Chapter 488

488 Stranger

“Em, pardon me, but you can’t talk to a girl like that, it’s rude”

The big man turned to Bai Ying. Smiling mischievously looking at Bai Ying whose only lips were visible.

“Wow, there’s a little brother too, you look attractive, sweet kid, where are you going? It’s very dangerous for a beautiful girl and a cute young man to walk on this dangerous road, who knows what could happen, how about you come with us.”

The man came closer and almost touched Bai Ying’s chin if it wasn’t for someone pushing him.

“Don’t touch him with your dirty hands!” Lo Yi was already there pushing the big man’s body until he almost fell with his friends.

“God damn it!” the three men had almost stepped back and lunged at Lo Yi if it weren’t for someone’s voice stopping them.


The third’s eyes widened, seeing a person in magnificent clothes, a wide robe that was blowing in the wind with long hair that fell down to his back waist was approaching with several men dressed in black behind him. From their appearance, these people looked like they belonged to a martial arts clan.

“What are you guys doing? Making a fuss here!” exclaimed the young man with a handsome face and sharp eyes, cold-faced. He looked at Bai Ying and Lo Yi who were standing blocking the people from approaching.


The tall man with a neat and majestic appearance glanced at his three subordinates with sharp eyes.

“How many times I reminded you, every member who oppresses the weak anywhere will be severely punished, do you guys dare to go against my words?” said the young man looking at three men who were much bigger than him but looked afraid of him.

“Please forgive us, young master, we didn’t do anything, w-we just greeted them”

The young man raised his hand and threw something that made the three big men push far away and fell backwards.


Bai Ying and Yan widened their eyes. It wasn’t clear what it was but Bai Ying sure saw something black coming out of the young man’s hand.

“Sis, that, what?” Bai Ying whispered.

Yan shook her head, she was a layman, just like Bai Ying at that time, she couldn’t clearly see what thing came out so quickly and disappeared again under the young man’s wide sleeves.

The young man hooked his hands behind his waist. Approaching Bai Ying and Lo Yi.

Lo Yi swallowed hard, he could see what was coming out of the sleeves of the young man in black and gold embroidered dominant clothes. Something that shone black like a chain that disappeared quickly as he withdrew his hand, his strength clearly couldn’t be underestimated, the young man was no ordinary person, and judging by the many people around him and bowing to him, he was definitely not just any young master who comes from the rich family.

The young man looked at Lo Yi, then at Bai Ying. Even though Bai Ying was wearing a white eagle mask with a string of pearls adorning it, Bai Ying’s pair of big eyes were clearly staring at him.

“Please forgive my subordinate’s impoliteness, they really can’t see the slightest beauty.”

Bai Ying stuttered, and the young man looked at him strangely. Yan stepped forward to block the man from Bai Ying. The young girl lowered her head.

“Thank you, young master, for the help”

Lo Yi approached.

“Forgive us, young master, but, we would like to continue our rest before continuing our journey, if young master doesn’t mind, we will move”

The young man looked at Lo Yi who seemed to be the bodyguard of the two people in front of them. He smirked.

“Hehe, of course, please”

Lo Yi turned to Bai Ying and Yan, for the two to stand up and leave, apparently, their break time will end very quickly.

“Come on Your Majesty, let’s get out of here.”

As the three of them left, a voice came from the direction of the road.

“That’s them! Young master!” screams from the street.

Bai Ying and Yan turned their heads, they seems to recognise the voice, and sure enough, both of them widened their eyes at who had appeared and approached quickly towards the young man.

“Oh, why do we have to meet that man again here?” Bai Ying whispered trying to cover his body behind Lo Yi, he held the young man’s clothes tightly to make Lo Yi a bit uncomfortable, although, he quite liked it.

The young man standing where he was earlier turned his head to wait for the head of the street market thugs who had chased Bai Ying yesterday to approach, the ugly man pointed at Bai Ying and the others.

“Young master, there he is, he is the young man who took the golden ape from our hands, that’s him, the masked young man!” cried the ugly man.

Bai Ying and Yan were cornered where they stood, unable to escape because the men of the black clothed man had already surrounded them, blocking the way out for the three of them. Lo Yi raised the hand holding his sword high.

“Don’t come any closer”

The young man who was in charge of the black clothed man looked at Bai Ying, Lo Yi and Yan.

“Is that true? This sweet young man? That looks unbelievable, right?” He slowly walked over to Bai Ying and the others.

“I said, don’t come any closer” said Lo Yi.

“So, you the one who wants to eat that adorable little monkey?” Bai Ying exclaimed.

Even though he is afraid and takes refuge behind Lo Yi, he is not a coward who doesn’t admit his actions.

Lo Yi and Yan widened their eyes at Bai Ying’s voice.

“Your Majesty” Yan whispered trying to stop Bai Ying.

“Why sis?”

The young man smirked, seeing Lo Yi’s excited face standing up prevented him from approaching Bai Ying who was already looking at him with big eyes.

“Hehe, interesting, all of you guys are big and fierce, ugly and scary, being defeated by a beautiful-eyed youngster like this? It’s very interesting.”

The man almost touched Bai Ying’s face if it weren’t for Lo Yi’s hand holding him.

“Young master, please move!.”

Lo Yi looked at the young man sharply, it made the young man look even more excited, so he smiled from his cold face.

“Hehe, why? Am I not allowed to see the attractive face behind this mask?”

“M-my young master’s face is unattractive, th-that will just surprise the young master” said the young girl bravely.

“Oh yeah, really?” asked the young man.

“That’s not true, young master, that young man, has a face that is more beautiful than any girl, his face is gentle and beautiful like a fairy!” exclaimed the thug standing among the men’s men in black.

The young man smiled.

“Oh really? I’m sure about that too, sweet boy, then, are you willing to take off your mask?”

Lo Yi pointed his sword at the young man. Both of them were of the same height and physique, if not for his clothes which were far more magnificent than his, the young man was no match for Lo Yi, who at first glance looked much more attractive than the young man. It wasn’t just his face, but the aura that Lo Yi gave off was definitely not the aura of an ordinary man, maybe because he wasn’t a citizen of Yue Yang so he looked different from the others.

“Go one step further, don’t blame me for cutting off your hands or feet, this sword of mine has never been out of my scabbard, this, could be the first time”

“Heh, this is a pity, sweet child, don’t you know, how long and effort itneeded to find the golden monkey cub, the monkey is precious, for sure father will be very angry and sentence someone to death because we didn’t manage to bring it home, but, I can forgive you, on one condition, take off your mask, and come home with me, “said the man looking at Bai Ying with his mischievous look.

Bai Ying swallowed hard, the young man’s eyes were certainly not joking, he held the hand of Yan who was standing beside him tightly.

Lo Yi glared at the man.

“Stop your bullshit! It turns out that a respectable young master like you, is nothing more than a masher.”

The young man smirked again, he took his hand out from behind his waist and pulled out something that made all eyes widen around him.

“Hey, oh yeah?”

“Oh black chain!” Bai Ying exclaimed. He seemed to recognize it very well, although he couldn’t remember what but seeing it made something pop into his head.

“Your Majesty” Yan widened her eyes as she looked at the black chain that was now revolving above the young man’s hand.

“That, is similar to concubine Ye’s weapon!” cried Yan.

Yan’s voice made the black clothed man turn to him. He was caught off guard until Lo Yi managed to attack him.



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