Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 52 Full

Chapter 52 Full


Since one side of Cheon-woo’s face was hideous, Jin Cheon-hee was worried that he might be ostracized by his peers.

To this, Cheon-woo replied,

“I’m… fine, so don’t worry. Big brother. You saved my life and changed my life. I’ll be able to get along well no matter what happens.”

Saying that made his face itch.

Jin Cheon-hee awkwardly smiled and scratched his cheek.

Cheon-woo put on a serious expression.

“If it’s okay, can I treat you like a real older brother?”

“Huh? Are you asking to become sworn brothers?”


Cheon-woo nodded heavily.


It was almost laughable to see a young child putting on such a serious air, but Jin Cheon-hee held back his laughter.

Cheon-woo was entering the Wudang Sect, so he would become an excellent martial artist, and Jin Cheon-hee knew how significant sworn brotherhood is to martial artists.

Jin Cheon-hee said,

“I have another sworn younger brother, so if he’s okay with it, I’ll allow it.”

Heavenly Demon Ye Ha-ryoon.

That guy had already become sworn brothers with him. It wasn’t something Jin Cheon-hee could decide on his own here.

“There’s another one? Did he also receive a life-saving grace from you?”

Cheon-woo asked in surprise.

“I am a doctor, you know.”


He looked somewhat displeased.

It was understandable, as he had to get permission from a complete stranger who was suddenly involved.

‘Hmm, I didn’t expect sworn brotherhood to have a waiting list.’

Jin Cheon-hee pondered this unexpected situation.

‘Can I just decide on my own? That’s not right, is it? I don’t know because I’ve never seen additional sworn brothers being recruited with such a time gap in martial arts novels.’

To the disappointed Cheon-woo, Jin Cheon-hee said,

“Since I’m the older brother, if I explain the situation well to Ha-ryoon, he’ll probably allow it. Don’t worry too much.”

At my words, Cheon-woo nodded.

“Okay! Even if he doesn’t allow it, Jin Cheon-hee is still my brother in my heart, so it’s fine.”

This kid seems to have taken the life-saving grace quite seriously.

He’s the opposite of Heavenly Demon in personality, but in this aspect, they’re similar…

‘Or maybe not. Come to think of it, this kid’s life really did change after hitting rock bottom…’

The more subordinates, the better.

Jin Cheon-hee vigorously rubbed Cheon-woo’s head.

“Do well there.”

“Big brother, I have a request.”

“What is it?”

“I don’t have a surname, can I say I’m a Jin too? Since you gave me my name.”

At those words, Jin Cheon-hee nodded without much thought.

“Sure. My surname isn’t inherited from my parents either. It’s fine since it’s a rootless Jin.”

If we were to trace the ancestral home, it would be the Jin of the orphanage.

He had no attachment to the surname.

Cheon-woo’s face brightened.

Even though his face was distorted by scars, at this moment he looked like a child, which made Jin Cheon-hee feel good too.

“See you soon. Become the best master when you go to Wudang.”

“Yes! I’ll become a swordsman who won’t disappoint you, big brother.”

The sky was blue over the roof of the Medical Pavilion. The escorts signaled that it was time to move.

It was good weather for setting out on a journey.

Suddenly, Jin Cheon-hee said,

“I should name the medicine White Dragon Divine Pill. When it’s in liquid form, maybe White Dragon Elixir would do?”

“That’s a good name, big brother.”

The Medicinal Herbs Hall master Man Pa-gok was right.

Names are important.

If he was going to name it, he wanted to empower this place where Jin Cheon-hee lived.

So that the whole world would know about the White Dragon Medical Pavilion.

That’s how the White Dragon Divine Pill was completed.


A few days later.

Yoo Ho began classifying and organizing the data obtained from this syphilis treatment.

Now it was time to see if it had effects on other diseases as well.

Having overcome the great mountain of what was thought to be an incurable disease, it was now the turn of the Medicinal Herbs Hall master Man Pa-gok.

-Thanks to the young hall master, we’ve all been able to lift our faces. Please leave the next step to this old woman. Hohoho!

Thanks to this new medicine, the Medicinal Herbs Hall was bustling with activity.

White Dragon Divine Pill.

It’s a so-called conditional panacea.

With the completion of the White Dragon Divine Pill, the Medicinal Herbs Hall came to trust Jin Cheon-hee even more deeply.

‘That’s a good thing.’

Jin Cheon-hee was sitting in meditation, circulating the true energy of the Five-Elemental Divine Technique, the new internal energy technique he had learned.

Although both the Five-Elemental Cultivation Technique and the Five-Elemental Divine Technique seem to handle the same Five Elements True Qi, there were changes in the true energy as he newly learned the Five-Elemental Divine Technique.

His master, Zhuge Rin, called it the Taiji Yin-Yang Five Elements True Qi, saying that it was because the principles of Taiji and Yin-Yang were imbued in the Five Elements True Qi, causing changes.

In reality, the true energy itself became deeper and more intense. The fire energy was beyond warm, as hot as lava, and the water energy seemed to contain vitality within the coldness of a glacier.

While training like this, Jin Cheon-hee muttered inwardly.

‘By now, cultivation slave No. 2 should be switching places with No. 3.’

Currently, there are a total of 8 cultivation slaves assigned by the White Dragon Medical Pavilion.

After Yoo Ho succeeded in the initial cultivation, some of the Medical Pavilion members were immediately assigned to take turns hugging the cultivation tank and spending time training.

The reason is simple.

To successfully cultivate the White Dragon Divine Pill (penicillin), dissolved oxygen needed to be maintained, which required constant circulation of internal true energy.

And this turned out to be good for training as well.

Sending true energy consistently and continuously was difficult with ordinary concentration.

In modern Earth, computers and machine motors would have done this job.

Since people were being ground down to do it, people had to act as computers and machine motors.

Because blue mold is so sensitive, if the dissolved oxygen became even slightly deficient, the cultivation would fail. And that meant failure in training.

They would be dragged away by Yoo Ho to be scolded by their respective hall masters.

‘I can’t bear to see our hall’s Medical Pavilion members falling behind other halls!’

Thanks to this subtle competition, everyone was dedicating themselves to training like their lives depended on it.

It was the moment when the master’s worry that the Medical Pavilion members had been neglecting their internal energy training lately was resolved.

As a result, the level of the Medical Pavilion members improved, and cultivation became faster, killing two birds with one stone. And the more this happened, the more the Medical Pavilion members were being ground down even today.


‘We’re even processing sheep’s milk from Western Tibet to use. And rapeseed oil is bull… We even have to mix in spirit pill powder to get the full desired reaction.’

It might be fine on Earth, but in this world, penicillin was truly a money-eating hippopotamus.

Eight Medical Pavilion members who had mastered at least the third level of the Five-Elemental Cultivation Technique, and two who had mastered the fifth level.

A total of 10 Medical Pavilion members had to be ground down to make it. Thanks to this, their internal energy was growing quickly, but physicians who had mastered internal energy were expensive talents to begin with.

Moreover, the materials were so rare that there was even talk internally about whether manufacturing regular spirit pills would be cheaper.

However, the effect…

Jin Cheon-hee’s lips relaxed.

They had succeeded in treating syphilis, which was thought to be an incurable disease.

It’s still in the experimental stage, so they need to observe for a while longer, but the initial complaints disappeared long ago.

‘Hehehe, crazy… We don’t have to worry about resistance due to the manufacturing cost.’

It’s incredibly good but incredibly expensive!

Mass production would only be possible when an industrial revolution occurred in the martial world.

Moreover, another effect was discovered.

They found out that penicillin not only had a therapeutic effect but also helped in enhancing internal energy.

Indeed, the immediate disciple of Divine Doctor Baek Rin!

The prized disciple noticed by Divine Doctor Baek Rin, who never took disciples!

Such talk spread in an instant.

Meanwhile, Zhuge Rin ordered information control, absolutely forbidding the disclosure of this to the outside until an environment where more of this medicine could be produced was completed, and pill production became possible.

However, everyone knew that this wouldn’t last long.

The moment the cured syphilis patients arrived home, rumors would immediately spread.

‘And now the minimum preparations are complete. Now all I need to do is diligently increase my skills…’

Jin Cheon-hee thought with his eyes closed while still sitting in meditation.

One by one. Things are getting prepared.

‘It’s not far off.’

The time is approaching to save Zhuge Rin, Divine Doctor Baek Rin, who had exited early due to premature death in the original novel’s world.


Arc 8: The Wangya’s Spring

Ip-chun (Spring’s Beginning). Warmth rushes in, melting snow and embracing the world.

“Grandmother, if you want to come here, you need to send a message through the local medical branch.”

“No, I’m coming to see my grandson, why so many words!”

The season when life awakens.

Jin Cheon-hee had escaped from his hellish schedule.

Internal energy training at dawn, consultations during the day, surgical knowledge transfer and practice and surgeries at night, and studying this world’s medical techniques with his master in the late night.

It would be enough to make even a modern Korean faint, but it was still more relaxed than when he was making penicillin.

In fact, he was even sleeping 2 hours a day now!

It had become routine for such a Jin Cheon-hee to wander around the entire White Dragon Medical Pavilion.

And now.

Jin Cheon-hee was trying to send a grandmother back home.

The grandmother was holding a large bundle wrapped in a cloth.

From the delicious smell, it seemed she had made a lot of holiday food to give to her grandson.

Spring’s Beginning was quite an important holiday in this world.

The gateway to spring after passing the cold winter.

In this world, there’s a custom of wrapping spring greens with meat and feeding it to family members, as nourishment is considered important at this time.

However, that’s for ordinary people, not for the Medical Pavilion.

In this place that’s busy 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, food just comes up from the cafeteria.

Those Medical Pavilion members who managed to get time off and went down are fortunate, but for those working even on holidays, this day is just another workday.

Of course, Jin Cheon-hee is busy too.

Not only was he transferring knowledge of surgical procedures, but he had also been continuously performing surgeries while receiving patients who needed surgical procedures.

While such a Jin Cheon-hee was on his way to see a patient he had operated on yesterday.

It might have been natural that he spotted a grandmother looking around, searching for someone.

The White Dragon Medical Pavilion is like a huge hospital equivalent to a tertiary hospital in modern Korea. So naturally, its interior is also vast.

There were often patients who got lost and wandered around.

But such people are immediately guided by the martial artists patrolling for security.

There are many martial world people in the White Dragon Medical Pavilion, and many who try to uncover the secrets conducted in the White Dragon Medical Pavilion.

‘I used to wonder why all Medical Pavilions were in the mountains in the old days. I thought they were crazy, making it hard for patients to come.’

But now he understands.

Patients come, but so do assassins and enemies.

The gathering of martial world people meant that grudges gathered as well.

If it were a small-scale medical branch, they might admit patients separately, but if a tertiary hospital like the Medical Pavilion were on a main street, it wouldn’t be strange if large-scale bloodshed occurred.

In such a strict Medical Pavilion, it was natural for Jin Cheon-hee to approach the grandmother who had not yet been discovered by the martial artists.

“If you give me the package, I’ll inspect it and send it to your grandson.”

“No way!”

The grandmother is stubborn.

Jin Cheon-hee thought.

“Grandmother, you’re lucky it was me who spotted you. If you had been caught by other Medical Pavilion members, you would have been dragged down the mountain without even being able to bring in the gift.”

In this martial arts world where numerous strange poisons abound, the Medical Pavilion naturally prohibits bringing in outside food.

Not only that. Without a recommendation from a local medical branch, outside visitors are also prohibited.

Because of those martial world grudges, there are cases of ambushing patients.

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