Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 62 Full

Chapter 62 Full

It was the question he was most curious about.

She answered.

“Why do I love him… What an unromantic question. Well, if you insist on asking, I’ll answer like this.”

She parted her red lips and smiled languidly.

“It was simply fate. I felt it from the moment I first saw him.”

‘So she fell for his face.’

His beauty was indeed quite exceptional.

Of course, not quite as much as the Master’s, but still.


The treatment was completed without much difficulty.

As Wangya Ju instructed, Jin Cheon-hee wrapped the bandage very, very large to greatly emphasize the wound.

Indeed, visual impact is half of the performance.

Wangya Ju knew this better than anyone.


As soon as it was announced that the treatment was finished, the consort, Cheon Yoo-rang, entered first, supported by the guard warriors. Wangya’s expression changed 180 degrees.

“Cough, cough. Rang-rang… you’ve come.”

Cheon Yoo-rang’s face was drenched in tears.

‘Our Rang-rang is beautiful even when crying. My goodness, is he even human? How can he be so consistently beautiful? The way his tears flow down his elegant jawline is like petals falling from a flower in the celestial realm.’

While thinking such things inwardly, she coughed.

She didn’t forget to bite her tongue slightly to cough up blood.

“Wa-Wangya! Do-Doctor! Please check her condition once more…”

“No, no. It’s alright. Rang-rang. Please don’t worry.”


Cheon Yoo-rang’s eyes were deeply sunken.

As shadows fell on his large, graceful eyes, she enjoyed that sight too.

She loved all of Cheon Yoo-rang’s expressions.

The moment she first saw Cheon Yoo-rang under the moon, she thought.

How could a person have such perfectly symmetrical features?

How could cheekbones be positioned just so, with that perfect size?

Even in the middle of the night, the man’s face shone brighter than the moon.

At that time, she thought.

It would be foolish to have a political marriage when a timeless work of art was right before her eyes.

Whether this man’s status was noble or lowly didn’t matter much to her.

Any losses from not having a political marriage could be resolved with her fists.

Born as royalty, how could one be called royal if they relied on others’ power?

Two supernatural abilities and outstanding martial talent.

If one couldn’t dominate the world with their fists, they didn’t deserve to be called a Princess of a nation.

And that feeling hadn’t changed even now.

She reached out her hand.

“Rang-rang… will you leave me again?”


“Call me Juha. Like you used to.”

Her voice was quite pitiful. Finally, he took her hand.

“I won’t leave. So please, just get better quickly.”

“Promise me you’ll never leave again.”



“…I promise.”

Jin Cheon-hee watched this scene with dull eyes.

‘…These two are really putting on a show. Seriously.’

It was an excruciating sight for him, a lifelong single. And Wangya Ju was utterly detestable.

‘Consort, Cheon Yoo-rang, listen. The most seriously ill patient here is you. You’re being deceived by Wangya.’

However, the clearly most pained patient was insisting on nursing the one feigning illness.

“I, I will nurse you. Juha!”

“Rang-rang. Don’t… How could I accept your care with what face? Cough! Ah, the blood. The blood won’t stop.”

Wangya Ju had no conscience.

Wangya Ju spoke to Jin Cheon-hee, who was trying to leave discreetly.

“Prepare a messenger bird.”

“Where are you sending it?”

“Wangya’s residence. Those who tormented my Rang-rang will wash away their sins with blood.”

Her eyes burned. It was the face of a hegemon in an era of war.

Jin Cheon-hee bowed his head.


“One more place.”


“Hwaju Medical Pavilion. If they had listened to those people, my Rang-rang’s leg would already be gone. So as a ruler, I should give them a stern lesson so they can make a better choice next time.”

Her red lips curved into an arc. It was the smile of a tiger.

Everyone in that room thought simultaneously:

‘Hwaju Medical Pavilion is in for trouble now.’

Goosebumps rose on their skin.


A few days later, at Hwaju Medical Pavilion.

“A messenger bird has arrived from White Dragon Medical Pavilion.”

“Ah, I was wondering when it would arrive. Heh heh heh.”

“Chief Ma, you seem to be in a particularly good mood today.”

At those words, Chief Ma Jinchu quickly composed his expression.

“Don’t talk nonsense and quickly bring it here.”

“Yes, understood.”

“Whew, the weather is particularly clear today.”

Ma Jinchu forcibly suppressed the laughter that was leaking out. He didn’t want to show too light a demeanor in front of his subordinates.

‘It seems the guys we sent did a proper job of causing trouble.’

How much had Hwaju Medical Pavilion’s reputation been damaged by the recent Phantom Archer incident?

Just thinking about how the Medicine Sage had berated him, the chief, because of that made his blood boil.

He channeled that anger into selecting the most sharp-tongued doctors to send.

That messenger bird was the result.

‘It seems even the great Divine Doctor Baek Rin has lost his mind from anger. Hahaha!’

He took a sip of tea, celebrating to himself.

“The tea tastes particularly sweet today. What kind of tea leaves are these?”

“Chief, it’s the Longding tea you always drink.”

“I see. The weather is so nice that even the tea tastes like honey. Yes, that’s how it is. In the end, all things depend on one’s state of mind. If you look at the world with the mind of an asura, the world becomes an asura realm, and if you look with the mind of a buddha, the world feels like a buddha. Hahaha!”


Suddenly spreading Buddhist teachings, he enjoyed this happiness.

At that moment, there was a commotion outside.

Bang! Crash!

“What’s that noise?”

“It seems an attendant has fallen.”

“Tsk tsk, to behave so carelessly in a medical pavilion that should always be quiet. Give them a severe beating.”

At those words, one of the medical pavilion staff asked in confusion:

“Didn’t you order a beating last time because they were walking too slowly in a medical pavilion that should be swift?”

“You’re particularly talkative today. Would you like to be beaten instead?”

“Ah, no. I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

The staff member shook his head.

Hwaju Medical Pavilion’s cane was famously painful.

-Medical skills are learned through beatings, and to become an excellent doctor, one must know pain.

This has been Hwaju Medical Pavilion’s educational method for a long time.

As a result, newcomers, whether children or adults, are beaten frequently and without warning.

‘I heard they didn’t go this far until the previous generation…’

Everyone knew that the previous generation had written that they should always be strict because they deal with patients’ lives. However, as generations passed, it gradually became excessive.

They started beating newcomers as if to relieve stress.

Often, they beat them as if playing a prank.

After being beaten like that and becoming official medical staff, they would torment their juniors even more, as if to vent their resentment.

It was a vicious cycle.

The hierarchy among the medical staff became increasingly rigid.

Now, it feels even more strictly top-down than among the soldiers in the royal residence.


“Come in.”

The door opened. The attendant’s knees were in tatters.

He must have fallen hard, as his knees were scraped.

“Tsk tsk tsk, you can’t even deliver a single letter properly.”

The attendant was terrified.


As the child hesitated, the impatient chief said,

“Bring it here quickly!”


What the child pulled out from his bosom was a letter made of bright red silk.

Golden dragon embroidery was engraved on the red silk that looked as if it was woven with blood.

Red silk and golden embroidery. It was the symbol of a certain royal family member. And there was no one among the Hwaju Medical Pavilion staff who didn’t know that symbol.

“Wangya Ju?! Why on earth would Wangya Ju send a letter through White Dragon Medical Pavilion’s messenger bird!”

No one could answer that question.

Chief Ma snatched the letter and tore open the packaging.

Powerful handwriting raced like a dragon across the pure white paper.

The chief recognized this handwriting.

‘Could it be that Wangya Ju wrote this personally?’

It was an extremely rare occurrence.

Usually, Wangya’s subordinates would write on her behalf.


He felt intimidated just by the handwriting.

He slowly read the letter.

He read it once, and couldn’t understand at all what had happened. So he read it twice.

Even after reading it twice, he couldn’t understand. So he read it three times.

‘What on earth could have happened…?’

The watching Hwaju Medical Pavilion staff were also on pins and needles.

What could it be that he’s reading for so long?

Anyone could guess that it wasn’t an ordinary greeting letter.


Thirty times. Only after reading it thirty times could the chief fully understand the content.


He dropped the letter.

On the fallen letter, a simple line was written:

[From now on, all benefits and support given to Hwaju Medical Pavilion will be redirected to White Dragon Medical Pavilion.]

Silence descended upon Hwaju Medical Pavilion.


It was the calm before the storm.


“What! Cutting off our support! Wangya?! Has White Dragon Medical Pavilion gone mad??!!!”

The chief’s shout shook the medical pavilion.

“What were our people we sent doing?! Did they just watch this happen?!”


Everyone just kept their mouths shut, unable to say a word.

Because they didn’t know.

And even if they did know, they couldn’t easily speak up for fear of endangering their position.

“Are you all mutes who’ve eaten honey!”

“We-we’re sorry!”

“Go find out quickly! Hurry! We need to change Wangya’s mind as soon as possible! If the Medicine Sage finds out about this…”

At that moment, the door opened again.

“Chief! The Medicine Sage demands your immediate presence!”


Blood vessels bulged on the chief’s neck.

His hands and feet beginning to shake like aspen leaves was a dangerous sign.

“Chief! Chief! Get a hold of yourself! What are you all doing! Bring the emergency medicine quickly!”

An attendant ran to fetch the medicine. The chief swallowed the pills with difficulty.

His blood pressure was dropping rapidly.

Everyone thought that as expected of medicine made by the Medicine Sage, to lower blood pressure so quickly in such a short time.


The chief grabbed the table and sighed heavily.

“What good will getting angry do? I’ll go up. In the meantime, you all find out what happened.”

“Should we go to the Beggar’s Sect or the Hao Sect?”

These were the two places that dealt with information.

“The Beggar’s Sect… No. The Hao Sect would be better. Their branch is closer to White Dragon Medical Pavilion’s location, so it will be faster.”


The Hwaju Medical Pavilion staff bowed deeply in unison.


The cutting of support funds to Hwaju Medical Pavilion and the addition of support funds to White Dragon Medical Pavilion by Wangya’s order caused ripples not only in the martial arts world but also in the political scene of the imperial palace.

However, that was a story unknown to Jin Cheon-hee.

Because of this, the future Jin Cheon-hee knew was also gradually shifting.

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