Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Chapter 74

[Three days have passed since the location tracking of the dummy data ended.]



A truck driving through the desert spewing thick sand dust.

Lennok was perched on the back of the truck, gazing blankly at the receding city.

In the meantime, I have been to the outskirts of the city a few times while going to and from the undeveloped district, but it has been a long time since I have completely left such a large city.

The memory of the moment he stole an unfamiliar car and entered the Balkan trembling still lingered in Lennok’s memory.

Evelyn’s calm voice continued to be heard through her earphones.

[We have completed cross-validation by mobilizing all available means with the obtained location information. This is solid information.]

[Basically, it hides well, but it’s intermittently interrupted by the desert fever mixed with magnetism. After aiming at that part and taking satellite photos intensively, I got a sense of it to some extent.]

Ibelin continued to speak one after another, but Lennok did not bother to open his mouth to reply.

The communication ringing in his ears right now was a set of instructions delivered to all the team members who participated in the operation as well as to him.

I didn’t like the fact that the information restriction was only lifted right before the operation started, but it wasn’t something I couldn’t understand from a security standpoint.

And besides him, the other team members in the truck were listening to Evelyn’s communications with great concentration.


[The place we found by tracking the encryption key is the temporary base of the terrorist organization Palchion. It seems to be a place set up to supply supplies to free people in the Balkans.]

[The operation has two goals.]

Ibelin’s voice became infinitely colder.

[Secure the communication network to neutralize the base’s internal power and trace back to the main base of Falchion.]

[Base leader Daron, who is in charge of the base, is away from the base to receive supplies. Rumors abound that he is a madman who transforms his entire body into machines and is ferocious, so it would be better to finish the operation before he returns.] While

saying that, she explained the details of the operation in a quick and concise tone.

Things I had already mentioned to Lennox once.

Divided into three teams, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 1st and 3rd lead and retreat, and 1st and 3rd divisions neutralize the inside of the base while #2 collects information and leaves.

In the process, it was only natural that the eyes of the 2nd division team leader, Lennok, naturally focused.

[This side’s communication is cut off.]

Evelyn said.

[From now on, the operators standing by near the site will assist with the operation. Then, good luck.]


The truck stops at the same time as communication is cut off.

Another three trucks appearing through the dust at the same time.

Team members gathered in the middle of the vast desert lazily got out of the truck and looked at each other.


Lennok didn’t dare to go first, but rather sat on the truck and looked up at the sky.

A hot and dry environment.

Because of the rising haze, part of the horizon is obscured even in sunny weather.

It’s a shame because the common magic can moderately cool the body temperature and ventilate it. If I stood here naked, I would have passed out in less than 30 minutes.

As I immersed myself in such trivial sentiments, I took a cigarette from my arms and bit it, and I heard a tired voice next to me.

“You seem to really like cigarettes. Do we really need to light a fire in this crazy weather?”


A young man with small scars on his face.

When someone said it, it was the person with the ability to ignite that I had worked with at the Trade Center the other day.

Instead of replying, Lennok smiled and lit a cigarette in silence.


said the young man who was sitting next to him awkwardly.

“I’m sorry to bring this up, but may I ask what you plan to do next?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean… Actually, that mage is the key to this operation.”

The young man’s tone was quite polite, unlike before, but the content was accurate to the core.

“People who just listened to the briefing could not have known this. Arrangements that openly support the 2nd division and the way they escort the 2nd division back and forth when entering and exiting the operational composition… I don’t care, but there must be quite a few people who are dissatisfied.”

“It’s dissatisfaction…”

It wasn’t just nonsense considering that basically freelancers don’t like being constrained by methods.

Of course, since I was hired after receiving a request from an agent, it would be right to follow their method if possible, but how many of them would work while considering such things in the field.

Unless you belonged to a professional organization and received training, this was natural in a way.

No, in fact, it should be seen as a set procedure at the point where direct intervention by agents became difficult.


Just as he was about to finish his thoughts, someone violently knocked on the truck Lennok was riding in from behind.

Light green hair, as if it had been dyed with fluorescent dyes, and piercings all over her face.

Eyes glistening with life and lips painted blue.

The young man, who would rather be called a gangster or a biker than a freelancer, looked up at Lennok and said.

Behind him, dozens of team members from other trucks were staring at Lennok.

“Let’s talk. Come down and see.”

“Tell me there.”


“It sounds good.”

Lennok looked down at the man nonchalantly, holding a cigarette between his fingers.

For a moment, he felt blood welling up on the man’s forehead, but it seemed that he hadn’t intended to break the board from the beginning.

he said, tilting his head crookedly at Lennok with his arms crossed.

“I have a question about the plan of the operation that I have heard so far.”


“okay. I mean, it’s a form of sharing the three roles of rush-action-retreat, isn’t it actually all about cleaning up the shit of the 2nd division? I do not approve of this.”

The introduction of the words that hit and run is so obvious that I think I can recite it line by line without listening to the next words.

But Lennok quietly let out smoke and induced the man to say the next thing.

‘Obviously they said they would hand over the operating to the on-site waiting team, but so far nothing has been said. It means only one thing.’

From this point on, do you intend to completely hand over the leadership of the operation to Lennok and refrain from intervening in what happens within it?

No, it might be the unspoken pressure that if you can’t suppress this level of turmoil, you can’t entrust the work.

It’s annoying, but Lennok is still convinced.

Garbage rolling down the street.

A life lived in pursuit of innate power and money, not discipline and control.

In order to tie them together in one order of operations, their own solutions are needed.

It’s not something to be proud of.

To put it bluntly, wasn’t Lennok a resident of the same street as them?

We must not forget the essence intoxicated by the ever-rising fame and ransom.

When I first arrived in this city, didn’t I promise to survive at all costs and rise to the top?

The feel of a cold sink. The warmth of the hot gun barrel, the unpleasant feeling of vomit… All of them are alive and breathing inside Lennok.

Even if everyone else forgets and doesn’t care, Lennok alone should continue to remember.

the nature of this unpleasant city.

And the low truth that he is no different from them.


Lennok, who was staring at the man with cold eyes, slowly stood up.

“Are you listening?”

I hold my breath over my earphones and convey this situation to those who will be listening.

“The cost of sorting out this situation. You must not forget.”

[…….Thank you for your understanding.]

After hearing the answer, it seems that the agents there also have their own circumstances.

It was only when he heard the whispering voice that Lennok was satisfied.

“Don’t the guys in the truck think so too?”

In the meantime, the man turned to the other freelancers in the same truck as Lennok, as if he wanted to add more to his side.

“This isn’t fair. We didn’t even get a good look at the magician’s skills. No matter how much the client gave direct instructions…”

“I don’t think so.”

The one who interrupted the man with a heavy voice was a gigantic man with a nonchalant expression sitting back against the truck and closing his eyes.


“That man is a much more competent person than you think. I rather think the client’s perspective is accurate.”

“So do i.”

A woman with an expressionless face sitting next to him spoke.

The two of them sitting next to each other gave off a similar feeling.

“I have no complaints about this role, but rather doubt that the 1st and 3rd divisions can play their roles properly.”

The woman said with her eyes shining.

“To be honest, isn’t that the first time you see each other in this operation? On the other hand, we have already checked each other’s skills by putting our hands and feet together once. I don’t think I need to say which one is more suitable for carrying out operations.”

Lennok, who did not know that he would take his side here, turned his head and stared at the two of them.


The two people who noticed Lennok’s gaze slightly averted their gaze in different directions.

Seeing the two of them moving at the same time as if they had promised, Lennok immediately realized what was going on and smiled.

The answer is simple, considering that the two men and women, including the person with the ability to oxidize, move together in the same second division as Lennok this time.

Lennok’s ability is also an ability, but the two do not want to lose the role of the 2nd Division, which will surely receive the most support in this operation, to other team members.

Besides, considering the reality they showed in the last operation, there must have been a tacit agreement that it would be better to take Lennok’s side here.

There are so many different intentions hidden in that imposing gaze.

Which one would be most helpful to Lennok?

‘I mustn’t confuse the operational goal with my purpose.’

All Lennok wants is to find Craig and ask him about the legacy left by the old family.

Furthermore, it is to find secrets and clues about this world.

Raiding the temporary base of Falchion, stealing information, and tracking the base had to be part of Lennok’s purpose.


Lennok, who finished his calculations quickly, slowly grabbed the railing of the truck and stepped on the desert sand.

It is not strange even if the knees suddenly go out after jumping down.

The man looked at Lennok with an absurd expression and shook his head.

“Haa, that’s wrong… This guy and that guy are all idiots.”

He pulled out a long dagger from his waist and quickly raised his mana.

“The fact that you came down from there means that you thought about accepting our request, right?”

Before replying, Lennok looked down at the watch on his left wrist.

“There are only about 30 minutes left until the time of the conclusion of the operation.”

“Fuck this bastard hasn’t responded since before…!!”

In the end, a man with light green hair who couldn’t stand his temper kicked the ground.

The appearance disappeared in an instant along with the sand dust bursting out.


Whether it was or not, Lennok bit off a cigarette and thought blankly.

There are countless ways to counter these idiots, and Lennok’s magic has advanced so much that it doesn’t make much sense to prioritize their efficiency.

What to consider from Lennox’s point of view, who can react almost instantaneously to the opponent’s attack.

Aftermath after using magic. And only the most efficient and safe way to reveal his power and talent.

‘If we consider the situation at the beginning of the operation… the answer is fixed.’

Without hesitation, I stretched out my hand and grabbed the magical power of the air.

According to the laws of this world, how far had he come? Level 5 or level 6?

And how far can you go?

Hold on together until the time of trouble.

[Sand thrust]

Together with him, the sand that was piled up under Lennok’s feet stirred up and began to rise all at once.


Dark yellow curtains were drawn under the hot desert sky, blocking all views.

The other freelancers who were watching the scene opened their mouths.

“A sandcaster…!!”

“Nonsense. How can you use such a rare spell…!!”

As the completed huge umbrella of sand loftily looked down at the ground, the figure of a man appeared.

Even at a glance, a look of bewilderment was evident.

Lennok slumped under the umbrella he had created, looking at the huge sandy curtain surrounding Lennok with a puzzled look on his face.

It is said that the surrounding air is managed with magic, but the satisfaction of the shade in this desert is unparalleled.

Elongated smoke billowed from his mouth as Lennock gestured towards the people around him.

“I’d better take a break until then. People who are sensitive to the heat can come in.”

Torrential flow


An attitude as if he had no regard for the man with light green hair.

However, unlike before, no one raised objections to that statement.

The pale green haired man who had been staring at Lennok with a blank expression also slowly backed away with a hard complexion.

Lennok was satisfied that there was not even a hint of hostility left on his face.

I wanted to avoid carrying useless bombs before the operation even started.

It seemed that the way to completely get rid of the fighting spirit in an uncommon way that only magicians could do was effective.

“It’s decided.”

Only then did one person approach Lenok and talk to him.

A young man with a young impression who shaved the side of his hair asymmetrically and filled in a tattoo in its place said with a grin.

“Sandcasters that can only be seen occasionally among nomads who live their entire lives in the desert… It’s perfect in an environment like this. I don’t know how the agent did it, but they found the most perfect person in this position.”

He looked at Lennok and slowly held out his hand for a handshake.

“Chen Kruger. I’m in charge of commanding the 1st division in this operation. By the way, my friend named Dave is in charge of the 3rd Division.”


Lennok shook his hand roughly and glanced at the pale green-haired man, still unable to get up.

Was it because he was dissatisfied with being in charge of the second team, so he first bet on Lennok like this?

He must have decided that it would be good if he was eaten or not, and jumped into action, but he would have never thought that Lennok would come out so tough.

In the process, after showing overwhelming results in this way, in the end, the opponent’s intentions were crushed and the only thing left was Lennok’s ability.

Even now, this man, Chen, thinks of Lennok as a sandcastle and instantly expresses his favor.

Turning the tables and making the war his own was one of Lennok’s favorite uses of magic.

If I can get a little more sense of this ‘territory’, I think I can create something different


While Lennok was lost in his thoughts, Chen had a proper conversation with the rest of the team and quickly put the situation together.

Judging from the way things were going, it seemed that there was some kind of agreement between the 1st and 3rd divisions, and they were thinking of discussing how to proceed with the operation after seeing Lennok’s skills.

No matter how the operation proceeds, it’s Lenok who only intends to take care of his original purpose.

Rather, Chen seemed much more suitable to lead the other team members in this position.

“half. First of all, I want to share the contents of the coordination between us, is that okay?”

“Listen and see.”

“good. The strategy we have now conceived on the client side is perfectly efficient, but it has one major problem.”

Chen said that and raised three fingers.

“one. That it did not take into account the individual ability differences of team members. The fact that the two did not explain these operational outlines in advance. Lastly, the fact that the success and failure of the 2nd division is overly concentrated.”


“The 1st and 3rd divisions are all about maintaining their formation after entering the base and retreating again. In fact, if the 2nd division doesn’t produce results, everything will go to waste.”

As he said that, he turned his eyes towards Lennok.

“I think this operation is based on half of your abilities. Is my guess correct?”


Lennok replied plaintively.

“Since I was not directly involved in the planning process, I have nothing to say. I’ve only worked with them once before.”

“I see…”

Chen said with a thoughtful nod.

“What I want to say is that we need to increase the role of each division in the process of the operation. It’s nice to have a clear division of roles, but avoid failing to focus on individual quotas. Do you agree?”

“I agree.”

“good. Attention everyone!”

Chen raised his voice and drew the attention of his teammates.

“With the leader’s permission, we decided to make some changes to the strategy.”

“The 1st division entered the vanguard. While the 3rd squad enters both sides of the 2nd squadron moving behind it and makes an escape route, the 2nd squadron takes care of the business and comes out, the 1st squadron escorts and carries the 2nd squadron, and the 3rd squadron clears the retreat route. Did you all understand?”


“The important thing in this operation is not that each person does a perfect job, but the belief that even if one side makes a mistake, they can make up for it right away. If we fail even once, we might not be able to get out of that base. I don’t think anyone knows what that means.”

It is an operation that cannot be finished by just doing one’s own work.

At Chen’s calm tone, the other team members naturally nodded as well.

Lennok looked at Chen, who naturally elicited positive responses from the team members around him and maintained morale.

The choice to take the greatest risk by entering first when the temporary base is most intact.

Bold enough to choose the option casually, and a sense of responsibility to do our best in carrying out the operation.

And even the leadership that convinces the 3rd Division that he leads such a decision without any objection.

He is not a freelancer, but the type of person who is not strange even if he leads an organization like Dray.

When Lennok briefly conveyed his sentiments to Chen, he replied with a shy smile.

“Your eyes are sharp. In fact, I’m thinking of starting a business with like-minded friends.”


“okay. I need a lot of money for that, so I’m running around like this now.”

After Chen said that, he smiled and turned his head.

“It was a long talk. We will have to walk from here to the temporary base, so let’s start soon.”

Lennok put his hand on his earpiece instead of answering it.

“Shouldn’t the operating team intervene in the operation now? It must have been enough to watch the power struggle of the workers on the site.”

[…..Excuse me. It’s been a long time since we’ve cooperated with freelancers in such a full way.]

A calm, mechanical woman’s voice came belatedly.

It was Hina.

[Basically, we conceived the strategy, but of course it was decided which side’s judgment should take precedence. I was waiting until we could coordinate opinions on the spot.]

“You speak well.”

Lennox snorted when he heard that.

It’s an obvious excuse, but that’s why it’s a law to stand.

She, too, knew where Lennok was complaining, so she didn’t reply and went on.

[Then, let’s start the operation now. Until now, they had come by truck, but from here to the temporary base there are scattered mounds of invisible sand, so it is difficult to operate a vehicle.] Suddenly,

Hina’s voice went beyond Lennok’s earphones and was transmitted to other freelancers.

The other freelancers, who had been talking loudly until just now, quickly focused on the voice in their ears.

No matter how selfish a group of humans live, no human being has survived in the city without such concentration.

[Considering that the transport vehicle could be damaged beyond the procedure of the wheel falling off if done wrong, it is right to remove the vehicle and proceed.] Right after that, a hologram appears in front of your eyes


[The location of Falchion’s temporary base has been marked on the coordinates. At the point of entry, we can provide support to some extent, but please keep in mind that the most important thing is your judgment.]

With those words, Chen winked at Lennok and immediately turned around and started running with the teammates of the 3rd division. .

The light green hair, which came to its senses at some point, also slightly avoided Lennok’s gaze, and immediately ran out, blowing sand.

The young man with the flame power asked Lennok, who remained at the far end.

“Um… would it be better to run with half of that on your back?”

“Thank you for the favor, but I don’t need it.”

In the middle of the city, I would have had to accept the subtle offer, but there is a way to do it in the desert like this.

The sand beneath Lennok’s feet wriggled a lot, then hardened and began to move, supporting his feet.

‘I didn’t know that the results of researching the boarding aid magic would be used in this way.’

If he rode on the moving sand without any basic knowledge, it would have been difficult to even balance with Lennok’s motor nerves.

However, it was not difficult to solve the difficulties with horsepower after thinking about how to handle the boarding aid at least once.

It is still far from efficient movement, but it is natural that the movement itself is implemented as Lennok wants.

The other 2nd division teammates stared blankly at Lennok as he rode the waves of sand and ran forward.


“I am. When I heard that friend’s name, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of him dealing with sand magic….”

With a giant murmur, other team members followed.

Lennok glanced down at the mound of sand spinning under his feet like a wheel and nodded.

‘The grains of sand are quite small. That’s why it tangles very well with magical power.’

When using [Sand Thrust], I felt that the sand was more sensitive and moved more easily than Lennok handled.

It moves freely just by mixing mana into the sand and pouring it out.

Considering that other freelancers couldn’t even imitate this method, it would be correct to assume that Lennok’s magical power control ability, which manipulates magical power in particle units, is having some effect.

‘I need to remember.’

Freelancers speed up even more while thinking.

In order not to be noticed, he was waiting at a considerable distance from the temporary base, but closing the gap is an instant.

Sand dust rises faintly across the horizon.

Chen, who was the first to move while comparing the coordinates of the hologram that appeared in front of his eyes and the landmarks, whispered through his earphones.

[Beginning to see. Everyone get ready.]

[Everyone, please close your eyes.]

Hina’s cold voice echoed at the same time.

[I will start applying.]


A streamlined orb that flew in from the distant sky with a bizarre noise.

Although the laser shot between the dozens of tents that were just beginning to be visible over the sand dunes was immediately intercepted.


Thousands of pieces of metal hidden inside covered the whole sky and began to fall like snow.

It paralyzes the radar and at the same time distorts all the waves of the radio waves projected overhead, interfering with communication.

Hina Oneil set off thousands of chaffs on the spot to block the communication while hiding the exact location of the team members entering the temporary base.

Silver snow pouring down on the barren desert.

It is a magnificent view that catches the eye even while running.

[It’s spectacular.]

As someone muttered, isn’t it an undeserved sight to enjoy with the terrorists?

While Lennok thought so, he spurred on his mana and raised it to the limit.

Woo woo woo woo!!!

From the moment he realized that the movement of the sand was easier than Lennok expected, his work was fixed.

“Wake up.”

With Lennok’s small whisper, a large amount of magic power stabbed into the ground lifted up the sand piled up in the ground.

A tidal wave arose in the middle of the desert.

[Reverse Gravity]


Huge waves of sand more than ten meters rushed towards the ground, covering the battlefield over tens of meters on both sides of Lennok.

Not paying attention to the eyes of the freelancers running right next to him widening in astonishment, Lennok spread his arms out in the air.

The important thing is not to be bound by the medium of sand.

It is possible to just focus on ‘flow’ if necessary.

In this case, what is needed is… sand magic, not gravity-type wide-area magic.

It is a baseline suppression similar to that used in ports.

Waves of sand rippling through the desert sand swept away the temporary base.


The loose fence and dozens of tents on the outskirts of the temporary base were shattered and pushed back.

The members of Falchion, who ran out of the tent at the same time, also buried themselves in the pile of hot sand.


“It’s a tsunami!!”

“Nonsense…..!! how…!!!”

What is the use of all the weapons in both hands and the seething mana in the face of a natural disaster?

Screams and shouts full of astonishment are swept away by the sand piles, completely devastating the outskirts of the temporary base.

Lennok slowly lowered his hands, ignoring the stares of the other teammates staring at him gaping open.

A short word came out of his mouth as he pulled out a cigarette.

“let’s go.”

The second operation to collaborate with agents.

A large-scale battle with more than 10 team members has begun.



Doo doo doo!!

The sound of gunfire echoed loudly, and shockwaves caused by magic power exploded in various places.

The 1st Division, including Chen, did not miss the point when Lennok threw the temporary base into chaos by causing a sand wave, and immediately dug into the inside of the base sharply.

In the process, the fact that they conserved their mana as much as possible and used the firearms they brought with them was proof that they were seasoned freelancers.



“Mr. fuck… since when the hell…!!”

Lennok looked at the rear of the 1st Division, which was advancing frantically while being thoroughly protected by the other 2nd Division team members.

I expected it to some extent, but the members of the Falchion were unable to respond to the surprise attack from this side and were helpless.

In a way, it is natural.

If you hadn’t noticed that the cryptographic keys were mixed with dummy data, you wouldn’t have known the location of this base was discovered either.

In addition, the waves of sand swept away by Chap and Lennok, who fired support shots right before entering.

Considering the rush of the 1st Division, whose location was unknown right after that, it was rather strange to wake up quickly.

[Make sure to memorize all entry routes! When retreating, the time spent thinking about the process of securing a retreat should be reduced as much as possible!!]

Chen’s voice was suppressed.

I want to applaud that judgment so much that I think it’s okay even if I just listen to this to a certain extent about the movement of the main base.

Looking around, the other team members of the 2nd division were also adding moderately to the line where they did not go far from Lennok, contributing their strength to suppressing the members of the Falchion.

It wasn’t too difficult for Lennox to pull out his revolver and pull out a few rounds, but now there are more important things than that.

Now, this operation is the result of the agent’s high evaluation of Lennok’s judgment and ability and a significant role.

Since it would be left to the 2nd Division to decide what purpose to achieve at the temporary base after entering, it was only up to Lennok to determine exactly what information to find at this base.


The mana that had been stored since the Tidal Wave stretched out all at once, covering all directions.

Passing through the outskirts of the Temporary Base of Falchion, which Lennok had destroyed and the 1st Division entering, toward the center.

[Where did Daron go!]

[Patrol. At a time like this… Goddamn it!]

[Chapter’s not working because of Chap… You mean, you’re aiming for this exact moment…!!]

I found it.

An ordinary sized tent that is slightly offset from the center of the temporary base.

Inside, Lennok immediately turned to see the three fidgety gangsters clutching the communicator.

At the same time, he placed his hand on the earphone and whispered softly.

[From now on, the 2nd Division moves separately. Gather information and maintain power until it comes out and wait for the situation.]



Chen and the light green haired reply continued, and the 3rd division, which was the furthest behind to deal with the remnants, immediately preceded the 2nd division and spread in all directions. started to stretch out.

In order to maintain their formation until Lennok and the 2nd Division snatched up the information, they began to fight more boldly than before.

If Lennok successfully finishes his business, the 1-2-3 divisions will escape the temporary base again, and the 3rd division will close the door and come out.

There was no reason to hold back any longer.

Leading the team members of the 2nd division following him, Lennok immediately started moving.


The fire-powered person running next to him breathed a breath of flame and set the collapsed tents on fire.

The team members frowned at the scorching fire added to the desert heat, but Lennok didn’t bat an eye.

Unaware of the teammates’ tongue-in-cheek at that icy figure, Lennok immediately raised his magical powers, pulled out three purple whips, and sent them flying.

Whirly Rick!!

The whip that was fired as if sucked into the tent found earlier grabs the three gang members in an instant and puts them at Lennok’s feet.

Lennok put down one by one in front of the young man and the tall woman.

“Catch each one of them and finish the interrogation quickly. There will be information that can only be heard from the guy who works directly in the field. In the meantime, I will quickly finish my business.”

Before I can hear the answer, I head inside the tent.

If you are a freelancer who uses your body, you probably know roughly how to open your mouth.

It doesn’t matter much if there are no results.

All kinds of electronic equipment placed inside the tent.

The data contained within this was no different from the core of this operation.

‘Let’s deal with it quickly.’

First of all, approach the military computer placed in the innermost part, take out the USB port from inside the bosom, and insert it as it is.

As the hacking program ported inside worked, dozens of letters and sequences began to appear and disappear from the monitor screen in an instant.

Lenok put the information gathering tools he had received in advance from Hina into other electronic devices one after another, and instead of wasting time absentmindedly, he immediately swept away the nearby maps and papers and put them in his bag.

“It’s lax…”

If it had been Lennok, he would have burned all the data he had the moment he realized that the base had been attacked.

The reason why I couldn’t do that was probably because I didn’t want to take responsibility for the loss of data, and because I was complacent that this commotion would pass without incident.

As a result, the members of the organization who managed this tent were unable to take any action and the information was stolen in an instant.

Of course, all of this was because the manager of the base, Daron, as they said, did not exist…

‘The fact that the operation time was set to now is probably because the agent knows about the vacancy of the base leader.’


While not bragging about the contents of the operation, they do not spare support and investment in necessary tasks.

In many ways, it was clear that he was a much more capable partner than Dyke, but don’t be mistaken.

There’s no guarantee that their intelligence-gathering skills and good judgment will continue to help Lennok.

Lennok knew very well that it would take less than half a day on the ground before a capable ally could turn into a dangerous foe.

Data stealing is almost over.

First, Lennok took out the hacked USB ports one by one and put them in his arms, and began to look at the list of books on the bookshelf for the rest of his time.

I was giving up because I couldn’t take all of them with me because they were so heavy, but if I had any useful magic books, I’d be able to bring two or three.

However, it didn’t take long for Lennok to frown as he looked around the bookshelves.

“Artificial intelligence… and only data on necromancy. Is this the field that Daron deals with?”

no that’s not it

It wasn’t until Lennok mumbled that that he realized that there was still information left here that he hadn’t discovered.

In an instant, memories of the past flashed through Lennok’s mind as he encountered the two keywords.

The Palmers Lab, which studies artificial intelligence.

The black magicians of the Buyeo sect who cooperated there were massacred.

And the practical necromancer who perpetrated all those massacres.

Lastly, the temporary base of the terrorist organization Palcion, which holds an armful of such information.

A man named Daron is not a necromancer.

The information they were collecting through the temporary base included artificial intelligence and necromancy.


Realizing the unexpected fact, Lennok’s eyes sank coldly.

Artificial intelligence and necromancy.

What is the reason they have collected data from two fields that can be said to be completely different?

Considering the fact that they are collaborating with the black magicians of the practical school, the reason must also be related to the unknown pillars they installed.

While I was thinking about it, I finished extracting the data.

Lennok stopped thinking and immediately turned to the tent entrance.

It is far more desirable to find out where the warlocks who have collaborated with Falchion are hiding than to speculate on the reason here.

Lennok’s goal is to find clues about this world he doesn’t know through his legacy.

I need to find out at least a little the reason for the words left behind by Madrea Falseer.

Coming out of the tent, the gang members he handed over to his teammates were already in disrepair.

The expressionless woman glanced up at him and shook her head.

“Wrong. I know nothing.”

“…..doesn’t care. I didn’t expect too much.”

Saying that, Lennok grabbed the revolver and energized it.

[Three dots]


Lennok, who had cut the three men’s breaths in an instant, passed the teammates with the muzzle of the smoke billowing.

When I threw the materials and data that I had swept into the bag, the team members received them without saying anything.

“My work here is done. Let’s move quickly.”

[That’s right.]

Chen’s voice came to Lennok’s words.

[Chap is gone. When communication with the outside world is established, the person in charge of the base vacant will begin to return.]

He also seems to have collected information that the base commander was empty during the battle.

The team members of the 2nd Division, who heard the communication through earphones, also sped up.

bang! bang!

After dealing with the gang members who appear in the middle and hold back their ankles, they immediately reunite with the main unit.

Reverse direction and head out of base.

Although the formation is the same as the first one, this time the 3rd Division, which closes the door at the end, takes the risk.

And now, even if the light green haired man decides otherwise, the first and second divisions are in a formation where the risk is not great.

Maybe they noticed that fact, but the 3rd Division’s expression wasn’t very good, but they were moving according to the instructions.

[—-The chaff is over.]

And, as Chen said, the effect of the chaff that interferes with communication with the outside world seems to have ended, and Hina’s voice began to be heard through the earphones.

[Hurry up. Base leader Daron, who was in charge of the temporary base, is a criminal with a very violent personality. If you happen to get caught by your ankles—-]


As soon as he finishes his words, sand dust rises from the other side of the base like a fountain.

Chen saw that and shook his head.

“They say words become seeds.”

[…..It’s not my fault.]

“It’s okay. Running away is the priority now. If we can gather as far as the vehicle is, it won’t be difficult to escape.”

As he said that, he turned his gaze to the pale green haired man who was in command of the 1st division.

“Dave. A chase will probably come in from the back. Mark moderately, and if you feel like you’ve dragged out the time, step back and join the base. got it?”

“……..No problem.”


Unlike Chen, who nodded, Lennok smiled as he saw Dave’s expression move subtly for a moment.

As you can see, there is no brain left to act while weighing the gains and losses.

It was clear what he was thinking.

Well, it’s the bundae that follows the most behind, so there’s no need to worry about it right now.

Move the sand under your feet, speed up and run away from the base.

However, the speed of something chasing after bursting sand in succession was more than expected.

Doo doo doo doo!!

Something galloping through the sand with a stinging noise like machine gun fire.

As soon as the distance got closer, he grabbed one of the team members running from the back and pulled him down to the ground.

“Save me!!”

A freelancer who disappeared under a pile of sand in an instant, leaving only a scream.

Crunchy cluck!!

Only the awkward bloodstains of red dust on the sand suggest the end.

Right after that, a huge shadow pops out from the bottom of the desert and reveals itself under the bright sunlight.


A mature man with a sturdy physique. His upper body with no clothes on is full of bizarre tattoos, and his head is cut in half, showing his brain through a glass tube as if he were directly showing the inside.

A strangely shaped machine gun attached to his left arm and a bunch of blades hanging from his side.

And even a huge tail nearly 2 meters long that grew elongated along the spine.

A look that is suitable to be said to be truly bizarre.

It is the result of repeated illegal human body modifications to the limit of not losing humanity.

He roared in a mechanical voice as he glared to death at Lennok’s party.

“How dare these worms—!!!”


Woo Woo Woo!!

With that alone, a huge echo echoed across the empty desert, stimulating all the eardrums in the area at once.

“Touch my base?! Know that not a single one will survive!!!”


It remodels its entire body into a shape close to that of a scorpion, and runs at a gallop as if swimming in the desert.

Every time it flicks its tail, it spurts out dust and sprints forward.

The other freelancers who confirmed the vicious look raised their magical powers and ran, but Daron quickly closed the distance and swung his arms as he freely moved in and out of the sand pile.

The moment the head of a team member from the 3rd division, who was running from the rear, glanced at me.


His head exploded like a balloon, and blood fountains rose.

Even though he should have protected himself with magic, he died instantly. Everyone looked away without speaking.

Already, two of the 3rd Division’s team members died without even being able to resist.

Everyone was just looking ahead and running away with all their might, not even thinking about anything else.

Doo doo doo!!!

To make matters worse, there are dozens of signs running from the back of the base that has become a mess.

They rode beasts similar to camels and clad in steel armor, running at a speed similar to that of horses even on this sand.

It was probably a reserve force that went out to pick up supplies with Daron.

The members of the organization who rode the iron camels did not dare to follow Daron, but spread out widely on both sides to reduce the direction of escape and began to form a siege.

At this rate, even if you avoid Daron’s pursuit, you will eventually lose your stamina and be caught up by the iron camels.

Chen, who was running ahead, spoke through his earphones.

[Dave. Can you pass the time with the 3rd Division? As things stand now, there is no point in reaching the truck’s location. At least I have to buy time to get out of this Sato area.]

[That’s what I mean now……!]

Dave, who was trembling and angry, suddenly shut his mouth with an expression on his mind and turned his back.

While everyone couldn’t even guess the intention of the sudden change of attitude.

“surrender! Surrender!”

Putting down all the weapons he was equipped with, he raised both hands and said.

“I’ll tell you where they’re headed, so save me!! We will reveal all information!!”



Lennok shook his head at the betrayal that was so quick and absurd that Chen let out a low sigh.

I thought I might have an accident, but I never thought I would change my mind so quickly.

He must have thought that there was a high probability that he would die on the spot if he saw him doing something like that, even though there was no way he would not know that he could end up being unable to live a freelance life in this city at all.

It was not wrong. Two of his teammates must have already been lying in the desert, covered in blood.


Daron glanced at him and turned as if passing by.

Right after the massive body passed by, Dave turned his head with a confident look on his survival.


His head exploded after being hit by a huge metal tail that flew behind him.

Daron roared loudly as he swung his tail dripping with brains and blood.

“Who surrenders at will, you bastards!!”

He shouted and tore apart the frozen 3rd division teammates in fear before bouncing back and disappearing into the desert below.

It’s absurdly absurd for a traitor’s words, but I didn’t even have time to feel thrilled when I saw it.

Lennok restlessly moved the sand under his feet as he placed his hand on his earphones and said.

“Hina. There shouldn’t have been any mention that the head of the base named Daron is such a crazy machine. Shouldn’t it have been briefed in advance if it was a person who could influence the operation to that extent?”

innate cruelty. strength of the body. Leaving aside the mention of the chunks of steel that were covered all over the body, it doesn’t make sense in common sense that there was no mention of that tail.

It has tremendous power enough to explode Dave’s head at once, but more importantly, it has tremendous mobility that gives it the same movement as a fish even on this pile of sand.

Isn’t that the most important factor in this operation?

[……According to our understanding, equipment like that didn’t exist until right before leaving the base.]

Lennok, who grasped the meaning at once, let out a blank laugh.

“You received and installed new modified equipment at the same time as receiving the supply?”

[That’s the only possibility I can guess from the current situation.]

“Even if I’m not lucky…”

“Is additional support possible?”

Chen, who was running right next to him, asked.

As long as the 3rd division suffered damage close to destruction, the division of formations is meaningless now.

The 1st and 2nd divisions are mixed and running around, busy avoiding Daron’s pursuit.

[There are only three drivers on our side within 10 km.]

“Damn it.”

Chen swears softly, but Lennok understands because he knew Evelyn had already been punished for something similar.

It’s only once or twice that a strategy or plan doesn’t go as planned.

It was not an easy predictable misfortune that he came equipped with the most suitable equipment for the chase even though he was aiming for the moment when the strongest among the enemies was away.

While thinking about it, Daron’s pursuit is gradually eating away his power.



One of the team members of the 1st Division collapsed with his chest pierced, and the expressionless giant from the 2nd Division was already bleeding without his left forearm.

The other team members also have scars from Daron all over the place while protecting their legs.

Doo doo doo!!

In the meantime, the machine gun that shoots wildly every time it jumps out of the sand is also a considerable pressure.

The air is so hot that it becomes difficult to breathe. A harsh environment in which even superhumans with magical powers could not but quickly consume their stamina.

The only ones who could afford to think were Chen and Lennok.

The two men met eyes almost at the same time and nodded.

“I’ll give you half of this side’s success fee. So-”

“Do you want me to pull the time?”

“That is not enough. To put it bluntly…”

“I’ll have to smash that tail.”

I couldn’t see the shape properly, but the key to the ridiculous mobility it shows in this desert lies in its 2m long metal tail feathers.

Considering that the sand fountain bursts out every time you swim in this desert, you may not be able to guess the exact principle, but it must have the function of explosively pushing that gigantic body forward.


Chen muttered as he pulled out two daggers from his waistband.

“I will kill that camel and break the siege. Let’s split the power in half.”

“We need to finish it before we get the truck’s location.”

“of course.”

The speed of thinking is similar and the thinking also shares the same direction, so the words do not lead to the end.

The two exchanged deals and compromises in an instant, and almost simultaneously changed the direction of their steps.

The sand, which constantly burns Lenok and moves, suddenly stops and turns around in the opposite direction.

The other members of the 2nd division, who had been listening carefully to Chen and Lennok’s conversation, and several injured and disabled members of the 1st and 3rd divisions stopped walking together.

“Can I hold on…?”

The young man with the ability to chlorine said in a trembling voice.

“I just made the best choice in the current situation.”

The giant grabbed hold of his left forearm, which was dripping with blood, and said.

It is not strange even if he faints due to excessive blood loss after running any longer. For those with similar injuries, running any further here will only hasten death.

I have to wait for Chen to drive the truck this way while Lennok blocks Daron.


The woman, who had been expressionless throughout the operation, also had a slight shaking of expression this time.

“I think it would have been better to just follow Chen even if he died…”

“Doesn’t this smell like betrayal?”

Other freelancers are jokingly laughing, but their eyes are uneasy.

But Lennok suppressed his anxiety with a snort.

“I wouldn’t have accepted the offer if I had been satisfied with the procrastination.”

“So what?”


After checking the ammo count of the revolver and shotgun, Lennok replied as he put them on his belt.

“I have to kill you.”

After finishing the work at the temporary base, I couldn’t guess how strong the power of emptying the base was.

Now that there are no more enemy soldiers within a radius of 3km through magic detection, in other words, if you eliminate the enemies pursuing them now, there will be no obstacles anymore.


At Lennok’s nonchalant words, the Freelancers kept their mouths shut, but no one was stupid enough to complain about how difficult it was here.

“Are there any ammo left?”

“I hurt my arm, but I have no problem running. While Ban uses his magic, he should be able to draw attention.”

“If you use my chlorine ability to create haze, you can crush the sight little by little. Let’s think of a strategy that can use this.”

Regardless of whether they were lightly or seriously injured, they checked each weapon and prayed for help in the upcoming battle.

in this place??

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