Chapter 597

597 Remains

“Master Yi I think they are indeed in an unconscious state to be able to do that, just look at the roots and mystical creatures that attacked so great earlier. They’ve all disappeared into the forest, if it weren’t for a very strong power controlling them don’t think they would just obey either,” said Xi Hu as he looked at Ye Lu, making sure there were no wounds on his face.

“Are you feeling okay? Just tell me if you need anything.”

Ye Lu nodded. Xi Hu’s deep gaze at him made him lower his head in shame.

“Eh, I’m fine young master, it doesn’t hurt too much.”

Xi Hu smiled.

“that’s good”


Chen Ming can’t hide his smile seeing Xiao Hong who was slowly darting down towards him. In an instant, Xiao Hong’s wide wings of sparkling iridescent red dominantly slid together and disappeared into his shoulder blades. He stepped on the rock and couldn’t wait to hug Chen Ming.

“Xiao Hong!”


“My prince”

Chen Ming hugged Xiao Hong tightly. Allowing Xiao Hong’s big hands to lift his body and makes his feet floated on the rock. Xiao Hong couldn’t stop smiling, even though he was injured due to Fo Wang’s extraordinary strength but he survived and hugged Chen Ming now.

“Xiao Hong, are you all right? What do you think you are doing?”

Chen Ming was about to let go of his embrace and check on Xiao Hong, but the young bird didn’t let him go.

“I’m fine my Prince, lucky Er Wang came on time, all this can be controlled by him”

Chen Ming nodded.

“Yeah, it’s lucky that old man came.”


While on the other part of the volcano. At the side entrance of the cave where Luo Xiang and Bei Yau entered.

Young general Yan orders his men to check on the perimeter before letting the Emperor and others come out from the cave. As if nothing happened before, the situation there is indeed so calm, with no sound besides the birds. It’s all over now?

General Yan let the Emperor and others come out, they all look scared but at least they’re safe.

The Queen walk behind Emperor and look around them carefully, all area is shattered.

“Your Majesty, is it we are safe now?”

The Emperor nodded.

“Looks like it. Let’s come back to the Palace while we check the others too” said Emperor.

General Yan dan his aide nodded in unison.

“Yess, Your Majesty,” said the two bowing a deep head down.

Xiao Hong looked at Fo Wang’s volcano peak which looked very calm, as he already felt before that Fo Wang’s energy had decreased drastically as soon as the Realm King’s extraordinary energy appeared. The Realm King hadn’t even used his full strength when he had exploded Fo Wang’s power which made all movement of lava, hot clouds and earthquakes stop completely, in an instant everything stopped.

Chen Ming was shocked when Xiao Hong’s hand grabbed his body and carried him flying. Without notifying him in advance the young bird shot towards the top of Fo Wang Mountain where the Realm King was.

“Xiao Hong what are you doing?”

“We’ll see what happens Prince, the King of Realm has already managed to subdue Fo Wang, I really want to see what Fo Wang really looks like”

Chen Ming hugged Xiao Hong’s neck tightly as he was a bit afraid of heights.

“Hong be careful!”

On top of the gradually calming Fo Wang volcano.

Chai Ni lay unconscious on the ground. Meanwhile Bai Ying, and the Crown Prince were standing in front of something they didn’t think would be like that.

“You must be joking” said Luo Xiang who was speechless when he saw a small creature resembling a dry plant on the top of the small rock in front of them. A creature that size not bigger than a dove, it is light brown in color with a shape resembling a dry tree branch, with two small eyes and a mouth that resembles another living creature.

Bai Ying exploded the energy that Fo Wang had inside Chai Ni’s body which pushed it out of the poor girl’s body. Fo Wang, who was feared by all creatures on the mountain, was nothing more than a dry plant in a pot that was commonly placed in the corner of a resident’s house.

Bai Ying himself was trying not to laugh, how could this little creature look so adorable than scary regardless of what he’s been doing all this time.

White dragon Er Wang floated as he wrapped his long body behind Bai Ying. The dragon’s pair of big eyes still glowed white with slit-long eyes as if he was resting.

Chen Ming and Xiao Hong arrived. Chen Ming narrowed his eyes at what Bai Ying and Luo Xiang saw in front of them now. He approached Bai Ying.

“Xiao Ying, where is Fo Wang? Haven’t you managed to conquer it? Otherwise the attacks won’t just stop right?” he asked. He pointed at the little creature on the rock in front of Bai Ying.

“Then, what is this dry twig doing here? Didn’t all the mystical creatures already back to their place after Fo Wang’s charm spell disappeared?” Chen Ming asked.

Luo Xiang crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Heh, this is so ridiculous.”

“This is Fo Wang Brother,” said Bai Ying.

Chen Ming narrowed his eyes, what did Bai Ying mean by referring to the little creature as Fo Wang? Maybe he meant this was Fo Wang’s remains? He came closer and saw the little creature more clearly, raising his hand almost touch the cute little creature if it weren’t for it screams.

“What are you doing?”

Chen Ming flinched and backed away, he almost fell because his legs were still so sore if it weren’t for Xiao Hong holding his body.

“Oh my! Why can he talk?” Chen Ming asked.

The little creature looked at Chen Ming sharply, it aimed the living roots from its body about to attack Chen Ming if not for something holding him back. Bai Ying’s white energy while the young man didn’t even move from his position.

“Why is it so fierce? A small little fierce creature you are.”

Bai Ying moved closer to Fo Wang who was at the edge of the cliff. Caressed the large dragon with a soft feather head below the chin that Bai Ying couldn’t wait to pet. He pressed his head against Er Wang’s neck whose head size was tens to hundreds of times his own.

“Old man, thank you for coming on time” Bai Ying whispered.

Er Wang shook his head.

“Thank you for resurrecting me, Your Majesty the Realm King, your awakening allows me to use my body again to go wherever I want.”

Bai Ying smiled.

He nodded his head while hugging Fo Wang’s head.

Luo Xiang approached Chen Ming and others.

“Fo Wang, its body was basically destroyed by Prince Yen Hui a hundred years ago. But he couldn’t kill him, and only locked him in the deepest cave in the depths of Fo Wang’s forest, keeping him away from humans and other mystical energies. Until Princess Chai Ni looked for it and offer her body for being possessed, he was just lucky that he was able to attack Ying Ying when he was weak and absorb his energy. He’s just an opportunist.”

Fo Wang looked at Luo Xiang with wide eyes.

“That is not true! I’m not just an opportunist! You must want to insult me ??right? That bastard Yen Hui, he did all this to me, and it’s a big fortune that his flesh and blood is still there and I was able to release this curse, and again you guys ruined my plans!” he shouted loudly. Although, it wasn’t as hard as it was trying.

Chen Ming refrained from kicking this ugly little creature capable of causing such a huge mess, this was really ridiculous.

“Insolent, you deserve to be insulted, small and ugly, I will step you to death!”

If it wasn’t for his sore leg, especially Xiao Hong’s grip, Chen Ming might have stepped on the creature with his sore foot.

“Ah, insolent! I will kill you!”

Chen Ming’s screams were heard all the way to where Bei Yau was guarding the still unconscious Lo Yi. Indeed, how could all the big mess that happened be done by one little creature like that? This is very unreasonable.

Luo Xiang turned his head to Bei Yau and asked the young guard to come to him. Without delay, Bei Yau flew to the presence of the Crown Prince.

“Yes Your Majesty”

“Put him in a cage and take it back to the Palace, let the Emperor decide what his going to do about the creature”

Roots Fo Wang looks so surprise

“Rotten boy, what are you saying? I’m not just a creature, I’m Fo Wang!”

Bei Yau approaches the little roots and takes them with his bare hands.

“Insolent! Let me go, how dare you!”

While Luo Xiang approaches Bai Ying and takes his hand.

“Come, my love, I’m so hungry, what if we look for proper food to eat”

Bai Ying still won’t let Er Wang go when the Crown Price pulled him away.


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