Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 220: Vacation

Chapter 220: Vacation

Bai and Lucian were the happiest with the time it took Bai to find Yunan, even if he was going easy on him, Yunan had enough tricks up his sleeve to drive Bai half-mad by the end of the first month.

Yunan used methods so childish even Bai had to skip thinking about because they were not how adventurers think at all, and that was what delayed the hunt for 3 months, it was a strength only Yunan had, he could look from outside of the room to watch the picture, he didn't restrain himself or his imagination to a certain way of thinking, escape was not just running away or being unnoticed, sometimes being everywhere was more effective in escaping then being nowhere.

Yunan used every bit of knowledge he got from Debauchery, starting from mental manipulation to the use of the ranger class, he was getting better at making use of all bits of information he received all his life during the hunt, and that was why Debauchery liked Yunan so much, he was not a jack of all trades, that was nothing but a step forward for him, he was a master of all trades, meaning he made all the specialisation and divergence of the classes into one class "adventurer" if the was only one class to master, then the small details can be omitted, an adventurer needed to be good at everything, and explorer was part of a team, a team of explorers can contain adventurers but there was no such thing as team of adventurers because the moment that team was created, specialisation would occur negating the point of the name adventurers.

Debauchery themselves longed for being adventurers, that is why even though they were specialists they could more or less perform admirably in other classes, and seeing their student take the path they wished to take was like watching him fulfil their dream, and they loved him for it.

Back to the rogue training, Bai was very happy and sad, not only did Yunan win every bet, he basically made bai use the techniques and power level of a level 60 explorer to find him, that is basically saying Yunan can survive any hunt by anyone below level 60 blindfolded and his hands tied behind his back, while Lucian was just happy he could see ranging used to make a rogue suffer, as for the childish methods Yunan applied, only Balin saw the wisdom in those, because leaving a bag of burning excrements behind you, can lead to so many misunderstandings that the hunter would stop acting while Yunan was working on his next trap and trick, making a golem roast food on the other side of the jungle while you eat fruit on this side is sure to make even Bai have a headache between continue to pursue or double back.

As for Dustan, he was happy because everyone along with him lost their bets, and that he was the only one who did not bet anything worthwhile. As for Fae and Leader they were just happy seeing Yunan use everything they taught him to perfection, it was a moment of pride that only parents ought to experience.

After the rogue training, Yunan headed took a break from the dungeon and took his friends with him to a resort beach recommended by a guild employee, who was more than happy to tell Yunan about the best vacation spots that were quiet, away from prying eyes and cost a fortune but was worth all the money. As for why Yunan chose a beach, well obviously because, the sun rays, the blue ocean can only accentuate the swimsuits worn by beautiful ladies, and how did Yunan who has never been to the beach know that? That would be the fault of the perverted threesome in the midst of Debauchery, who were debating whom among the current known harem of Yunan looked better with a swimsuit on.

And the answer was a tie between leader and Luna, because mature bodies that have not felt the sting of time were more attractive to men than the young supple bodies of the younger generation, however, the childish maturity had its own sway in a swimsuit, thus Yunan ended up in heaven, although he had no preference in regards to mature body vs freshness of youth, he still enjoyed watching both sides prancing around and playing here and there, and the 5 other males might have been happy to watch too if not for the constant contact the ladies had with Yunan who straightforwardly talked about the wonderful view, touched unceremoniously and even got the affectionate kiss now and then.

It was a bliss to watch swimsuits playing happily in their natural habitat but it was torture watching them hover around the same lecherous guy who for some reason was the focal point of attention, maybe it was the fact he was nonchalant about the whole thing or the fact he was honest about his desire, but every man knew that it was forbidden to pursue a woman while being nonchalant about her beauty and being frank about it, a taboo in the book of finding partners.

Eventually, the 5 men agreed that it was blind luck, how else could a guy like Yunan who was both nonchalant and frank get so many girls to hover around him like butterflies, it was mind-boggling. The truth of it, however, was that Yunan could project the sincerest emotions through his actions and words, although women tend to place sincere guys in the friend zone, Yunan was also frank about his desire making it hard for him to stay unnoticed, also lets not forget that women love to things other women have, if a man is married or has a girlfriend, he is automatically mister perfect.

Well, let's leave that aside and focus on the story again.

Yunan who was having the time of his life with his friends and beloved, had this bad feeling in the back of his head nagging on him that something was wrong, so he sneakily took precautions, used divination to see what might be wrong, however the feeling never went away for the duration of the vacation, and it was not long before Yunan was approached by someone he would have never would take the step to converse with him.

Venus herself made an appearance at the beach to ask Yunan to explain to her about the ways of love she had not experienced in her life before ascending, even if it was too late and she would never have the chance to gain power over the new domains of knowledge, she would still like to understand.

It was already too late when Yunan found the true reason for her actions, it was too late when Yunan found the too suspicious clues, the first clue was her willingness to ask politely and listen with enthusiasm, the second was that she was using every bit of charm on her body to make him lower his guard, something she explained as her nature: she wanted others to always be relaxed and drop their guard around her. When Yunan was explaining things like friendship to her he felt the nagging sensation on the back of his head stop, it was then he noticed he was already trapped.

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