Chapter 50

Chapter 50: His Beloved Maids

BaiYing’s hand clenched on top of his chest looked like a girl’s, with long, slightly chubby fingers, smooth palms, and he wouldn’t let go of it ever.

LuoXiang stroked his cheek.

“YingYing, I don’t know what you are thinking of, but, do you ever feel that you have someone who loves you even before that fool knows about the true meaning of love is, someone, who has absolutely been taken by your heart, since long ago” he whispered. Kissing BaiYing’s forehead who was so close to him, raised his hand again to caress the young man’s cheek, then tilted his head and was about to kiss BaiYing’s sweet lips, but, the boy was delirious before he could do it until Luo Xiang gave up his mind.

“Your Majesty, don’t take my food, I want that one” the young man turned his head to another direction, LuoXiang smiled amusedly, even in a dream the boy thought he was going to take his food, that’s crazy eater, LuoXiang anxiously wanted to flick BaiYing’s forehead and pinched his cheeks. However, he just raised his hand and saw BaiYing shift his head towards him, his lips slightly open, showing his perfect teeth, red with slightly wet lips which made LuoXiang’s heart stop beating for a second and run so fast after it, he swallowed his saliva roundly, BaiYing’s innocent and gentle face now, a face that so close to him, it would be a shame if he didn’t take this opportunity.

“Emh Your Highness” BaiYing delirious again, but LuoXiang did not care, he leaned forward, with a wide palm holding his chin to the back of BaiYing’s neck and kissed his lips carefully, just lightly kissed, then stroked BaiYing’s hair and kissed his forehead again, raised his body embraced the young man’s entire body into his large body.

“Heh YingYing” he just slept and closed his eyes with BaiYing’s body so close that he could smell all of his scents into his head and smile, he would bring his beloved BaiYing into his beautiful dreams.

“Your Highness,” said BaiYing.



Morning comes.

The beauty of YueYang Plain, cold mist still hovered low over the grassy ground along the green plains of YueYang, the imperial palace complex and its vast surroundings, with the beautiful nature surrounding it where the air was so cool and the wind could blow without a hitch.

The Crown Prince Palace is located in the western part of the Main imperial palace, named the Western Dragon Palace, the Crown Prince occupies the palace because of its area which is the second largest after the main palace, which occupied by the Emperor and Queen, also not forgetting all of his concubines, while not far around the Palace there is still remain another palace for princes and princesses, a separate complex but still a unit, each occupant of the palace can still visit each other, without having to go out through a special road that is made to visit each other.

BaiYing room is inside the Plum pavilion, the pavilion itself consists of a big living room, one big bedroom for BaiYing, a kitchen, other small bungalows not far from the main building for maids and guards, also large front and surrounding garden with beautiful flowers, some rabbits and chicken which BaiYing love so much, one of the pavilions within the Crown Prince’s palace, which also had another Pavilion for his concubines to live in, including a workroom, study, playroom, reception, equestrian field, training ground and there were many others, even when he wanted to find the palace walls to escape BaiYing had to go around all day and be able to find them in a few days, it was not easy to live in a palace that was more like a prison than a house because of the many guards passing by.

BaiYing sat on a large rock in the garden not far beside the Plum pavilion, sitting with a frown accompanied by two of his servants by his side.

“Heh is so boring, sis Yan, sis Bi, we really don’t have any other classes today, huh?” asked BaiYing.

Yan, who was massaging BaiYing’s feet, who was sitting on a large rock, frowned in thought.

“Um, there is a riding class today.”

Bi who also massaged BaiYing’s shoulders turned late to Yan, Yan quickly closed her mouth because she shouldn’t have told concubine Hua about it, the Crown Prince has ordered that concubine Hua should not join classes that seems dangerous because of his health condition.

But, it seems that BaiYing is less stubborn.

“Em riding class, right? Hemm, Your Majesty must have forbidden me to come along, that old man, think I am a glass which is so easy to break, can’t join anything ”

Two of his servants took a deep breath, thank goodness that concubine Hua was not as stubborn as before.

“Your Majesty can do something else, umm, how about we continue knitting? I will help Your Majesty “said Yan, Bi nodded his head.

“Yeah right, me too, Her Majesty the Queen has ordered Your Majesty to immediately hand over the knitting since yesterday.”

Yan agreed.

“Your Majesty, we will help you.”

BaiYing smiled, his two maids were indeed so sweet, but if they found out that he is a boy instead of a girl like they knew, what would they feel about it? Were the two of them not in shock? Hemh, thinking about it made BaiYing feel heavy-hearted, this was what made him unable to sleep peacefully every time he thought about it.

“Em, sis Yan, sis Bi, emm, do you guys enjoy being my maid?” BaiYing asked.

His question made the two maids stop their hand movements, the two of them glancing at each other.

“Em of course we are so happy, why, is Your Majesty asking like that?”

BaiYing put his hand under his chin.

“Hemh, well, I just thought, if I really often make you tired, or dizzy because you have to look after me, or ..”

BaiYing’s not finished speaking, the two maids immediately lowered their bodies in front of him to kneel.

“Your Majesty please don’t throw us away” exclaimed the two of them while lowering their heads deeply.

BaiYing stuttered, the two maids suddenly lowered their bodies in front of him.

“You guys, what are you doing?”

“Huks, please don’t throw us away, if we are a little lazy sometimes, we just beg Your Majesty to punish us, please don’t throw us away,” said Yan, unable to hold back her tears.

Bi also nodded while trying to hold back her tears.

“Yes, Your Majesty, please just take us wherever Your Majesty goes, so far we have never had such good masters to us besides Your Majesty, Your Majesty treats us like sisters, please don’t throw us away.”

BaiYing stuttered, he was unable to restrain himself until his tears fell down his cheeks, for some reason the two maids actually made him touched, after he lost his family, his sister, whom he loved but turned out to be stabbing him in the back, he did not expect other people to say he was kind, after what that happened, he almost lost himself.

“Ems you guys, please wake up, who said I’m going to throw you guys out? How can I get rid of these two very kind and gentle sisters?”


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