Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 210: Magical surgery

Chapter 210: Magical surgery

After dealing with everyone in the room Yunan used his toxicology to absorb and store all the poison in the mana shield he had established, all the poison was stored inside Dragonification, the most suitable container since it had the isolation effect active as well. After that Yunan proceeded to absorb all the poison out of the young master while Ophelia was checking the wounds along with Anne who was in the midst of a fight along with Debauchery but had enough time to look at the visual feed sent by Yunan and Ophelia.

"There is a poison gland that is sitting under his heart, although I have sucked away all the mana he has it is taking the regenerated mana before my syphon detects it, do you think it is okay to remove it?" Yunan provided an ultrasound body imaging and another 3-dimensional presentation of the whole body as he could see it, including the wounds and the venom gland.

Ophelia and Anne talked in Unison "we have to kill him, remove the gland and a piece of the heart before returning him to life within 4 hours", at this point Ophelia stopped talking and started listening, she had the theoretical knowledge but the practical part was left for her master. "First things first, sterilise the room, yourselves and the equipment, next reduce the body temperature below 34 but higher than 30 degrees, open the chest cavity and cause heart failure, best if you use something that will immediately stop the heart without causing nerve or muscle damage"

"Make sure your patient will not wake up during this part or he will die from shock, this artificial death can be restored at any moment so please take care, anyway, remove the heart completely and use regeneration to create a new one, the new heart will not start beating thanks to the cold body, so slowly raise the body temperature and wake the new heart with an electric shock. Then close all the wounds after making sure there are no damages to the blood circulation and no organ failure".

Yunan took the lead and cast an ice field around the young master and used it to keep the body temperature stable at 32 degrees, next Ophelia opened the chest cavity while Yunan directly Froze the heart and the gland attached to it to 100 degrees below zero just in case, he also made sure the young master was under the effect of the sleep spell while he was doing that, next Ophelia generously cut from the blood vessels and tendons keeping the heart in place, after She removed the heart, Yunan did another scan to confirm there was no more poison in the body, meanwhile Ophelia told the genie to keep this heart in a preserved state for future studies making sure to keep it in a contained environment.

Yunan then coordinated with Ophelia and regrew a new heart, restarted it made the necessary repairs to the damaged body before sealing the wounds and removing all scar tissue, and then they put the patient inside a honey bath brought back by Drogon to filter out the things they could not manually remove like blood and small remains of the broken flesh.

"Leave him in this bath for 3 hours, when he wakes up, immediate burn the resulting bath water" Yunan ordered Drogon to keep an eye on the young master to both protect against traitors and the secret of the honey. After that he turned to the middle-aged woman who was in stunned state from witnessing the way Yunan and Ophelia healed her son, Yunan tapped on her shoulder to wake her up and said with a comforting voice "he is as good as new, make sure the trains slowly and not push his new heart or he might die from it, now let him rest, you can stay beside him, my familiar will keep you safe".

Yunan took Ophelia back inside the house for cleaning and a change of clothes before returning to Kitty and Sapphira who were in the middle of making the little girl laugh until her breath was short and her face flush red From joy and excitement, Yunan took over the girl and told her to be quieter if she wanted to see the silver mouse, the girl immediately stopped all noise and sat on his lap like an obedient little girl but her heart was beating all the same from excitement and anticipation, Yunan brought out Silva and had him sit on her head, the girl resisted with all your might the urge to move and try to touch the mouse on her head, so to reward her Yunan cast a calm spell on Silva before telling it to change location from her head to her shoulder then to her open palms.

The girl was squealing from happiness when she saw Silva rolling around on her palm, as it furiously rubbed its fur on the skin only to feel softer than a cloud, as the calm spell started to fade, both the little girl and Silva were getting calmer and gentler in their actions, not long after the girl has fallen asleep in Yunan's embrace while holding the mouse to her chest like the most precious treasure in the world.

Yunan stayed in the pond chatting with Kitty and Sapphira until Drogon returned with lady of the house who looked much better than when he left her and had an apologetic look on her face "this is a place of silence and calm, you happened to arrive in the time I bring my daughter here to teach her to calm her emotions and focus her mental energy, I apologize for not saying anything during your stay, as for thanking you for saving my son, I will leave that to my husband when he returns, he should arrive by nightfall, please excuse our mistake for bringing you here without much information."

"Don't bother, it is not like I was busy or anything, besides I think I wasted all the training you have given your daughter, she has played enough to fall asleep in the arms of a stranger, so call it even" Yunan had a soft spot for sincere people, he always found himself going out of his for them, because they reminded him of his mother and through their sincere actions and words he felt related to them, although Yunan prided himself on his straightforward personality he never called himself a sincere one, nor will he ever do so, because he simply did not have that kind mindset they have innately in them.

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