Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 33:

Early in the morning, the harsh doorbell made Jiang Xu not sleepy at all. He yawned. It was rare to have a rest in the morning, but the unexpected guest woke him up before eight o'clock.

Who came to his house so early?

Jiang Xu opened the door expressionlessly, every eyelash was filled with irritability, and there was a young man in black standing outside the door, carrying a large bag of things, a book and a small book in his hand , asked cautiously: "Is Professor Shen there?"

Jiang Xu tilted his head and shouted into the room, "Shen Fangyu!"

No one answered.

Jiang Xu resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

The quality of Shen Fangyu's sleep is really confusing. They say he can sleep, but every time Jiang Xu has cramps at night, as long as he throws the pink rabbit under the bed, Shen Fangyu can immediately wake up and massage his legs. It can be said that he was a light sleeper... just like this time, he couldn't wake up at all.

"Let me sign it for him." He asked the guy, "What is it?"

"It's just some experimental instruments, pipettes, measuring cylinders, beakers and so on."

No wonder just now Jiang Xu felt that the logo on the bag this man was carrying looked familiar. He and Shen Fangyu's laboratory were next to each other. Sometimes when the students in Shen Fangyu's group ordered something, Jiang Xu would also By the way, in the laboratory, teachers are generally called, so that guy is called "Professor Shen".

Jiang Xu signed the form, picked up the goods and put them in the living room, then went to the bedroom and kicked Shen Fangyu, "Why did you send the things you ordered from the laboratory to my house?"

Shen Fangyu opened his eyes in bewilderment, "It wasn't ordered by the laboratory, I bought it for you on my own account."

"What do I want these things for?" Jiang Xu asked, "Do you want to open a new laboratory in my house?"

"Isn't this thinking that I will make you supper in the future so that you don't have to eat instant noodles?"

"Your family uses graduated cylinders, beakers, and pipettes for late-night snacks?"

"Precise quantification, there should be an electronic balance there." Shen Fangyu closed his eyes, his hair on his forehead was disheveled, looking lazy and at ease, "My graduate student who just graduated taught me, he said to do experiments It’s the same as cooking, if you don’t believe me, I’ll show you off tonight.”

Jiang Xu understood immediately, "You can't cook together?"

"Give me a little trust." Shen Fangyu rubbed his eyes to look at the phone while perfunctory him. Looking at it, he couldn't help but "Damn", "Jiang Xu, my student's paper was rejected again."

Jiang Xu patted his dog's head indifferently.

"Oh no, how could their reviewers be so heartless?" Shen Fangyu couldn't help complaining, "I've been revising this article for three months, and I've changed several magazines. Now my students are almost convinced If it doesn’t come out, this is his article, why can’t I pass it.”

Early in the morning, the young Dr. Shen suddenly had a very vicissitudes of life feeling. He reposted several emoticons of his tutors who were grading papers and getting bald, touched his still-surviving black hair, and said with emotion: "Teach students It’s really harder than doing it yourself.”

Jiang Xu spoke from experience: "If you write everything for him, maybe it will pass."

Shen Fangyu smashed his phone to the side, stretched his waist and said sullenly: "Why didn't I want to go to clinical practice at the beginning. To be a doctor, you have to do scientific research, teaching and clinical practice. The donkeys in the production team are not as busy as I am."

Jiang Xu added: "There is an administrative omission."

"Oh yes, scientific research, teaching, clinical administration and administration are all four-handed."

Shen Fangyu smashed his head on the pillow, "I stayed up late last night to read the literature and saw it was past three o'clock. I might as well go back and inherit my second uncle's two acres of fertile land. Just Liu Tong from before our class, do you remember? Go to the foundation and run away again." The one who went to the agricultural college next door to be a postdoctoral fellow, now he sends me photos of himself making wine and drinking in the field every now and then, just like Tao Yuanming.”

"Now we won't transfer non-agricultural hukou to agricultural," Jiang Xu glanced at him, "I can't inherit it."

"Well, another dream has been shattered," Shen Fangyu sighed, "I'm now pointing to the announcement of the fund next week. If I don't apply, I'd better close Zhang Daji as soon as possible." coming?"


"Okay," Shen Fangyu nodded, "I'm planning to invite my mother to worship in the temple on weekends, do you want to worship with you?"

A penny is hard for a hero. Those who do scientific research must apply for various scientific research funds as project funds. Without money, scientific research cannot be done. It doesn’t matter whether you are the top student in the college entrance examination or the leader of the department, as long as you step in with half a foot If you leave the academic circle, you can't escape the fate of racking your brains to apply for funds.

The larger the funding amount, the more difficult it is to apply for, and the fund project that he and Shen Fangyu applied for belongs to the category that is difficult to apply for and has a very low winning rate.

Jiang Xu heard him talking about running the train here early in the morning, and Shen Fangyu casually said a few words, and he became more and more enthusiastic. He originally planned to stop this kind of meaningless time-wasting chat, but this emotion left half of his heart. He suddenly felt a little inexplicable.

The comfortable morning, the short rest day, the chatting with a hammer here and there, for some reason, inexplicably gave Jiang Xu a rare human atmosphere in this usually quiet room.

Since he left his hometown after studying in university, Jiang Xu’s life has been filled with study, work, patients, and hospitals. The house is more like a hotel to him, and most of the time it is just a place to sleep. This is the first time Jiang Xu has been in City A feels a bit like home.

Shen Fangyu thought his sudden silence was being polite, and said with a smile, "Don't be embarrassed, it's all by the way anyway."

Because of the subtle association in his mind just now, Jiang Xu's expression was a little unnatural. He heard that he threw the pillow on Shen Fangyu's body, "It's all feudal superstition, you should get up early."

Shen Fangyu hugged the pillow and smiled at him, "Just let me touch the baby and I'll get up."

Jiang Xu rolled his eyes at him. Ever since the two of them had a conversation that night, Shen Fangyu never mentioned anything like compensation and selling the house, but he didn't know what he learned from Jiang Xu's words. He began to harass Jiang Xu aggressively.

For example, insisting on taking a day off with him, or always coveting to touch his belly.

Jiang Xu said heartlessly: "Then you'd better lie down for the rest of your life." After speaking, he walked out of the room without looking at Shen Fangyu at all.

Of course, Shen Fangyu couldn't lie down for a lifetime. He hugged the pillow and rolled a few times on the mattress on the floor, shaking slowly. Today was a rare off-duty, when he got up and saw Jiang Xu was planning to make noodles again, he couldn't help but said, "Put it down."

Jiang Xu glanced at him inexplicably, and saw Shen Fangyu take out the electronic balance, pipette, measuring cylinders and beakers of various sizes from the bag one by one, filling his kitchen.

"There are no ingredients in the refrigerator." Jiang Xu reminded.

"You really have the nerve to say it."

Shen Fangyu opened his refrigerator, and Jiang Xu saw that the refrigerator, which was empty yesterday, was now full of various ingredients, and Shen Fangyu really carried out his experimental spirit to the end, dividing vegetables and meat one by one. Pack.

"I went to the supermarket to buy it after get off work last night," Shen Fangyu explained, "You are working the night shift."

Ever since Jiang Xu smashed the mirror in the bathroom that day, Shen Fangyu and Jiang Xu have been together after work at night. The road to the door of the house is the most intimate intersection of them in a day.

After arriving home, Jiang Xu would usually work for a while, and Shen Fangyu would go to wash up. Afterwards, he would change to work, and Jiang Xu would go to wash up. The two would sometimes chat about work, and sometimes quarrel over various trivial matters in life. Most of the time they were tired and busy. It was the first time for Shen Fangyu to have such a leisurely and comfortable morning after moving in.

"Do you really want to use these things for breakfast?" Jiang Xu looked at the experimental equipment in the kitchen again, always feeling that the food made with these things is highly poisonous.

However, Shen Fangyu obviously believed in the great culinary skills taught to him by his unreliable student. Under Jiang Xu's expression of not being able to bear to look directly at him, he put on the floral apron he bought with the meal, and unscrewed it confidently. The gas stove was almost sent away by the sudden fire.

Shen Fangyu took a step back in fright, and with a "bang", the flame that seemed to be returning to light just now was extinguished suddenly, and fell into a deathly silence.

"What's the situation?"

Jiang Xu looked at his nose and nose and said, "It's been half a year since my house opened fire last time."

The only people who come to his house to cook are his parents, but he has been busy with work, and his parents have not retired, so it is troublesome to come here. The gas stove is not used all year round, and it is prone to various problems.

Shen Fangyu was shocked and said, "You are really a young lady who never sticks to the sun."

Although his cooking skills are not high, he didn't expect Jiang Xu to be more outrageous than him, and he didn't even turn on the fire at home.

When he tried to start the ignition again, he couldn't start it anyway. After trying a few times, a pungent gas smell wafted over him, which made him cough a few times.

"Could it be a gas leak?"

Jiang Xu said calmly, "That's not the case."

Shen Fangyu: "..."

He took off his apron and picked up the key in the entrance, "I'm going to buy breakfast, and I'll find a gas stove repairer by the way."

Jiang Xu glanced at him and reminded: "Remember to go to the street on the left, and don't let the master who came to repair the lock a few days ago see it."

Otherwise, he was a little worried that others would misunderstand that there was some terrorist activity in his house, and the door was broken or the stove exploded every day.

The master who repaired the gas stove was very agile. The master repaired it just after the two of them had breakfast. Then he handed a stack of business cards to Shen Fangyu, and said with a smile, "Mr. Shen, I remember you. You are looking for our little Liu Repaired two doors."

Holding the business card, Shen Fangyu looked at Jiang Xu, and finally explained before he asked the teacher, "I really went to the street on the left."

"Oh haha," the master explained: "The people on the left and right streets are all people with us. We have registered those who often report for repairs in Yuefeng Community. Isn't this a job for everyone to pick up together?"

He pointed to the stack of business cards handed to Shen Fangyu and said, "We provide services such as unclogging the toilet, repairing light bulbs, and repairing home appliances. If you report for repairs again, you will be upgraded to VIP users. Remember to come to us next time you have work, anytime You are welcome to come again, waiting for you!"

After speaking, he smiled and blinked, and walked out of Jiang Xu's house while typing on his mobile phone.

At that moment, Jiang Xu wondered if he was yelling in a certain work group: "There are two bullies at 3-4-1202 in Yuefeng Community. Two doors are broken and a stove is broken in a week. They will soon become VIPs." .”

"To be honest, I don't really want to be a VIP." Jiang Xu said.

Shen Fangyu nodded, "Me too," he said with emotion as he flipped through the pile of various repairman business cards, "And now I suddenly feel that my behavior of giving hospital parking cards to others... seems to be no different from them, and I deserve a beating." of."

"..." Jiang Xu said, "I gave it too."

The two looked at each other, and saw the same deep introspection in each other's eyes.

"Should I get someone else next time?"

Shen Fangyu pointed to the repaired stove: "For example, the dishes I cooked with my own hands?"

Jiang Xu glanced at him and commented: "Then I think it might be better to have a parking card."

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