
Chapter 49: Petty Vengeance

Chapter 49: Petty Vengeance

I fell in line behind Rhea and she started walking me toward the Mausoleum in a similar direction to the one Id already been heading. Unlike the other Undertakers Id seen since Id arrived back in Potts she was wearing a simple blue wrap rather than the black of her profession. Its not like Undertakers were obligated to wear black while actually in Potts, but most of them preferred to do so.

After our footsteps started to match in rhythm she spoke up. The kids okay. The one we found in Springfield.

I nodded. Good

I heard what you did there. To their mayor. Figured youd want to know that the kid was okay.

I took a breath. Thank you.

We walked the rest of the way in silence until we reached the town center. There was a building with an undertaker standing outside, this one wearing his color of office. I approached him.

The guy inside? I asked.

She nodded. Yeah. Hes working at the moment.

Youre letting him work?

She nodded. I dont think its our guy. Youll see when you go in.

I grimaced, but went to open the door. I paused before I did and gave Rhea a nod. She returned it with a smile, and took a place on the other side of the door.

I walked in and found my senses immediately flooded with the smells of meat and blood. I heard a swift thud, followed by another, then another in a rhythmic pattern. There was a counter in front of me, and behind that was a man facing away. He was lifting a large cleaver and bringing it down in solid, strong motions, onto a pile of meat in front of him. I took a step toward him and he stopped, placing the cleaver down and grabbing a rag which he started to wipe his hands with as he turned around. He was wearing an apron, covered in blood, and a mostly red wrap beneath it. He smiled as saw me.

You Donovan? The one they said was going to want to question me?

I nodded. Thats right.

He finished wiping his hand and held it out. Im Pete.

I reached out and gave it a shake, noticing as I did that he was missing two fingers, the scars on the nubs looked as if it had happened a long time ago.

He noticed me looking. Had an accident awhile back with a knife. I uh, do my best not to have accidents anymore.

I nodded. Youre a butcher I take it?

His smile widened. How could you tell?

It wasnt easy.

That drew a short chuckle from him.

Im guessing the reason you were seen covered in blood was your work? I asked.

He nodded. Yes sir.

Do you usually work that time of day?

He shrugged. I work all hours. I supply a lot of the restaurants around here, and with no two pieces of meat ever being the same, I sometimes need to work more hours and sometimes less. A cow with three heads takes a much longer time to butcher than an alligator with no legs, you feel me?

I nodded, that made sense. I took a deep whiff of the butcher shop, I could tell that the meat was mostly stored in a cooled cellar below us. I also couldnt distinguish any of the blood and meat from any other. There was so much of it, that it seemed to cloud my senses, and I could feel my stomach aching for a bite.

Petes expression changed just a little, and he turned around and went back to the meat hed been butchering. He took a piece of paper and wrapped some of it up, then returned to the counter and handed it to me. I dont like for people to leave here hungry with nothing to eat. That's a pig heart. One of three I found when I was butchering a hog this morning. Its all yours, on the house.

I took it and nodded. I didnt think this was my guy. Who has a better excuse for being covered in blood than a butcher? Still, I should at least ask a few questions of him. Youre aware of the murder I assume.

Pete frowned and turned his gaze downward. I am. Terrible thing. I dont think Ive heard of anything like that ever happening before.

Not a lot of experience with death huh? You raised here your whole life?

He nodded. Taken as a baby from somewhere in STAR territory.

Ever left? Tried your hands at being an undertaker?

He shook his head.

Did you know the victim?

He shrugged. Im not sure. Who was it?

A woman named Lydia.

He shook his head. Nope, cant say I did.

I sighed. The bloody handprint had more than three fingers, he had a reason to have been covered in blood, and had no clear connection to the victim. Looks like I wasnt just going to get lucky with this investigation. Well, thank you for answering my questions. I dont think youre our guy, but dont go anywhere, alright?

He nodded.

I gave him a tip of my hat and walked out. Rhea and the other Undertaker were still at the door. I think youre right. This guy seems harmless. Id like someone to keep an eye on him just in case, but thats your call.

They nodded.

Do you know if The Last Meal is still open? I asked.

Rhea shook her head. They wouldve been closed for hours now. Why?

That was the victim's place of work. I thought it may give me more leads. Ill have to check it out in the morning. Let the Undertakers know Ill be sleeping at Nicos place.

Rhea raised an eyebrow.

Its not like that. She held up her hand in an its not my business fashion and I sighed. Are the Undertakers going to be patrolling at night or anything like that?

The other Undertaker shook her head. We think its an isolated incident. Besides, we dont want to scare people.

I shook my head. I guess thats your business, but Id worry more about the effect another body could have on morale rather than what having a few armed people on the streets could do. I agreed that it was probably a one-off killing, but I wished the rest of the city could be a bit more paranoid. Guess it came from the safety they were so used to at this point.

I secured my hat, and nodded at the undertakers before I started making my way toward Nicos. I checked my notifications as I walked,

Congratulations Citizen! You have earned a rank in Investigation! Here in the US we have the right to question everything, except freedom!

That wasnt entirely unexpected. I pulled up the rest of my sheet.

Citizen: Donovan

5th Level Postman/ 5th Level Marshall

Patriot Points: 287

SPINES: Be the backbone of America!

Strength- 24

Perception- 19

Intelligence- 14

Nationalism- 4

Endurance- 23

Speed- 17

Job Abilities:

Neither Rain, Sleet, Nor Snow: You are unhampered by adverse weather

Express: You gain a 5% bonus to movement speed

Special Delivery: You can mark a delivery special which will allow you to track it.

Under Cover: You may retain your previous class and those with the ability to read previous classes will see whichever class you choose to show.

You're Under Arrest: You may temporarily remove all job-based bonuses from a target to ease apprehending them.

Freeze: Incapacitate a single target for one minute

The Eyes of the Law- Detect another citizens job

Federal Authority: You cannot be affected by the abilities of other unless you choose to be


Walking- 35

Pistol- 10

Loading/unloading- 22

Customer Service- 14

Driving- 5

Melee Weapons- 6

Long Guns- 8

Investigation- 10

Tracking- 3


Deadman- Bonus to all physical stats +5, negative to social-based skills

Natural weapon- Teeth

Night Vision

Accelerated Healing

Enhanced Stamina

I didnt know of anyone else who had quite as many abilities as I did at this point. It was probable that Leah or Graves did, but I doubted theyd be willing to let me access their sheets.

I hit a turn onto Nicos street and hesitated. There was one place that I realized I should make a brief stop at before I went any further. I turned around and made my way towards the eastern part of Potts, eventually, I came to an all-black painted dome, with images of skulls and music notes painted across it. Id reached Deux house.

I knew he was away because if hed been in town I likely wouldve already been subjected to his presence. I opened the door, it was unlocked which is never a surprise in Potts, though that may well change soon. The inside was the usual cluttered mess it always was. Deux collected a lot of junk, and really enjoyed doing so. I took a deep whiff and started searching. It took awhile, but in his kitchen, inside an old record sleeve, I found several handfuls worth of my instant coffee. I took all of them back, save a single one which I emptied onto one of the counters in his kitchen, then placed the empty wrapper on top of it. Satisfied with my work, I exited the house and made my way back to Nicos.

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