Damn, I Have to Marry the Strongest Antagonist at the Start?

Chapter 72: Chapter72-Legend Across the Continent

Chapter 72: Chapter72-Legend Across the Continent

Carlos, who had long been eyeing Owen, now stared at him intently, a serious expression on his face.

A writhing black tentacle emerged from the void behind him, like a towering black pillar exuding a maddening, terrifying aura.

The tentacle surged towards Owen, staining the space around it with a desolate, decaying hue, like a bleak oil painting.

The magical attacks from everyone followed one after another, filling the sky with a myriad of colors.

The countless chaotic mana collisions created utter turmoil in the sky.

Even with Owen's strength, the onslaught of magical attacks gave him a fleeting sense of facing death.

Clearly, Owen's earlier words had truly angered them, and they were now attacking without holding back, using their most lethal moves.

The many veteran figures watching the battle felt a chill run down their spines.

Among them were individuals who had broken through to platinum-tier or even diamond- tier.

As the magical attacks surged towards them, the veteran figures instinctively felt fear. Facing such attacks themselves, they knew they would be severely injured, if not killed.

These young mages were no ordinary individuals; they were the top talents from various kingdoms and factions.

Each had a high reputation on the continent, especially Annie and others who were on the Genius Leaderboard.

Their combat abilities far exceeded their levels.

"Should we just let Owen continue this madness?"

"Owen is the top genius. If he dies, it would be a huge loss for our Azure Kingdom!"

"I also think we should stop this chaos. Owen is the cornerstone of our Azure Kingdom. Without him, our top talents will always be weaker than those of other kingdoms."

"It's already too late. So many prodigies attacking together with such powerful waves of mana are not easy to fend off."

As the members of the Council of Elders retreated in fear, Madelyn and Marry couldn't help but channel their mana, preparing to help Owen block some of the attacks.

They knew their strength was insignificant in the face of the overwhelming onslaught, but they couldn't bear to see Owen fall.

At this critical moment, a shadow of the Godslayer Staff began to emerge on Owen's chest, emitting a dazzling golden light.

This golden light quickly formed a bowl-shaped shield around him, enveloping him in its protective glow.

The Guardian Shield had been activated.


Countless long-range magical attacks bombarded the shield like missiles, creating ripples on its surface that spread outwards.

Amidst the dense magical barrage, a broad smile appeared on Carlos's face.

Although he didn't understand why Owen had proposed to challenge all the prodigies alone, this situation presented Carlos with a great opportunity.

Now he had a clear understanding of the gap between himself and Owen; it was not a gap that could be bridged by single combat.

With so many prodigies present and Owen's arrogance, this was a perfect opportunity.

If they could manage to injure Owen together, he would have a chance to secretly devour Owen's flesh and blood.

Given his unique Dark Emperor bloodline, he would gain Owen's talents and possibly utilize them even better!

So, he kept a close eye on Owen within the shield.

Once the shield broke, it would be his moment to strike.

Many other prodigies had similar thoughts. Owen's extraordinary talent was a threat to them and their respective kingdoms and factions.

A dead Owen would be the best research subject-they couldn't allow him to continue living.

But under their watchful and hostile eyes, the shield around Owen remained unyielding. It was as if all the attacks were mere illusions, quickly absorbed and nullified by the shield. "How is this possible? What kind of technique is this?"

Carlos's fists clenched involuntarily as he stared in disbelief, his deep eyes wide with shock.

Had their combined attacks really been so effortlessly blocked?

The others who had launched their magical assaults were equally stunned, looking at the seemingly unbreakable shield around Owen.

What kind of technique was this?

They had never seen Owen use it before! It was utterly unbelievable.

To their further amazement, after Owen had deflected all the long-range magical attacks, the

shield around him trembled slightly and then began to emit a dazzling light.

As the brilliance reached its peak, the shield around Owen transformed into an intensely radiant sun, impossible to look at directly.

Everyone squinted their eyes, finding it difficult to look directly at the intense light.

Suddenly, the brilliant glow expanded like a blown-up bubble.

The various attacks that had been absorbed into the Guardian Shield were now

simultaneously unleashed!

The terrifying energy erupted like a volcanic explosion.

The myriad magical attacks collided with the reflected magic, creating a dazzling display of fireworks in the sky.

Chaotic waves spread out in all directions like a massive circular blade, tearing up the arena and sending nearby mages flying, coughing up blood, their faces pale as paper.

Due to the unique properties of the Guardian Shield, all projectile attacks were reflected back with triple the force.

Consequently, even though the subsequent attacks from the prodigies were more intense, they were all crushed and obliterated by the reflected attacks, producing earth-shaking booms.

Some of the weaker mages fainted outright from the impact, bleeding from their orifices.

Even top-tier prodigies like Carlos, Monroe, and Davis were left looking weakened and disheveled, retreating several dozen meters.

A few moments later, the chaotic waves finally subsided.

Everyone mustered their strength and looked towards the center of the disturbance.

There, the waves had calmed, revealing a sunken arena.

In the center of the depression stood Owen, his robe spotless and unruffled, seemingly unaffected by the chaos around him.

In stark contrast to the bedraggled prodigies, Owen stood tall and composed.

"Owen is unharmed?!"

Seeing Owen standing there with a stable aura, everyone's jaws dropped in disbelief.

They rubbed their eyes vigorously.

But Owen's figure remained unchanged.

He wasn't just unharmed; his aura was completely unperturbed.

The earlier explosion had been terrifying! Owen, positioned at the very center, had emerged


"He... Owen actually did it! He deflected all those attacks from so many prodigies!"

"Owen, what are his true limits?"

"Even a platinum-tier mage would struggle to withstand such attacks. Owen has created a


Moments later, countless pairs of eyes looked at Owen as if seeing him for the first time, with

exclamations of amazement and disbelief echoing continuously.

Today, they witnessed a miracle!

Unprecedented in history!

Edward, recording the event, had his pupils suddenly contract.

Although he had anticipated this outcome, seeing Owen truly achieve it deeply shocked him.

"No! This matter is too significant. It could affect the future of the continent. I must report it

back to Academy City immediately!"

Edward quickly decided and wrote down every detail of the event.

He then used magic to send the urgent message to Academy City.

Meanwhile, other factions present also realized the importance of the event and used their

own means to report it back as quickly as possible.

Owen had created a miracle today, making history!

Carlos felt a flash of despair.

Today's events had undeniably dealt a significant blow to him. So many prodigies together

were no match for Owen alone!

"Owen, where did he come from? Could he be a once-in-a-millennium prodigy, the so-called

chosen one? Even that might not compare to him."

Monroe rubbed her injured chest, wondering if the Sun-Moon Sect had been detached from

the world for too long.

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