Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Jin Cheon-hee didn’t just provide emergency treatment. He opened the Heavenly Demon’s abdomen, extracted the gu, and killed it.

“When you first told me to eat ice poison to put the gu in a dormant state, I thought it was absurd.”

It’s using poison to counteract poison.

Blood gu is weak to cold. But that’s the end of it.

Even if it falls asleep due to cold, that only induces a dormant state, it’s not a solution.

Jin Cheon-hee said calmly:

“I promised to treat you when we met again.”

“I can treat that. It’s the only way to solve the blood gu problem.”

It’s a method of physically extracting the blood gu that has reached a dormant state. In the original work, the Heavenly Demon learned this method after countless near-death experiences.

By then, his precious followers would die, and he himself would have to choose between exhausting his energy, being imprisoned in a brain prison, or becoming someone else’s puppet.

When he accidentally learned the method then, he lamented, beating his chest.

Because it was a method that could only be used if known early.

‘This time, I won’t let that happen.’

Jin Cheon-hee thought. But it was uncertain whether Yeo Ha-ryoon would accept it.

After putting the blood gu in a dormant state, let’s set the next meeting as the day for treatment.

Yeo Ha-ryoon agreed to such a crazy proposal.

The promise between the two boys was finally fulfilled.

So Jin Cheon-hee treated Yeo Ha-ryoon and removed the blood gu without anyone knowing.

“You must keep it a secret that there’s no blood gu in your body.”

“Even from my comrades?”

“You must not tell even my master. Absolutely not.”

Yeo Ha-ryoon thought for a moment and then said:

“It gives me a strange feeling.”

“What does?”

“When I listen to you, it feels like I’m talking to a fortune teller, not a strategist.”

That stung.

Jin Cheon-hee put on a calm expression.

“They say a great advisor is indistinguishable from a great fortune teller, right?”

“That’s true.”

Yeo Ha-ryoon nodded.

‘Whew, is it because he’s the protagonist that his intuition is so good?’

Sometimes he seems like a boy, but when the Heavenly Demon side suddenly appears like this, it makes one’s heart clench.

Yeo Ha-ryoon half-opens his eyes and sinks into thought.

“You’re the first person to buy me something delicious.”

“Isn’t saving your life more important than that?”

“Right. And you saved me again this time too. I haven’t been able to repay you for anything yet.”

His jet-black hair without a hint of light flowed like water. As befitting a protagonist, he had flawless skin, and despite his young age, his facial features were quite sharp.

Being a patient, his hair was let down loosely without being combed up.

For a moment, his long bangs covered one eye.

With his expression hidden, it was difficult to read his emotions.

Eventually, Yeo Ha-ryoon finished his thoughts.



“Don’t you want to come to the main branch with me? You’ll be fine. Originally, doctors are treated the best within the cult, and I’ll protect you.”

“What exactly is your role in the demonic cult? It’s not even time for the young sect master competition yet.”

“It’s okay. I’ll become the young sect master, and eventually the sect master.”

“How do you know that?”

“I decided it. To become the cult master.”

As calmly as if deciding what to eat for dinner. The black-haired boy in front of him said so.

Jin Cheon-hee was speechless for a moment.

The Heavenly Demon’s ink-black eyes seemed to be testing him, and the answer lingered on the tip of his tongue.

“…I won’t go.”

“Is it because of that White Dragon?”

“Don’t call my Master that.”


Yeo Ha-ryoon let out a low hum and sank into thought again. Eventually, he answered like this:

“If White Dragon dies, will you come to me?”

“If Master dies, I’ll die too.”

First of all, Yoo Ho will physically come to kill him. With his personality, there’s no way he’d let Jin Cheon-hee live after using him so much.

“Then if I die, if I die, what will you do?”

Those words left him speechless. He came up with several answers, but they were all unsatisfactory.

No matter what answer he gave, it felt like he was being pulled into the other’s game.

Jin Cheon-hee decided to overturn the board.

“What will you do if I die?”

“I’ll kill.”

“Kill what?”

“If the one who killed you is human, I’ll kill them. Even if they’re a ghost, I’ll kill them. I’ll kill them to the bone, making them regret being alive. And then I’ll do whatever it takes to bring you back to life. You.”

Jin Cheon-hee answered:

“Then I’ll do the same for you. Is that good enough?”


He doesn’t seem to like the answer.

Jin Cheon-hee ruffled Yeo Ha-ryoon’s hair.

Yeo Ha-ryoon said:



“If I die, the culprit is White Dragon. Just remember that.”

“Master is just wary because you have the Heaven-Killing Star. You’ve drunk a bit of demonic cult water and your thinking has become a bit demonic cult-like too.”

“White Dragon must be so happy. Having such a naive disciple.”

Saying that, he answered:

“Actually, your opinion doesn’t seem very important.”


“You’ll definitely come to the main branch.”

“What nonsense…”

“I decided it.”

Let’s not say anything more. Jin Cheon-hee sighed.

“Enough. You’re discharged. Go back tonight. I’ll tell them upstairs.”


Yeo Ha-ryoon didn’t answer.

Jin Cheon-hee stood up. As Jin Cheon-hee was about to go outside, Yeo Ha-ryoon said:

“Brother, make sure to wear the bracelet. You must never take it off.”

“Okay. Ah, right, hey!”

Suddenly something comes to mind.

“If the path is blocked, breaking through with your fist is also a method.”

“What does that…”

“Just remember it. It’s life advice from your brother.”

‘It’s the fastest way to break through the trials that will come in the future, you brat. This is a hint!’

Not knowing Jin Cheon-hee’s thoughts, Yeo Ha-ryoon just stared blankly and eventually answered like this:

“I got it. I’ll remember it.”

Yeo Ha-ryoon nodded once and started circulating his energy again.

An ordinary person might think this kid will let it go in one ear and out the other, but this is Yeo Ha-ryoon.

Jin Cheon-hee knew his words would have quite an effect.

‘He’s a good younger brother who listens well to his older brother.’


Jin Cheon-hee sent Yeo Ha-ryoon off like that. Judging by his demeanor, it seemed like he would dawdle around forever, so Jin Cheon-hee discharged him.

He seemed inwardly regretful, but there was no way around it when Jin Cheon-hee was sending him away.

After sending Yeo Ha-ryoon away like that, Jin Cheon-hee enjoyed his freedom for the first time in a long while. No, he was planning to enjoy it.

The master grabbed the back of Jin Cheon-hee’s neck as he returned from seeing off Yeo Ha-ryoon with a bright smile.

“Hahaha, Hee.”

“Y-yes… Master?”

The tone is affectionate as usual, but somehow it sends chills down his spine today.

“So you sent off the Heaven-Killing Star like that. Hahaha.”

“Yes, yes! Master. Even though he’s like that, Ha-ryoon is really kind.”

“A kind Heaven-Killing Star. I’ve never seen it even in old literature, but thanks to my disciple, I might have a chance to see it.”

“Th-that’s right.”

‘Because he’s the protagonist.’

The master’s smile grew even brighter.

“Hee. Actually, I don’t care whether that thing is a good Heaven-Killing Star or a bad one. I’m just really concerned about it hovering around you. But what can we do, sigh… A master should know how to endure for their disciple like this.”

It was strange. The master picked up Jin Cheon-hee as he was and tucked him under his arm as he walked.

Perhaps because he was such a large man, Jin Cheon-hee’s eye level became incredibly high.


“So let’s train. You need to become strong enough to survive even if that thing does something crazy, don’t you?”

“My younger brother won’t do such a thing.”

“He’s not your real younger brother. He’s a sworn brother.”

“Yes… a sworn brother.”

“Hee. In the martial world, that’s called no relationship at all.”

“That’s not true. Master! There’s the Peach Garden Oath of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, so how can you say it’s no relationship?”

“Did those gentlemen die on the same day and hour?”


“That’s how it is.”

It was strange. Even among real brothers, where in the world are there brothers who die on the same day and hour?

Did Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei swear to die on the same day and hour in the Peach Garden Oath?

‘Ah, I think I read something like that in a book long ago.’

I guess it’s probably not official history. Still, it was a fairly well-known story.

“In the martial world, all relationships except master-disciple are fictitious, Hee. It’s a terrifying world where children kill their own parents and brothers stab each other. So…”

The master put Jin Cheon-hee on a horse as he was.

It was a huge black horse. Jin Cheon-hee had never seen such a horse in his life.

“Our Hee needs hell training. This is all out of your master’s goodwill.”

Jin Cheon-hee thought:

‘Right. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.’

It’s the beginning of hellish training.


After being caught by the master, he spent days of literal hell training.

Zhuge Rin, who learned that Jin Cheon-hee’s sworn brother was a Heaven-Killing Star, didn’t seem to have any intention of going easy on him.

All time except for eating and sleeping was focused solely on training. And behind that was Zhuge Rin.

Zhuge Rin pushed Jin Cheon-hee to the brink of death, but not quite.

The master is always kind, but when it comes to training his disciple, even the devil would call him ‘big brother.’ And Jin Cheon-hee absorbed it all without a single complaint, tempering himself.

Both disciple and master were eccentric.

“Hee-ya, do you know what my only regret is?”

Jin Cheon-hee answered while swinging his fist in the air:


Isn’t regret a soft emotion that only relatively normal humans would have?

Is the master the kind of person to have such a thing?


An upper strike was cleanly executed. Next was a middle strike, then a downward strike.

Basic movements. The Three-Elements Fist Technique.

He had practiced it thousands, tens of thousands of times to the point where he could do it with his eyes closed. But Jin Cheon-hee kept practicing.

Because after experiencing real combat once, he came to understand the importance of basics even better.

He was already emphasizing the basics, but now he was doing it until it was ingrained in his unconscious.

“Why didn’t I just take our disciple back then?”

Now Jin Cheon-hee knows too. Zhuge Rin has a habit of hiding words within words.

At first glance, one might think he only says what’s necessary, but it was different from that.

The hidden meaning of Zhuge Rin’s words was this:

‘I should have left that Heaven-Killing Star brat behind and returned then.’


If Yeo Ha-ryoon had heard, he might have nitpicked, ‘Brother, it’s more accurate to say kill and leave, not just leave behind.’ But the master is a doctor.

No matter what, would he go as far as killing a patient… Jin Cheon-hee thought.

In any case, if you look closely at what Zhuge Rin says, there’s always an extra hidden sentence, but it’s fine to take the words at face value too.

Because the point is that he wants to take only Jin Cheon-hee back.

But his feelings towards the Heaven-Killing Star brat need to be thought about once more.

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