Chapter 582

582 Movements

“Tung tung tung” the sound of the night watchman’s gong echoed along the lonely street in the middle of Bu Mo.

“Damp and hot night, watch out for fire!” shouted the patrol officer.

It was located outside the foothills of Fo Wang Mountain bordering the capital, Hei An City, a small town situated slightly high up at the foot of the mountain. The nation’s capital was unlike other big cities like Yue Yang or Xin Hua. The capital is more like a city with a small gate guarded by mountains and other small towns around it, located on the path of the majestic Fo Wang big mountain, the exquisite palace can be seen from below. Because the size is not so big, the safety of the capital can be better maintained. From any angle can see the guards standby in almost in every corner of the city which is open to traders from all areas, complete palace armour and weapons

Neatly arranged main streets. Magnificent buildings with beautiful ornaments hang on every beam. Several patrol officers stood guard on almost every major road. Even though the city was famous for being crowded all day and night but it was already past midnight to dawn, so almost everyone had returned home and rested.

The night was very calm, the sound of night crickets was still heard on every street corner, until faintly from a distance, the howling of the wolves of Fo Wang’s mountain dwellers could be heard. Because it was so calm that even every gust of wind that hit the flag made quite a noise.

Something moved in the ground. It rumbles slowly until it gets louder and louder. The ground started to shake slightly as if anything moving in the ground was trying to get out.

“Another earthquake”

The patrol officers looked around them warily, lately, there have been frequent very small to moderate earthquakes, although nothing happened after that, so everyone was used to that. However, this time the vibration did not stop immediately, even making the board in front of the restaurant building fall.

The tremors on the ground grew louder and louder until the ground with the rock lifted slightly as if something inside was about to shoot out. The men prepared to run.



Suddenly from the ground appeared a lot of small creatures that flew towards the people and attacked them.


Don’t know what those very fast-moving creatures are but they have sharp teeth that bite anyone who gets in their reach.


Instantly the quiet street became bustling with screams and blood flying all over the place.

But it’s not that long before something sharp and shiny slashed the creature no bigger than a human’s head with a skull-like shape and long legs, resembling a huge insect.

The little creature’s groan as the sword slashed it sounded pitiful


From the end of the road appeared many people in guard armour who immediately killed the creatures that came out of the ground, even though the number of creatures was quite large.

“Kill all of them merciless!” cried the head guard who sat on his horse.

Soon Hu Tian, ??Crown Prince Dai Yang’s personal bodyguard appeared behind him. The young man sitting majestically on his large horse looked around, as Crown Prince Lo Yi had predicted, that the sleeping creatures of Fo Wang’s mountain dwellers would start to wake up and attack. He looked around, and the small creatures that lived and slept deep in the ground appeared in front of them.

The sound of the enormous Hu Tian’s horse neighed as the young bodyguard pulled its head in another direction.

“Finish them all, leave no one alive, and pour all the oil into the hole, the creatures will probably start coming again from the same hole, get ready to burn them when they appear.”

The chief warrior who was beside Hu Tian replied.

“Yes, Guard Hu!”

The head guard immediately raised his sword high above his head.

“You all hear that, don’t let it run away. Pour as much oil as possible into the hole!” he exclaimed.



The sound of galloping horses’ hooves walked slowly along the small road leading to the small town near the border of the big city of Bu Mo. The Crown Prince’s entourage who had walked all night finally arrived at the small town at sunrise.

Xiao Hong rode the horse beside Chen Ming who looked tired, they finally found a local tavern and were able to pull over to rest.

“Your Majesty, we will rest here,” said Xiao Hong holding the horse’s reins closer to him.

The two stopped by the river while the other headed to a small tavern on the side of the road for snacks and refreshments.

Chen Ming nodded. He was tired all night because they couldn’t stop to rest in the middle of the desert, after leaving the city they stopped on to the next city. Xiao Hong jumped off his horse and helped Chen Ming. Due to exhaustion, Chen Ming seemed to have a bit of trouble getting off the very tall horse from the ground. He stretched out his hand in front of Xiao Hong who pulled him towards him, grabbed his waist and lifted Chen Ming off the horse with ease.

Xiao Hong smiled. Chen Ming almost fell into his arms.

“Hey Prince Chen, be careful, you will be hurt if you fall.”

Chen Ming pulled his lips, Xiao Hong’s face at that time, the young bird was showing its true nature more and more, another womanizer. He pushed Xiao Hong’s chest who was still hugging him with two hands behind his waist. Chen Ming couldn’t push it one bit, the young bird became so strong in a concise time. A pair of golden red eyes, with the corners of the eyes, curved like a bird, at first glance he looks very beautiful like a red vermilion firebird whose charm can make anyone fall in love with him instantly.

“Hong, I don’t know what creatures inhabit Fo Wang, but there is a legend that says that once upon a time great-grandfathers confined a very large creature like a mountain that lived in a mountain. It is said that the creature became very powerful after finding the divine pill and absorbing all the essence of the mystical creatures that lived on the mountain, including, the predecessors of the red vermilion firebird. If he really gets up, you will consider being one of his food,” said Chen Ming.

Xiao Hong smiled. He lowered Chen Ming’s body onto the ground, standing very close still hugging him. He raised his hand to stroke Chen Ming’s hair, who looked up to stare at him. Chen Ming’s pair of big round eyes with clear eyes that looked at him blinked gently a few times.

“So, do, Your Majesty worried about me?” Xiao Hong asked.

Chen Ming looked at Xiao Hong’s face for a long time.

“Hong, you have to promise not to sacrifice yourself there, I don’t know what will happen to me if something bad happens to you. I had a very bad feeling.”

Xiao Hong stroked Chen Ming’s front hair and kissed his forehead. Then grabbed him and hugged him tightly.

“I promise Your Majesty, whatever happens, I will return safe and sound to Your Majesty, now, I can’t go because something is holding me back, I can’t come and go just like that.”

Chen Ming clenched his fists in front of his chest in Xiao Hong’s arms.

“I warn you for not leaving me”

Xiao Hong grabbed Chen Ming’s hands and put them behind his waist, while he hugged him tighter.

“How can that happen, Your Majesty, I will always be with Your Majesty forever”


While by the river. Bai Ying, who was exhausted after walking all day and night, sat in the narrow carriage straightening his legs by sitting on the river bank. The Crown Prince sat beside him.

“Your Majesty, this river is very beautiful, is that the Fo Wang Mountains on the other side?” he asked, looking across the river.

The Crown Prince who was sitting on a rock beside him looked far away. Where the tall and wide green mountain stretches beautifully with green plants and colourful leaves visible from a distance.

“Yeah, looks like it’s Fo Wang mountain, we’ll arrive at Bu Mo before nightfall. It’s possible that Lo Yi already made a defence there, Bu Mo city is the last defence before the enemy enters the capital, but the problem now is that the enemy could be from the top of the mountain, so we can’t predict what will happen next”

Bai Ying pursed his lips, looking into the distance, where the dense and beautiful forest looks very calm. The shape of the mountain is the same as what it was in his dream, only, the mountain in his dream is already barren and all the trees look dead, what could happen in such a short time?

Bai Ying tugged at his feet, two hands behind his waist about to stand up when Bei Yau approached.

“Report Your Majesty” the guard lowered his head in front of the Crown Prince before reporting.

“What’s wrong Bei”


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