Chapter 589

589 Into the Deep

Smoke is still hovering in the dark cave. Easily Bai Ying crippled the giant toad and dropped it into the water helplessly. After he did that without the slightest bit of resistance, he walked along the cave trying to find a way out from there. The cave, which is not so big in size, looks like there is no way out except to go deeper. The ugly Giant Toad said even he couldn’t get out after the fall of Fo Wang’s mountain which locked him there. Only the slimy roots growing between its back hairs spread far and wide and attacked anyone and anything he could reach.

The Giant Toad also said he was in charge of guarding the cave against anything that came in and out. It started a few days ago when he and other mystical creatures who had been sleeping all this time woke up when they heard the echo of a call from underground. The king of the jungle called them. Although until now, for hundreds of years no one has ever seen what Fo Wang really looks like. The creature only makes a sound that is sometimes accompanied by the wind to a firestorm.

The ground beneath Bai Ying’s feet shook. A few times every how many counts the ground will vibrate for quite a long time. And he also began to feel the hot air around him. According to the giant toad, again, this is the mouth of a cave located at the bottom of the Fo Wang volcano. After walking for some time he will find the centre of the volcano in the deepest part of the cave, where Fo Wang is said to reside. He would probably find Lo Yi and the rest of the royal family there.

With white flames floating above his palm, Bai Ying slowly entered the deeper part of the cave. Several small creatures crawled on the walls around him, luckily no one scared him with the ghost story of the dark and deepest cave, or else he would not be so brave to enter the cave with a very calm face.

There is a light not far in front of the dark cave passage. It was probably another part of the cave the giant frog said.


The sound of neighing horses was heard all the way to the top of Fo Wang Mountain. The troops from Yue Yang as well as soldiers from Dai Yang under the leadership of the young general Yan climbed the mountain on a mission to rescue the Emperor and the rest of the palace family. Meanwhile, Luo Xiang had already asked General Po and others for help outside the borders of the Dai Yang country. Although the reinforcement will come a few days after that day, they couldn’t wait that long.

The soldiers did not stop fighting any strange creatures that attacked them all the way to the cave. The Fo Wang Forest that had been asleep for a hundred years had now appeared and wreaked havoc again.

Sitting on his big horse, Chen Ming held a tracking coin in his palm. His eyes shone blue as soon as he saw where Bai Ying was. His inner eyes could see what Bai Ying saw at that moment.



Bai Ying noticed Chen Ming’s vision. The young man was so great at being able to feel the tracking coin working for him, also because of the subtle vibrations in the memory coin hanging around his neck.

“This is a cave in Fo Wang volcano. It was likely that His Majesty the Emperor and his family were on the inside. I’ve paralyzed the sentry creature in the front cave, but it has a sour slime that can melt any weapon and kill in an instant. I found many human bodies with Dai Yang warrior armour that had become skulls in the cave. Their number is very large. The creature pulls anyone in and sucks their juices. So it’s better if you and the others stay outside waiting, I can handle Fo Wang and those creatures brother, just trust me.”

After hearing Bai Ying talking like that Chen Ming’s gaze was drawn back to his own eyes. Luo Xiang was already in front of him.

“Prince Chen, where is Ying Ying?” Luo Xiang asked.

Chen Ming turned to Luo Xiang and the others, he swallowed hard. He saw what Bai Ying saw earlier. Skeletal bodies that some of the bodies still have a little flesh full of blood hanging down, it is clear that they have just become victims.


The cave at the end of the pathway is quite broad. Bai Ying was probably nearing the center, where there was a pool of churning hot lava, the size of the lava pool was almost as big as the cave itself. With the heat of red lava swirling because it was so hot. Bai Ying’s eyes widened, he could see clearly there were some people tied to the rocks that were right on the edge of the lava pool, this was like what he had in his dream.

Bai Ying looked around, that man in luxurious golden clothes, he must be the great Emperor Dai Yang, the beautiful woman next to him, he must be the Empress, and the few women behind him, maybe concubines and princesses, then, where is Lo Yi?

Bai Ying opened his palms, releasing white flames and wind that blew towards the lava pool to freeze the hot lava that was constantly churning. The white fire was the hottest fire of any fire in the realm. Just a little heat can make anything burn from a distance, and with increased power, it can freeze other fires. He knew it when he fought Huo Yi back then.

The sound of the roar of the strong winds swirling above the lava pool was loud. The cave kept shaking hard and makes a few large stones fall from the cave ceiling. Bai Ying’s hands twisted to form a protective circle right above the bound and unconscious Emperor and royal family to protect them from the rocks.

The cave will probably be destroyed in a moment because the vibration is very great. Bai Ying had already expended quite a bit of strength, but he couldn’t stop until the lava had frozen.

He expended more internal energy than in any battle so far. With eyes shining red and from his forehead appeared a reddish flame mark, the pulse of his inner energy grew stronger. It even hit the red lava pool which instantly stopped churning and froze white.

The shake so hard makes all areas to the farthest part of the mountain affected, even where Crown Prince Luo Xiang’s entourage is.

The horse began to be restless. Luo Xiang look around him, and he could feel the strong energy from Bai Yng, the boy started without them.

Luo Xiang stomped the horse back to the small unpassed road in front of them.

“Let’s move!

The vibrations in the cave finally stopped.

Bai Ying threw his hands, burning off the living twigs that were wrapped around the Emperor and the palace families, all of which fell from the rocks that were directly above the now-frozen lava pool. Bai Ying cast a protective spell to prevent them from falling so hard down. Without much delay, the young man took down the Emperor and the others not far in front of him.

“Your Majesty”

Bai Ying tried to wake the Emperor and the others who were still unconscious. The Emperor slowly opened his eyes.

“Eh, what happened?” asked the Emperor who was confused and looking around. Slowly they woke up one by one, and all of them approached in fear after realizing what had just happened to them.

“Oh what happened?”

Bai Ying clearly didn’t find Princess Chai Ni or Lo Yi among the people he saved. He stood looking around, where were they?


Outside the borders of Hei An city. A skirmish is unavoidable.

A giant rat-like creature emerged from the ground and attacked the surviving residents. Luckily some people came to the rescue of the residents in time. The black chain flew far away, and the sound as it hit another metal object was loud and deafening. Who else if it’s not Ye Lu’s?

Ye Lu and Xi Hu came with a group of troops brought by General Po to help the citizens of Dai Yang who were devastated overnight because of the attacks of mystical creatures that appeared after Fo Wang awaked. News of the country’s chaos reached the capital, which also issued an order for General Po to bring his troops to the country to help. They had started heading there before the Crown Prince’s letter arrived in General Po’s hands.

The agile old man aimed his longsword spear through a terrifying creature resembling a rat the size of an adult goat. Their number is very large. Even with the old General’s many thuggery soldiers, they were still lacking in numbers. Luckily there were Ye Lu, Xi Hu, as well as Yi Fang, joined the battle.


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