Chapter 490

490 Poison Valley

In the living room of the complex of houses inhabited by all the men dressed in black. Two tall men with cold faces, small and long eyes and high eyebrows were already sitting across from the young man in black. The young man raised his teacup.

“Father is too ambitious, since the fall of Xue Hua, that old man has been thinking crazy, does he think he can rule the martial arts world just like that? The Cold Water Clan is now in everyone’s attention and became the ruler after successfully taking down Queen Bo Yan and her minions, they even had the blessing of the great Palaces of Yue Yang and Xin Hua, to be able to surpass them at least father must be able to defeat one mystical creature, this is crazy, in where are we going to find other mystical creatures? After it all disappeared with the fall of the Queen?”

Bai Ying seemed to have been sneaking out of the room on the other side, trying to hide his body from the several guards patrolling around the room. He had to pass through the living room to get to the detention room which was probably at the end of the hall, he somehow knew that obviously, he had that feeling.

To be able to pass through the living room without being seen, he had to settle between one pole and another while lowering his body, and, he could clearly hear every conversation in the not-so-big living room.

“That’s very natural young master, Gao Shan Valley should indeed be able to occupy the number one position of the martial world, it’s only a matter of time until the chief can defeat all his opponents including the Cold Water Clan leader,” said the silver-haired man sitting on the left, the Poison clan representative from Gao Shan Valley.

The young man who was called young master smirked, he lowered his teacup slowly onto the saucer.

“Well, and I also heard, if the Medicine Valley doesn’t stay silent in this matter, they also send several teams to guard the borders of the Medicine Valley which was attacked by the half-demon creatures that rose because of the pressure on the ground, all over the place there was upheaval, everyone might not think that Gao San could come out victorious all of a sudden right? So far, Father’s ambition has only been around the valley, he didn’t even dare to fight Queen Bo Yan when the serpent woman tried to take over all the land.”

“Young Master, the chief’s plan is very neat, he is just waiting for the right time to come,” said the man on the right.

“Yeah yeah, as long as don’t embarrass me Du Gu Ye Wang because of that old man’s empty ambition”


Bai Ying widened his eyes, he had heard of that name, Du Gu Ye, that’s the name of his concubine sister, Ye Mu, wait, how did he know her name? Wasn’t his older sister still inside the Crown Prince’s palace? Wait, she was out after betraying the Crown Prince and almost killed him, hold on, which memory is that? When did it happen? Why are there so many memories in his head about gentle sister Mu er who turns out to be a terrible woman? Then, yes, that black chain! It was Mu er’s sister’s weapon, but, how could such a meek concubine, have such a powerful weapon? What’s in his head? Why do all those memories keep coming out and don’t seem to want to stop? Bai Ying held his head, almost making a sound that made a guard nearby turn his head.

“Who is there?” he exclaimed.

Seriously, Bai Ying thought, if he was caught then no one would help his sister Yan and brother Lo Yi out.

Bai Ying get ready to move when the guard headed to his place, while the guard turned to the other side of the large tide, Bai Ying slid right behind him until the guard shifted from his position and take the chance to run quickly into the back alley.

The guard scratched his head, he was sure he heard something from behind the pillar, but there was nothing there, the funny-looking man got goosebumps, maybe the rumours about the halfway house being haunted were true, so it could be rented out at a very cheap price to the young master.




Drap Drap Drap!

The sound of running feet on the grassy ground. The sky had just gotten bright, it was morning already.

“There! Go after them!” dozens of men dressed in black chased a few people running down the small path. Bai Ying, Yan and Lo Yi who had been hiding behind the bushes avoided the dozens of people chasing them.

“Your Majesty, here” Yan whispered pulling Bai Ying’s body lower behind the bushes. Lo Yi had no choice but to run and hide, no matter how great his martial arts skills were but apparently he was not an opponent of the Poison clan of Gao San valley who used poison as their main weapon, he could even feel his body weak until now, but, why? Bai Ying looks so fresh and fit? As if nothing happened to him.

The group of men from the clan had finally disappeared at the end of the road, the three of them feeling a little more relieved at having managed to eliminate any trace of them.

Lo Yi pulled Bai Ying’s hand and slunk away. Still holding his chest which was a little sore.

“Come on Xiao Ying, we need to get out of here immediately.”

The three managed to escape and had already mingled with the residents of Cui An city, at least among the many people on the street, the clan would not be so blatantly looking for trouble. Despite losing their carriage at the tavern earlier, Lo Yi managed to get his loyal horse that he could call home any time he wanted, and the clever horse managed to escape from the group of other black-clad men resting in one of the taverns not far from the previous tavern.

“Those from the Du Gu clan, I’ve heard that the first young master of the clan is recruiting men outside the clan, they are promoting the clan to become stronger, just didn’t expect them to come to this small town either,” said Lo Yi.

Bai Ying furrowed his brows, he clearly knew all about the clan, although he forgot where he came to know it.

“Yes, that man is Du Gu Ye Wang, according to sister Mu er, her first brother is known to be the most ambitious and smart in the clan, he is the operational brain of the Poison clan, and he is very good at martial arts, poison and war tactics, her first brother is one day will succeed their father as clan head”

Yan widened her eyes hearing Bai Ying’s story? Hasn’t His Majesty already lost his memory of what happened all this time? Why was he so fluent in remembering everything about concubine Ye? What actually happened long after the incident where Bai Ying last remembered the attack that left her and Bi also injured in the Crown Prince’s palace, at that time concubine Ye was still the sister of Mu er whom Bai Ying knew.

“Your Majesty, did Your Majesty, have remembered everything?” Yan asked.

Bai Ying thought.

“Um, what have I forgotten, sis?” Bai Ying asked.

Yan was on the verge of tears, if it weren’t for Bai Ying being her master she would have already hugged the young man.

“Oh thank goodness, Your Majesty has remembered everything, then, um, how about we go back to Xin Hua palace? His Highness the Crown Prince must have been very anxious waiting for your return, His Majesty must really miss you to death”

Bai Ying frowned, he pulled his hand away from Yan who was holding him tightly.

“Sister Yan, are you still siding with that rotten Crown Prince? Do you know what will happen if we stay with him any longer? We can die silly, sis. All those assassins were after him, after all, he always threatened to report Ying to the Queen, that man was so rude and violent, his holding my hand so hard, banging Ying’s head on the bed”

Yan stuttered hearing Bai Ying’s words, how can he suddenly remember and suddenly forgot? What really happened?

“Eh Y-Your Majesty”

Lo Yi seemed to be holding back his anger.

“That lunatic, how can he treat you as he pleases like that! Don’t worry Xiao Ying, Brother Yi won’t let you go back to him, we’ll just continue our journey!”

Bai Ying nodded.

“That’s right! Come on, but, uh, he, Ying is hungry, can we get something to eat first, brother?” Bai Ying said holding his stomach. His adorable face made Lo Yi couldn’t help pinching his nose.

“This child, of course, let’s go find something to eat!”

The young man took Bai Ying’s hand and pulled him as they continued their way down the busy street, mingling with the other passersby.

Yan who was still confused widened her eyes when she saw Bai Ying being pulled away by Lo Yi, she couldn’t let the man touch His highness, His Highness the Crown Prince could punish her for letting that happen.

“Your Majesty, wait for me”


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