Chapter 614

614 Plans

The wind was blowing quite hard.

The Crown Prince calmly sat under the tent prepared by Bei Yau’s men for him to relax while enjoying his hot tea, with a direct view of the tall gate which had remained motionless since earlier. It looks like there was no life in it, not after Bei Yau’s men pulled a few people out from inside the gate, who is now kneeling in front of him.

The two men, village chief Sa Ye and the carriage coachman knelt down with their bodies and heads bowed deeply and trembling in front of Luo Xiang. While the Crown Prince himself is so calm, not Chen Ming, who had been asking the two a lot of questions.

Xiao Hong have to hold Chen Ming when he got impatient and was about to kick the old man for not saying anything ever since earlier.

“God damn it!”

“Prince, please calm down.”

The calm atmosphere with a warm wind blowing gently was interrupted by Chen Ming’s voice. The Crown Prince glanced at Bei Yau.

The young bodyguard approached village chief Sa Ye and the old man.

“Village Chief Sa, do you have something to say? How can an ordinary old man like you know this very secluded place where Mrs Mao is, without exception even old man Xu himself doesn’t know. Do you have anything to do with the disappearance of the youths in the village?” he asked.


The village chief, Sa Ye raised his head, looked at Bei Yau for a moment and lowered his head in return.

“Please spare my life, Servant, don’t know anything about the missing youths.”

His words made Chen Ming even more impatient and kicked the man hard again.

“Insolent! How come you do not know anything and still come here? You’ve been pretending all along, tell me what that woman did to all the village youths, what she did to my brother! Hurry up and talk, don’t blame me if I beat you up for this!” Chen Ming’s face was bright red with anger. Xiao Hong had to hold Chen Ming and lift him away.

“Prince, please calm down!”

“He’s going to pay for this! Let me go!”

The Crown Prince took a deep breath. Prince Chen Ming was being so unreasonable, he knew how capable his little brother was but still panicked for no reason, and it made his head hurt.



Toward the night

Xu Yan walked behind Bai Ying who was sneaking towards where Xu Yan had seen Miss Hu take his brother last time. The path that was behind the main building of the Black Widow villa complex stopped in front of the park, there were no other roads around it, only a few small buildings resembling the complex’s guards’ mess. From the oil lamps around them, several female guards were walking back and forth in and out of the front of the building. Not much activity there, like it’s just another ordinary building.

“Are you sure he brought your brother and the others here?” Bai Ying asked.

Xu Yan nodded.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure, but, I didn’t know that it turned out to be just another building here, where’s the exit?” he asked.

“Could it be, your brother and the others are still in one of the rooms there?” Bai Ying said.

Xu Yan thought.

“But why is he still there? While Mrs Mao said my brother and the others are no longer in this compound, could it be that she has been lying all this time?”

Not long after, the two of them entered the rooms which were indeed the bedrooms for the complex guards, there was nothing strange there, hidden rooms or anything like that. It’s just an ordinary room.

Xu Yan, who was so scared, had no other choice but to follow Bai Ying who suddenly walked towards the mess complex without caring about the female guards blocking him, who knows what he did the moment he set foot in the courtyard where all the female guards without exception fell down on their place, without exception.

Bai Ying pursed his mouth, where did miss Hu take those young men? He tugged Xu Yan’s hand, which was still frozen in place after seeing all the female guards who had fallen over to follow him outside.

“Come on young master Xu, let’s just ask Miss Hu directly”

Xu Yan stuttered. They came out of the guards’ room into the garden.

“Bu-but young master, won’t that just make her angry? What if, she really takes Brother Chang and the others hostage, then their lives will be in danger.”

Bai Ying walked quickly, looks like, he knew where to go. If he’s not mistaken Miss Hu’s residence is separated from the others behind the lake, she lives with her personal guards and maids there, could it be that the young men are in her residence? But what was she going to do with them?

“Young master”

Arriving at the front of the road leading to Miss Hu’s private residence, Bai Ying stopped, apparently, Miss Hu was already waiting for him at the end of the road with her female guards lined up behind her. The woman smiled looking at Bai Ying and Xu Yan who were standing at the end of the street.

“Hehe, did you really miss me so much that you looked for me all the way here, sweet young man?” asked Miss Hu.

Xu Yan stood behind Bai Ying, after all the youth had never fought before, what should he do?

Bai Ying smiled.

“Hehe, Miss Hu, yes, I really want to look for you, I have something very important I want to discuss with you, then do you have time for me?” Bai Ying asked.

The woman nodded.

“Well, for a cutie like you, I always have time.”

Bai Ying and Miss Hu sat in the dining room of the woman’s private residence, while Xu Yan sat not far from them where Bai Ying could still watch over him.

The woman looked suspicious but he mustn’t make her suspicious of her purpose there, although, perhaps she already knew about it, otherwise she wouldn’t be waiting for him there in such a calm manner.

Bai Ying tried to be as innocent as his face.

“Hehehe Miss Hu, how did you know that I would come to visit, it’s really troublesome for Miss Hu to prepare all this”

Miss Hu chuckled, Bai Ying’s sweet face was really adorable. She shifted her hand to touch Bai Ying’s hand that was on the table.

“Oh of course I know, after all, I will also invite you to come here very soon. So, what are you doing walking out on this time, isn’t Madam Mao going to look for you tonight?” asked the woman who couldn’t take her eyes off Bai Ying. Every movement of the young man made the woman couldn’t stop looking at him, even swallowing hard at how tempting the young man was really couldn’t wait to enjoy him. She wildly imagined what was under the cute young man’s clothes.

Bai Ying withdrew his hand slowly.

“Hehe, Miss Hu, there are so many people here, don’t let them gossip and report this matter to Mrs Mao, you see, I barely came out of her room to meet you here.”

Hearing Bai Ying’s words, Miss Hu chuckled. He pulled Bai Ying’s hand back on the table.

“Don’t worry, they won’t dare to say anything, if that happens I’ll cut their tongues out and gouge their eyes out.”

Bai Ying widened his eyes as if shocked by the horrible words of the woman in front of him.

“Hooh, Miss Hu, how can you talk like that? It’s really terrible.”

Miss Hu waved her hand.

“Oh, please forgive me, I mean, they’re going to get a really heavy punishment for that.”

Bai Ying pursed his mouth.

“Oh, it scared me”

Miss Hu passed the piece of meat into Bai Ying’s bowl.

“So, what brings you here, sweet child?”

Bai Ying stuffed his food into his mouth, he had been hungry since this afternoon, had not had time to enjoy dinner and had been walking to and fro with young master Xu, how could he endure hunger all this time? He never skipped his dinner before.

“Um, I’m just looking for air, actually, I want to look for Miss Hu.”

Bai Ying’s answer made the woman stop her hand. Bai Ying’s sweet face with a pair of big round eyes looked at her innocently and blinked a few times.

“You looking for me, for what?” asked the woman.

Bai Ying chewed the food in his mouth and swallowed it.

“Erm, Young Master Xu said, Miss Hu who always escorts young people who are about to leave here, then, can Miss Hu take me out too? I’m so bored here, at least I want to go out once in a while to shop in the village and come back here again. I hear the maids often come out every morning carrying complex crops to exchange for coins, can I and young master Xu go out with them?”

Hearing that, Miss Xu who was holding her chopsticks stopped again. Raising her head at Bai Ying as well as young man Xu who sitting at another table enjoying his own dinner. The young man was aware of the woman’s gaze, but he pretended not to see and just enjoyed his meal trying to stay calm.


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