Defrosting The Cold Young Master

Chapter 117 - 117: Awakening

Chapter 117: Chapter 117: Awakening

Translator: 549690339

Latter on, they watched their little sister grow up bit by bit, learning to sit, crawl, and babble speech that no one could understand.

The first thing they did after school every day was to embrace their little sister, kiss her and play with her.

Their little sister also loved them, smiling at them and extending her little arms for them to hold, kissing them with faces full of drool, which they never minded.

Later on, their parents passed away in a car accident and their little sister was hospitalized for a serious illness.

They didn’t want to leave their little sister, but they were just small children at the time, unable to resist their stern grandfather and their teary-eyed grandmother.

They were taken to Beijing while their little sister was left in Jiang City.

They missed their little sister a lot.

Every single day, they missed her so much.

They begged their grandparents to bring their little sister to them, or to let them go back to Jiang City.

Their grandparents told them to wait.

But all they waited for was the news of their little sister’s premature death.

At that time, he didn’t know what premature death meant.

Only when he saw his older brother stunned for a moment, then suddenly burst into tears, did he realize that premature death wasn’t a good thing and he also started crying.

Latter on, he learned that premature death meant death.

Their little sister, the person they loved so much, who was soft and fragrant, who smiled at them, who liked to play with them, was gone.

Gone from this world completely.

He wept bitterly, cried so much that he fell seriously ill.

His big brother also cried a lot, although he didn’t fall ill, but after their parents and little sister died one after another, his big brother suddenly grew up overnight, becoming mature and impressive.

Having lost their father and mother, and then losing their sister, they were heartbroken.

But with their doting grandmother beside them, they slowly emerged from their sadness.

Yet coming out of their sadness didn’t mean forgetting.

They would always remember their wise and gentle father, their kind and gentle mother, and their lively and lovely little sister.

In the midnight dreams, he dreamt countless times about their family of five living happily together.

He thought he would only meet his lovely little sister again in his dreams in this lifetime.

He never imagined that their little sister didn’t die.

The news of their little sister’s death was a lie fabricated by their grandfather Jiang Huan, for fear that their little sister would be taken away by their grandparents.

Their little sister was still alive.

Ye Xingbei was their little sister.

What had he….done then?

Thinking of that day at the hotel when he twisted Ye Xingbei’s arms, forced her to kneel on the ground, and watched Xiang Bingzhi slap her several times, wield a knife towards Ye Xingbei’s face, his face turned pale as paper and broke out in a cold sweat.

Ye Xingbei was his biological sister!

If Gu Junzhu hadn’t appeared in time that day, Xiang Bingzhi’s knife would have landed on his sister’s face!

The face of Ye Xingbei in front of him coincided with the face of the soft, doughy baby who had held him in her arms in her infancy, with a toothless mouth gnawing on his face, making his face wet with drool.

This was his sister!

His own sister!

He stared fixedly at Ye Xingbei, his back soaked with cold sweat.

Guilt, regret, remorse, and relief mixed together in his heart, leaving him unable to describe his feelings at the moment, his body shaking uncontrollably.

Xie Yunlin was also staring at Ye Xingbei, shocked and unable to digest Gu Junzhu’s words for a long time.

Ye Xingbei was their biological sister!

Ye Xingbei didn’t give birth at the age of sixteen!

Her messy private life and poor behaviour were all slanders and traps set by Jiang Zhengxing!

Combining the two, Xie Yunlin suddenly understood.

He understood why Ye Xingbei and Jiang Siyou had been “mis-recognized” before.

He understood why Ye Xingbei, after being found and brought back to the Jiang family at the age of fifteen, only stayed in the Jiang family for one year and was then driven out on the charge of having a messy private life!

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