mirror to reflect light, the servants only answer was "we don't know".

As for you my dear readers it is the marble itself that is illuminating the bright palace. The outer part of the palace absorbs light and disperses it to the whole palace where it is stored and then released inside in the gentlest light possible, thus even though the only window in the whole palace was inside the throne room, the rest of the palace was well lit almost day and night, as for the sleeping quarters, there was a marble ball beside the beds, one can touch and send an order to dim the lights or totally extinguish it, since the only requirement was intent and the magical properties of the marble, the palace itself could not be considered a magical item and was not using magic against the law.

The palace was built like a visitor centre, the front gate led to a wide hall, that branched when reaching the door to the throne room, on the left was the service quarter; where one can meet the court officials and employees of the government, on the left was guest quarter, one can find rest lounges and banquet halls, and all kinds of facilities that are open for the guests, both service and guest quarters have a dedicated kitchen and servant dormitories so as to not be in a position where one quarter must be prioritized over the other and thus offending anyone was almost impossible.

As for the royal quarters, they were behind the throne room, as in you must first pass by the throne room and reach the back door to enter it, the royal quarters are not connected to anything else, however, beneath the throne room exists a study that both the service and guest quarters can access to speak directly with the king in case of emergency or secret negotiations, the door connecting to this study can only be opened by the king himself and it requires the control over the palace to create the links.

Now you can imagine entering through a grand marble gate, simple and without decoration, as if telling the outside world, you are not worthy enough to glimpse the magnificence that lays inside, as you step inside, you will not feel the light dimming, instead it feels as bright as the outside but gentler on the eyes, as you proceed through the hall you are hit with the beauty of the palace and its decoration without warning, murals, carvings, and endless rich colours.

As you are still taking in the dazzling sight, you notice that there are no visible means to spread light, and while you are asking you find yourself before the door leading to the throne room, you notice that you have not stopped walking and have been almost in a trance to notice, when you look at the simple marble door, it feels out of place, it draws your attention because even though it shares the same space as those things that just took your breath away, it just stood there humble and accepting it would never be as breathtaking, however you feel that it only stands there to cleanse your mental palate in order to witness something that you will never forget.

As the marble door opens you witness the colourful crystal hall, it looks like it was made from gems and jewels, then you notice the light coming from the only window in the palace, a crystal clear panel that drowns the room in light, that pure light scattering again and again in rainbows filling the room, you notice the again simple throne in the room, there are no rainbows on it, it feels lonely and afraid of the dark, you notice behind it that the scattered light has made a path from the back door all the way to the throne.

You look at the time and notice that the few moments you have been here, are in actuality an hour, and you glimpse the back door noiselessly open from behind it, a man in bright armour walks in, a beautiful woman walks by each side, the follow a step behind him, he is their master and for a moment he is yours too, the man follows the path of light and 3ach step he becomes brighter and more colourful, you notice that three more beautiful girls emerge behind the man but you don't keep them in mind, the man that is getting showered by light with each step closer to the simple lonely throne draws all your attention.

You witness the man sit on the throne and all the broken lights in the room converge on him, becoming a halo of light, you can look as much as you want but your mind can not help but shut your eyes and you unconsciously kneel before your king, you do not hesitate nor do you find it disheartening, your king deserves to be knelt to, and you are his subject.

You immerse yourself in the feeling of the light hitting your closed eyelids demanding you open them and behold the most magnificent king, but you wait, not sure why or for what but you wait, until you hear the gentle and mild, yet strong voice reverberating in the room "rise" and you obey, you stand on your feet and open your eyes to look at your king, there he sits on the simple throne, he is the main attraction, not the throne he sits on, three queens stand on the right, the left and behind him, beyond them two servants stand two steps back with their eyes on the king, there are no guards and no security, a true king sits in front of you, and no man can have the presence of mind to wield a blade to harm him.

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