Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 48

Chapter 48


The antibiotic using blue mold was created more smoothly than expected.

There were some trial and error, but it was resolved before the season ended.

And the result was now in front of Jin Cheon-hee’s eyes.

‘It actually worked.’

Jin Cheon-hee clicked his tongue while looking at the liquid in the glass bottle.

‘I was prepared for it to take at least twice as long…’

For the past month, he had devoted himself to work every waking moment.

Training, research, development.

He ran on three tracks. He commanded the Medical Pavilion members assigned by his master and gave instructions to Yoo Ho.

He extracted result samples, recorded them, and tried again.

‘With money, time, and methods available, there’s no reason not to do it.’

Yoo Ho cursed, saying he couldn’t do it like this.

Because when Jin Cheon-hee is pushed, Yoo Ho is pushed too.

A labor community tied together by the master.

They were a duo with no camaraderie, only hatred, but when it came to work, they were quite in sync.

‘Yoo Ho can do more work. He doesn’t know it, but he can do more!’

Jin Cheon-hee clenched his fist, thinking about how to exploit him more.

The reason Jin Cheon-hee could endure in this hellish hamster wheel was just one.

Thanks to the Five Elements True Qi.

And if we were to find another reason here, it would be youth.

‘My brain doesn’t get tired. My memory has improved and my sleep efficiency is better. I didn’t know that by living more intensely than during training time, my internal energy technique achievement would increase this much.’

The child’s face transformed into an uncle’s slimy smile.

‘Being young is really good. Because I’m young, recovery is fast, my brain works well, and I can see everything without glasses. Even the neuralgia that used to be difficult every morning is now gone.’

He realized while performing surgeries that the sensitivity in his fingertips had become even more acute than before.

Although it was regrettable that his limbs were short, having sensitive senses and good recovery was a treasure that couldn’t be bought with any amount of money.

Jin Cheon-hee smiled while shaking the glass bottle.

‘They say that becoming a master of internal energy slows down the aging process. If heavenly luck follows, you might even rejuvenate with the Half Old Return to Youth Pill.’

Isn’t the master a prime example?

Jin Cheon-hee doesn’t know the master’s exact age, but he knows it’s not much different from the age of the Cloud Dragon Escort Agency’s chief.

Looking at age alone, he’s middle-aged or in his later years.

The Five-Elemental Divine Technique balances the body’s vitality and equilibrium just by practicing it.

It’s more about nurturing life than martial arts. It has the disadvantage of being difficult to learn, but for a physician, there’s no better internal energy technique.

Thanks to this, the master’s face is as taut as that of someone in their 20s. His body has also forgotten age.

The illness is the only problem; otherwise, the master will likely forget about age until he dies.

The master’s beauty provided even more motivation for Jin Cheon-hee.

‘I want a taut face too! Joints that move smoothly! Eyes that can’t see cells under sunlight!’

That’s right. Jin Cheon-hee’s desperation was on a different dimension from the goals of other clan children his age.

Usually, children Jin Cheon-hee’s age dream of becoming martial arts masters and conquering the world. But as blue as those dreams are, they’re also distant.

In contrast, perhaps because he had experienced aging, Jin Cheon-hee pursued immediate practical benefits.

The hellish lifestyle he voluntarily undertook.

That lifestyle made Jin Cheon-hee grow one more step.

His control of internal energy had become nearly perfect, and his achievement in the Five-Elemental Cultivation Technique had reached as high as the eighth level.

Since ancient times, immediate practical benefits have always been a greater motivator than distant dreams.

Even Jin Cheon-hee himself was surprised by this achievement.

‘The master said that by repeating extreme fatigue and rapid recovery, my body is changing to be closer to a natural state… In other words, is my body being trained through crazy hard labor?’

Yoo Ho clicked his tongue, calling him a tough bastard.

He said it was fortunate that the Zhuge Clan’s martial arts focused on nurturing life; with other martial arts, he would have ruined his health. Anyway, it was a good thing.

‘It’s a godsend that I can receive the Five-Elemental Divine Technique and the Profound Origin Heaven and Earth Divine Technique. The master said transmission is possible from the sixth level of the Five-Elemental Cultivation Technique, but I’m already at the eighth level?’

The Five-Elemental Divine Technique is a higher-level mind technique than the Five-Elemental Cultivation Technique.

It’s one of the famous divine techniques in the world, but it’s extremely difficult to learn, so very few have mastered it.

This divine technique, which only a select few among the Zhuge Clan’s martial artists train in, is said to be able to manipulate natural energy by handling the Five Elements True Qi.

In fact, isn’t Master Zhuge Rin a martial artist who reached the Transformation Realm by mastering the Five-Elemental Divine Technique?

Moreover, the Profound Origin Heaven and Earth Divine Technique was even more impressive.

As a secret divine technique of the Zhuge Clan, it’s not actually an internal energy technique that creates separate internal energy.

It’s a martial art that consumes and eliminates internal energy!

You might wonder why anyone would learn such a martial art, but the people of the Zhuge Clan always learned this.

A divine technique that consumes internal energy to activate the brain and enhance its abilities!

It improves all brain functions including memory, mental calculation, and cognition, turning dullards into average people, average people into talents, and talents into geniuses.

What if a genius learns it?

They would possess a mind capable of dominating the world.

That was the power of the Zhuge Clan’s secret divine technique.

And now, he could officially start receiving transmission of this Profound Origin Heaven and Earth Divine Technique as well. But that was for later.

For now, he had to experiment with the completed penicillin.

“So, are you satisfied?”

Yoo Ho approached from the side with a sullen face.

“Of course. It’s amazing. As expected of Yoo Ho. Our sla… I mean, our all-around nurse!”

“Weren’t you about to call me a slave just now?”

“Come on, how could I?”

“Hahaha, young master. Your liver has come out of your belly these days.”

Killing intent surged around Yoo Ho.

In the past, a corner of his mind would have frozen white with fear, but the current Jin Cheon-hee was different.

Jin Cheon-hee continued his work leisurely, unfazed.

‘He’s grown indeed.’

Not just his internal energy, but his guts seemed to be growing as well.

‘Of course, it’s still just a thin neck.’

A neck he could snap anytime if he wanted.

If Zhuge Rin wasn’t involved, he would have twisted it to death hundreds of times already.

‘I still don’t like him.’

Yoo Ho thought this as he withdrew his killing intent.

“So what exactly is this medicine for, that it required such a grandiose operation? No matter how I look at it, it seems like Western alchemy equipment.”

“Is there alchemy in the Western Regions?”

Jin Cheon-hee asked with curiosity.

Supreme Heavenly Demon is clearly a martial arts novel, and its world is set in an Eastern-style empire called the Hua Empire.

The width of this Hua Empire is enormous, boasting an area even larger than the actual China of that era.

And in the novel, there’s a region that’s only mentioned – the Western Regions.

It’s said to be a region where people with colored eyes live, but other than that, there’s hardly any description, so it’s unclear what kind of region it is.

“There is. Although hardly anyone in this Hua Empire knows about it. It’s similar to elixir techniques but completely different. It’s also part of the esoteric knowledge they call magic and sorcery over there.”

Yoo Ho looked at Jin Cheon-hee suspiciously.

“You don’t know there’s alchemy in the Western Regions… But I’m reeeally curious why you’re making something similar. I wonder if the master isn’t curious too.”

“Well. I’m more curious about how Yoo Ho could whip this up in just a day? And the master won’t be curious. Of course not. He’s whose master after all.”


Their gazes collided in mid-air.

“Well. Fine. I don’t doubt your skills anymore, young lor… master. What wouldn’t I do if it means the master gets healthy? So, what do we need to do now? It would be nice if you could explain what this medicine is too.”

“You didn’t just call me ‘young lord’ just now, did you, Yoo Ho?”

“You must have misheard. It’s similar to how I misheard you calling me a slave.”


Jin Cheon-hee decided not to think too deeply about it.

“Right. The master’s health is what’s important, what else matters? And this medicine…”

Jin Cheon-hee smiled brightly while looking at the bottle.

“By the standards of this era… Well. Let’s call it a limited panacea.”

He couldn’t think of a better explanation for penicillin than this.

Jin Cheon-hee continued.

“And you asked what we need to do? It’s simple, isn’t it? We need to experiment.”

“On people?”

“Yes. But first, we should do it on animals.”

“We could do it on people right away, couldn’t we? Do we really need to go through that process? There will be many patients who volunteer.”

Indeed, it’s a world where human life is as cheap as a fly’s.

As Jin Cheon-hee hesitated, Yoo Ho continued.

“There are always more patients than we can handle, and most either have no treatment available or no money. Who would turn down free treatment?”

He had forgotten.

This was a world where local physicians could bring treatment methods they’d never even heard of, use them on patients, and brazenly charge money regardless of recovery.

There’s no medical insurance, no mechanisms to protect patients. The physicians of the Medical Pavilion are just a bit more reliable.

“Still, let’s do at least minimal verification first.”

If it was made properly, it would just be a matter of whether it’s effective or not, but it shouldn’t harm lives.

Yoo Ho looked at Jin Cheon-hee with uncomprehending eyes and said,

“You’re too soft, young master.”

“I can’t deny that. But you’ll still follow along, right?”

He wanted to maintain at least some standards as a modern person, even if he couldn’t go against the times completely.

“What will you do if I say no?”

“I’ll tell the master.”

“You might as well just order me.”

“Well, I suppose it’s better than not even pretending, right?”

Jin Cheon-hee chuckled and assigned work to Yoo Ho.

The first thing to do was statistics.

‘What separates modern medicine from past medicine is the presence or absence of statistics.’

Doctors of the past would say:

‘This treatment will probably cure you.’

Modern doctors say:

‘With this treatment, there’s a 90% chance of full recovery. There’s an 8% chance of no change, and a 2% risk of side effects.’

It might seem like there’s not much difference. But when you dig deeper, it makes a big difference.

Modern medicine is the medicine of statistics.

It verifies with numerous patients and checks how effective it is in clinical practice.

If drug A has a cure rate of 60% and drug B has a cure rate of 68%, it’s obviously right to choose B.

Medicine evolves through this verification process. It becomes safer.

Real data, not just intuition or personal experience, is used to save lives.

“When the work is done, gather people infected with syphilis for me.”

Looking at Jin Cheon-hee’s grinning face, Yoo Ho spoke as if looking at a madman.

“You’re crazy. No one can treat syphilis infec… Don’t tell me?”

“That’s right. If my calculations are correct, it should be possible. So gather them for me.”


Yoo Ho’s narrowed eyes opened slightly wider.

“…Alright, young master. I’ll look forward to your abilities.”

With those words, Yoo Ho left the cultivation room. Watching him go, Jin Cheon-hee muttered.

“Yoo Ho has good abilities, but dealing with him is a bit overwhelming.”

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