Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Jin Cheon-hee moved to another building of the White Dragon Medical Pavilion’s Cheong-song branch.

‘I saved the Sect Leader. Just with this, much of the future I know will be different. Will it be okay?’

Jin Cheon-hee’s greatest weapon is information. Information about the future.

The Sect Leader lived, and his disciple Seol Gyeon rose to the position of future Sect Leader.

It was clear that many things would change due to the butterfly effect. But no matter how many times he thought about it, the answer was always the same.

‘Yes. In the end, I’ll save the life in front of me again.’

He thought that being a doctor was truly an unfortunate profession.

His body moved before he could make various calculations.

There was no time to think about anything other than saving the life of a sick person.

‘Right. That’s why I was able to see such a wonderful sight that I couldn’t even imagine.’

This time, he succeeded. The old master will be able to continue using martial arts, and his disciple will be able to move forward without being trapped by inner demons.

Recalling the sight of the two bickering, his heart warmed.

That was the appearance of people who had returned to their daily lives.

‘Yes. Even if I go back to the past, I’ll save them again.’

The answer remained unchanged.

Jin Cheon-hee moved to the most secluded place beyond the back garden.

Running a medical pavilion means being entangled in countless grudges and favors of the martial world.

It wasn’t uncommon for two martial artists who were mortal enemies to be brought in at the same time after stabbing each other.

Even though the medical pavilion is called a place to lay down swords, human hearts can turn unpredictably, and even without weapons, martial artists themselves are already human weapons.

So from the start, they create a structure to keep patient rooms as far apart as possible and separate the movement lines as much as possible to prevent them from seeing each other.

The structure is quite complex behind the scenes.

Even veteran doctors with years of experience sometimes get lost, and while getting lost, they might discover hidden secret patient rooms.

Especially here, this isn’t just any medical pavilion, but the White Dragon Medical Pavilion.

The Zhuge family is famous for mechanisms and formations.

Not to mention the main pavilion, even the local branches were designed by Zhuge Rin himself.

Jin Cheon-hee went around the back garden’s courtyard several times and finally arrived at his desired location.

It’s a small separate building. The arrangement of trees is so exquisite that the building isn’t visible from other angles.

It’s where patients requiring confidentiality stay.

As Jin Cheon-hee approached the door, a flash of killing intent swept by.

Eventually, the door opened.

“You came?”

It was Wang Gak-yeon. She seemed to have been guarding continuously, recognized Jin Cheon-hee, and lowered her guard.

“Yeah. I came. And thank you.”

“You always just say thank you.”

At Wang Gak-yeon’s words, Jin Cheon-hee scratched his head.

“I don’t have anything else to say.”

“I haven’t paid for the White Dragon Divine Pill yet, idiot. If you gave me something like that, you should use me more.”

White Dragon Divine Pill.

He had given it to Wang Gak-yeon and threatened that if she didn’t eat it, he’d give it to the yellow dog.

At the time, it seemed natural to give it to an injured friend, but it seemed to have great meaning to her.

“I’m just glad if the inflammation has gone down.”

“Forget about the wound healing, my internal energy has increased. What exactly is that divine pill?”

Yes, penicillin.

It’s a common antibiotic on Earth, but making it in the martial world earned it the name of divine pill.

It’s a pain to make because instead of using electric motors like on Earth, you have to grind high-quality manpower, but the effect is spot on.

Jin Cheon-hee said:

“Still, thank you.”

“You’re too nice for your own good.”

Instead of answering Wang Gak-yeon, Jin Cheon-hee gave her an eye greeting and went inside.

Inside the curtain was a bed.

On the bed, a boy was sleeping.

Little Heavenly Demon, Yeo Ha-ryoon.

‘Asking Gak-yeon was really a good decision.’

Jin Cheon-hee approached Yeo Ha-ryoon, who was asleep from the drug’s effect.

While helping the Beggar’s Sect, Wang Gak-yeon had searched for Yeo Ha-ryoon.

She found him unconscious in a cave, changed his clothes, and secretly moved him to the medical pavilion branch.

Just before Yeo Ha-ryoon collapsed, he had killed a bear, so it was easy to make up a story.

Yeo Ha-ryoon was portrayed as a young third-rate martial artist who fearlessly attacked a bear, and because of his special relationship with Vice Pavilion Master Jin Cheon-hee, he was secretly given a separate building.

Right after moving him, Wang Gak-yeon reported:

‘That kid was crazy. He even beat a bear with that body.’

Since his blade was broken, he apparently punched it.

So, Yeo Ha-ryoon was moved, and after the initial treatment, the former Beggar’s Sect Leader was also moved to the medical pavilion.

Jin Cheon-hee had been going back and forth between the two, treating them together.

‘Master is really amazing. The Zhuge family’s formations can even deceive the Beggar’s Sect’s eyes.’

Of course, the former Sect Leader is recuperating, and the new Sect Leader is busy nursing the former Sect Leader, so they don’t have time to pay attention to other things.

Still, Jin Cheon-hee gave a thumbs up to his master.

Jin Cheon-hee carefully grasped Little Heavenly Demon’s wrist and began to take his pulse.

Perhaps because of the drug’s effect, the boy is sleeping soundly even with his wrist held.

“Phew, at this rate, he’s almost fully recovered. Wow, I’m really amazing too. I saved the former Beggar’s Sect Leader and treated this guy without anyone knowing.”

As he was praising himself, a voice rang out.

“So that’s what you did, Hee. You treated him secretly. Without saying a word to your master…”

It’s a familiar voice. His heart sank and goosebumps rose on his back simultaneously.


At the same time, Yeo Ha-ryoon, who should have been asleep from the drug, opened his eyes.

“Hey, uh…!”

Before Jin Cheon-hee could say anything, Yeo Ha-ryoon threw whatever was in his hand.


It’s a wooden mandarin duck carving.

There was no way to know why a metallic sound rang out when he threw wood. And the master blocked Yeo Ha-ryoon’s attack without even blinking.

‘Aaah! What on earth is going on here!’

It’s panic.

Behind the master, Wang Gak-yeon flapped her hand with an apologetic expression.

“So it’s a child I’ve seen before.”

“Uh, Master, wait a moment!”

This won’t do. Something, something had to be done.

As Jin Cheon-hee tried to shield Yeo Ha-ryoon, Yeo Ha-ryoon instead grabbed Jin Cheon-hee’s arm and hid behind him.

‘Why is this guy so strong?’

It was the brute strength befitting a protagonist. Plus, he had learned demonic arts, so that strength was even greater.

His arm hurt. Yet, it was strange that Yeo Ha-ryoon didn’t seem to be exerting any strength at all.

Disliking this scene, a wrinkle formed between the White Dragon Divine Doctor’s brows.

“It’s the aura of the Heaven-Killing Star. I didn’t know back then because he was young, but now it’s clear. Hee, did you really go through all that trouble to treat ‘that’?”

The master changed from calling Yeo Ha-ryoon ‘child’ to ‘that’. Jin Cheon-hee knew what that meant.

‘Does it mean he won’t see him as human?’

If so, there was only one answer.

Jin Cheon-hee shouted in surprise:

“M-Master! Even though he has the Heaven-Killing Star, he’s a good kid!”

“Hahaha, even the tale of a wolf eating grass wouldn’t be as absurd as this.”

The master added:

“Hee, do you know why the Heaven-Killing Star becomes a public enemy of the martial world? The Heaven-Killing Star finds the sense of life, meaning, and purpose through killing. That’s why even children born under the star of the Thousand Killing have always been hunted down.”

The master’s long silver hair swelled up for a moment. But Jin Cheon-hee thought that the reason he wasn’t attacking was because of his presence.

Sure enough, the master said:

“Hee. Could you tell that thing something? Ask it to let go of those filthy hands holding my disciple?”

It seemed he was about to go crazy because that Heaven-Killing Star was holding his disciple.

This situation needed to be calmed down.

In the atmosphere swelling up like a balloon about to burst, Jin Cheon-hee calmly began:

“He says to let go of your hand, Ha-ryoon.”

At those words, Yeo Ha-ryoon replied, dumbfounded:

“Why are you relaying that literally?”

That seemed to displease Yeo Ha-ryoon as well.

Yeo Ha-ryoon said:

“I knew your master was the White Dragon Divine Doctor, but this won’t do. Brother, let’s go to the cult together. I’ve built a good foundation, so it’s okay. You can join well without even eating blood rice.”

What on earth is this guy doing in the Demonic Cult?

At least it seemed he wasn’t following the official promotion course of the Demonic Cult that appeared in the novel.

“Why suddenly?”

“I might have overlooked it in the past, but now I understand. Why does a medical divine doctor of the righteous martial world have colder eyes than the old demons of the Demonic Cult?”

At those words, Jin Cheon-hee suddenly recalled what Phantom Archer had said in the past.

At that time, Phantom Archer picked up a stone from the ground and said:

“Based on my long experience as an archer, it seemed the Divine Doctor would smile the same at this and at people. So I became impatient.”

That’s why he took Jin Cheon-hee hostage.

Because to Zhuge Rin, Jin Cheon-hee was the only being who wasn’t a stone.

He didn’t expect to hear a similar story from Yeo Ha-ryoon’s mouth.

“That’s your misunderstanding.”

“Is it? From what I see, it looks like he’s gotten his hands bloodier than most crazy Demonic Cult leaders.”


Could such things be known just from the atmosphere?

He knew that the master had avenged the Zhuge family’s enemies in the past.

Blood is repaid with blood.

The novel didn’t specify exactly what the White Dragon Divine Doctor had done, but it was described that as a result, the elders of the martial world still feared the White Dragon Divine Doctor.

‘But this was only to repay the blood debt of the extermination of his family.’

Jin Cheon-hee felt his chest tighten.

It was a dog-eat-dog situation.

The Heavenly Demon and the master were just saying what they wanted to say with Jin Cheon-hee in the middle.

Of course, they were saying it for each other to hear, but it couldn’t be called a true dialogue in the real sense.

His stomach stings from the stress.

Jin Cheon-hee said, as if reciting a prayer:

“First, Master, Ha-ryoon is not a bad kid. Although he has the Heaven-Killing Star, he’s living ascetically in his own way, and he didn’t end up killing the Beggar’s Sect Leader, or rather, the former Sect Leader now.”


“I think you’ve already seen the medical report I sent to the main pavilion on your way here. If not, you wouldn’t have come to this branch.”

And next is Yeo Ha-ryoon.

“Ha-ryoon, this person is my master. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but if you dare say such things to my master who is like heaven to me, I absolutely won’t stand for it.”


“I was able to treat you thanks to the medical skills I learned from the master.”

He had always thought while reading martial arts novels:

‘You guys, try having a conversation for once!’

He always felt frustrated watching light conflicts that could be easily resolved turn into mortal enmities because they wouldn’t say a single word to each other.

That’s why Jin Cheon-hee tried to initiate a dialogue first.

Communication is precious.

Especially in a situation where the master and the Heavenly Demon brat are exuding killing intent, what could be more important than this?

Perhaps Jin Cheon-hee’s attempt worked, as Yeo Ha-ryoon released his killing intent and sighed.

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