Defrosting The Cold Young Master

Chapter 33 - 33: You Really Don’t Mind At All?

Chapter 33: Chapter 33: You Really Don’t Mind At All?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Ye Xingbei also felt uneasy in her heart.

Today, originally she intended for Gu Junzhu to accompany her back to deal with the Jiang Family.

However, because of Xiao Shu’s background, she felt troubled deep inside and lost interest in everything.

For the time being, she forgave the awful members of the Jiang family.

There would be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Torturing them slowly, day by day, would cause them more pain than an immediate death!

Sitting in the car, she remained silent, bowed her head, feeling down.

Gu Junzhu watched her with interest.

This young girl was delicate and her skin was fair. She had beautiful facial features with no flaws. Despite her feelings, she sat slouched in a corner of the car like an aggrieved kitten. You couldn’t help but stroke her head and cheer her up.

He actually extended his hand and ruffled her hair, slightly smirking, “Madam Gu, you were so majestic today, you literally stepped on everyone from the Jiang family. You were entirely magnificent. Why are you still in such low spirits?”

Ye Xingbei pushed his hand away and glared at him, “I did enjoy watching them grovel before me, but I feel sorry for Xiao Shu… It’s all Bai Mengluan’s fault, but Xiao Shu has to bear the consequences. It’s too cruel!”

“You should always look on the bright side,” Gu Junzhu leaned back, crossed his legs elegantly; his demeanor was relaxed and elegant. “As long as you and I pretend to be a married couple, Xiao Shu would be our legitimate son. We’ll give him the happiest life. From today onwards, he will be the happiest child in the world!”

Ye Xingbei looked at him with some uncertainty in her eyes, “You mean, tell Xiao Shu that I’m his biological mother and you’re his biological father?”

Gu Junzhu raised his eyebrows, “Haven’t you always told Xiao Shumiao that you’re his real mother?”

Ye Xingbei silently nodded her head.

Back then, she was driven out of the Jiang family home and was all alone.

She was sixteen and raising a child was difficult, but luckily she had a child to keep her company. That was why she never felt abandoned by the world.

Children without parents are pitiful, like her.

She didn’t want the child she was raising to suffer the same fate, so she constantly told Xiao Shu that she was his biological mother.

As Xiao Shu grew older and watched other kids with both parents, he would ask her why they all had fathers but he did not.

She continued to lie, saying his father was a very powerful man, conducting secret missions for the country.

Only when his missions were successfully completed, could his father return and reunite with them.

There were many children from single-parent families overseas, with Xiao Shu having her and his uncle, he easily accepted her lie.

But now they have returned to the country.

The divorce rate in this country was much lower than overseas.

Most kids come from two-parent households, children from divorced families were in the minority.

Xiao Shu was growing up, how long could her lie last?

While she was worrying, she heard Gu Junzhu say to her, “Whether one lie or two, it’s still a lie. Since you already lied to Xiao Shumiao that you are his real mother, why not just tell him that I’m his real father? We could live as a happy family of three. Isn’t that great?”

Ye Xingbei was at a loss for words, “Don’t you think that’s too childish? Now that we are legally married, if you publicly acknowledge Xiao Shu as your own son, Xiao Shu will have a claim to your inheritance! Are you really not bothered by that?”

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