Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 124: Old Gerald

Ch 124: Old Gerald

So that Fabio's guild forgets about me, I won't go back to the war today.

After bathing, Alessia left for my parent’s house with an expression full of confidence. I created an illusory door, and passing through it, I appeared on a dirt road at the end of which I could vaguely see a city. Danes city.

"This environment... It is very similar to that of Denir city..."

'Haa. I suppose that no carriage will pass by to take me to the city. Well, there's no other way... Activate [Agility] profile.'

With my increased agility, I started running in the direction of Danes city.

About an hour later, I managed to arrive in front of its gates. Of course, I'm dripping with sweat. I didn't manage to meet any carriages; I was running for several miles. But if it wasn't for the [Agility] profile, I fear it would have taken me a few more hours to arrive.

This is why I must accomplish my task at any cost. I don't want to run that far again if that old curmudgeon refuses my request!

"To enter the city, you must pay five copper coins."

"Here you go."

After handing him the coins and corroborating that my kind is not criminal, the guard let me in. But before that...

"Do you know old Gerald?"

Guard: "..."

'- Who doesn't know him?'

'Why are you making that expression of displeasure?'

"If you know his name, you must be aware that the old man only accepts pretty women, right? Besides, he somehow managed to remember all the women in this city. He'll find you out immediately if you hire one of them to run your errands."

'Ugh, that's just what I had in mind.'

"If you still want to give it a try, just walk down the street to the right. You will find the blacksmith shop 'Hammer Without Limits' at some point. But I recommend you visit another blacksmith shop to buy or repair weapons. Many others offer better services. Do you want me to recommend you one?"

"Thank you, but I'll give it a try first."

"Fine, as you wish."

'Buying or repairing weapons… Is that his front?'

Sighing, I walk down the street to the right and look around. This city is several steps down compared to Denir city. The adventurers and any other kind of battle-related things have very low levels.

The architecture doesn't look very modern, but in return, the people look friendlier. As the saying goes, in modern cities, people live in haste. This causes them to be short-tempered, thus increasing the violence.

Curiously, I observe the houses, buildings, and people. At the same time, I look for Gerald's blacksmith shop. Minutes later, I found it.

[Hammer Without Limits]

[Conditions for entry:

-You must be a woman (This is very important).

-You must be beautiful (Important) (If you have a sexy body, you can skip this requirement.)

-Minimum C-cup (Important) (If you have a nice ass, you can skip this requirement.)

Since you bother me so much, I'll clarify... Women with a penis don't exist! Don't insist!]

Emir: "..."

I don't know why, but I'm sure this is the place. There's no mistake.

"Ah. Now I understand why Miria seemed very upset when she described old Gerald."

Even this lowly pervert isn't as blatant as Gerald. At least I pretend to be a normal person. It's in bed that I show my claws. I would never put up a sign with my sexual preferences in broad daylight!

'Haa... Well, it's time to come in.'

I approach the door and open it, and a small bell rings. Inside assorted weapons are hanging on the walls. He takes his blacksmith facade quite seriously... 

'No, wait…'

There are some rusty weapons. I take it back. The owner of this store doesn't care about hiding his real business.

"Hello... Old Gerald?"

"Old Gerald?"

'Isn't he here? But there's a blue dot inside the blacksmith's shop... Maybe age has deafened him.'

"Old Gerald!" I shouted.

"Old Gerald!!!" I shouted again.

"I heard you for the first time, damn it! Didn't you read the sign? Even if you tell me that you were born in a man's body and that your heart is a woman's, I don't give a shit! Get the hell out of here!!!"

[Gerald] [Magic Refiner Lvl50]

The one who appeared behind the counter is an old man of apparent 60 years with white hair and blue eyes. He seems 1.54m tall, and even when he represents such an age, he appears to be visually on the verge of death. Of course, that's just his appearance, because even I couldn't scream as loud as he does.

"As if I'm ever going to say it. I've got balls! Do you hear me?!"

"Are you calling me deaf? Are you calling me deaf?! At your age, I could hear better than anyone else!"

"Everybody has good hearing when they're young!"

I couldn't hold the answer.

"Are you calling me a fool? Are you calling me a fool?! At your age, I was smarter than anyone!"

"Like I said before! All young people are like that!!!"

'This stupid old man.'

"You're throwing jokes, ahh? You're throwing jokes, ahh?! At your age, I throw jokes better than anyone else!"

"Who cares?!" I scream.

'Ahh, I couldn't hold it in.' 

My injustice bar is still full because I haven't gone to visit my psychologist Delia. If this old man were young, I'd give him a few kicks in the balls to release stress.

"You! You!!!!! Ah, I see... You heard that this old man is impotent, and you came to make fun of him, right?!"

"Hey, I know it's out of line to say this, but... At your age, everyone is impotent."

"I'll kill you, brat! Die!!!!"

At that very moment, something unbelievable happened. That old man's frail hands grabbed dozens of weapons and... He threw them at me as if they were as light as a feather.

[Besides, if you make him even a little angry, he will throw whatever he has on hand at you. The only way to calm him down is to give him alcohol as a peace offering.]

Emir: "!!!!"

'Right… I completely forgot!'

"Die! Die! Die! Die!"

Avoiding all the weapons thrown at me by old Gerald, I somehow made my way to the door and escaped before any weapon hit me in the back. And yet, from afar, it was still possible to hear his screams.

'The old man may look like he's on the verge of death, but he's more alive than ever. Of course, his crotch is irretrievably dead. R.I.P.'

Now then, I blew it completely. I came here to create a friendship with the old man. That way, I wouldn't have to bring Alessia to buy the storage rings. But, in the end, I ended up screaming just like him.

Not only that, but this old man is essential to my plan to share time between Delia and Alessia. Somehow I have to make amends for my first impression.

I looked on my map for the nearest alcohol store and...

"Give me all the booze you've got!"

I always wanted to say that.

Salesman: "..."

"I'm serious."

Salesman: "..."

'Hey, stop looking at me like that. I'm not drunk.'

After showing the corresponding money, the salesman finally managed to look surprised and make a complete list of all the bottles he had for sale. In the end, all the bottles cost 3.5 gold coins.

Heaving my chest, I re-entered old Gerald's store.

"You! Aren't you satisfied with all-...?" I interrupted him.

"I come to make peace."

I quickly checked my inventory and removed all the bottles of wine, beer, and various other alcoholic bottles and arranged them in his store. The old man opened his eyes wide and looked at all the bottles that suddenly appeared.

"You won't cheat me!"

"Get the saliva off your lips first."

Old Gerald: "!!!!"

Wiping himself with his sleeve, he returned to glaring at me with hatred.

"Those bottles were always in my store!"

"Then why does the sign outside say blacksmith shop?"

"Because the paint wasn't enough to add 'tavern'!"

Emir: "..."

'This old man has an answer for everything. Well, let's play along. After all, I was going to give him the bottles anyway.'

"Fine, I'll believe you."


Emir: "..."

'Ah ah. Calm down, calm down.'

"I want to buy a beer."

"They're not for sale!"

"You contradict yourself!"

As if fearing I'd steal any of the bottles from him, he didn't bother to hide the storage ring on his finger and started putting them all away. Seconds later, the store was back to just the rusty weapons on the walls.

"I forgive you, brat. Now you can go." and he started to go back to the back room.

"Wait, listen to me first. I know you only sell to pretty women, but could you make an exception just this once? Let's be friends. I can help you with anything you need that you can't do by yourself."

At that very moment, he stopped and looked at me. Again, his expression shows a mocking and arrogant smile. With his arms crossed, he said...

"I need 10 [Fire Tail], and 1 [Snow Fur]"

'- Hmph, maybe he can get the fire tails, but he's dreaming if he plans to get the Snow Fur easily.'

"Well, here you go."

I removed the loot and left it on the counter in front of him.

Old Gerald: "..."

'I like simple jobs.'


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