Chapter 310

310 The Banquet

Crown Prince placed the scroll of documents on the table, rolled it back up and handed it to XuYi who was standing not far beside him, the young man was already wearing the uniform of a young palace official, with the BaoYe emblem on his vest.

For a moment, LuoXiang still looked at XuYi who was already holding a scroll of documents in his hands.

“Em, Master Xu, it’s your first day on the job, and YingYing has already shouted at me not to give you such a hard and arduous job, did you feel burdened?”

XuYi who lowered his head slowly raised his head, slightly peeked at the Crown Prince who was looking at him seriously, he lowered his head back and shook his head quickly.

“No Your Majesty, I really like this task, doesn’t even feel any burdened.”

LuoXiang took a deep breath.

“Yeah, tell that stubborn kid yourself, he thinks I’m hoodwinking you, he said this is the first assignment and young master Xu already has to look at the horrible and disfigured corpses, he’s been grumbling all morning, that kid”

BeiYau kept his expression flat, even though he wanted to laugh so much , Crown Prince’s face as he grumbled seriously.

XuYi stuttered.


“That Eh..”

Crown Prince looked outside were not far across from the main building of the Eagle pavilion was the peach pavilion where concubines used to gather, seen from a distance BaiYing with concubine Fu and concubine Lu was sitting in the living room busy arranging flowers.

“Just take a short visit to the Peach pavilion”

XuYi turned his head to the side, slowly lowering his head nodding.

“Ready Your Majesty, I will carry it out”.

“And don’t forget Master Xu, this matter is only a matter that BaoYe and the Crown Prince who’s need to know about, BaiYing doesn’t need to know too much about this kind of matter, the kid will think nonsense later”

XuYi nodded.

“Yes, Your Majesty, Servant understand”


The next day.


The sound of a large gong echoed all around the field.

The Queen’s birthday banquet finally arrived, the palace complex was already filled with several invited guests and their entourage who entered after passing very strict inspections.

The large gates of the SanPo Capital were filled with layered guards, tough and selected soldiers stationed at some post at once, citizens of SanPo were having one day off that day to reduce the amount of crowd on the city streets, just like what the Palace always did on the Emperor’s birthday, as well as the Crown Prince’s.

The gates of the Great Golden Dragon field were opened wide, gold-armored warriors with full weapons stood tall at each entrance inspecting the majestic guests who entered through the gates.

“His Majesty the Great King of Tania has arrived!” cried the doorman, immediately a group of white and golden dominant clothes, they might be the most crowded guest who comes that day, with wide clothes for the men, and long sexy dress hanging down to touch the ground for several women who were none other than the young concubines of the Great King Tania who was very fond of beautiful women entered.

The big, stocky man laughed loudly as he entered the gate, stroking his beard seeing how magnificent the Golden Dragon field was decorated in such a way for the Queen’s Birthday celebration at that time.

“Hahahaha very good, very good”

Soon another important guest also arrived at the palace, it’s not an open banquet, more like political annual visits and the security is tighter than usual, not even a fly can enter without passing the checking post.

The sun was already right above the head when the Queen’s birthday banquet officially began.

“Wow, this is awesome!.” BaiYing coming out from the sub gates hub between the Imperial Palace to Crown Prince’s, they coming with the other concubines as well, the young man widened his eyes to see the surroundings. He might have stepped forward to look around were it not for the Crown Prince’s hand holding him tightly.


“Wow, this is very good, Your Majesty, look at that flower, it is so big and pretty. Ying heard that Her Majesty specially ordered it from Kili on purpose, oh yeah, Kili has AYa, is she’s also coming today? I really miss her”

“That’s impossible Ying, Kili is in a mourning state at the moment, in two years the palace core family must not go out let alone enjoy the party, and don’t run around, stay close with me today, so many guests, and suspicious people might be infiltrating among them”

BaiYing saw the Crown Prince’s serious face, he raised his hand to caress LuoXiang’s forehead which was deeply wrinkled, something LuoXiang himself didn’t expect.

“Your Majesty, don’t be so tense, let’s just enjoy today’s celebration, why does Your Majesty always have to put on such a tense face, you’ll get old so fast with that frowning face, come on let’s get something to eat, wow, I’m so excited!”

And the young man pulled the Crown Prince’s hand towards the centre of the banquet in the large room of the Golden Dragon’s hall, where the crowds gather.

“Eh YingYing”

Queen certainly became the main attention at that time, she did not stop smiling widely seeing so many guests who came with lots of gifts for her.

“Hehehe please come in, wow this is so beautiful” jewellery, beautiful clothes, the best cosmetics, all of which she really liked.

While the Crown Prince was already taking his seat beside the Emperor around the large round table and pulling BaiYing along with him, he certainly wouldn’t let the boy out of his sight even for seconds.

“Wow, what a sweet concubine Hua, I haven’t seen your pretty face in a long time, how are you sweetie?” the voice of the Second Prince who had just arrived and sat right beside BaiYing.

BaiYing smiled widely until his eyes disappeared.

“Greetings, Your Highness Second Prince, long time no see”

LuoXiang glanced at his brother intently, he took the wrong sitting position and caused BaiYing to be among them, especially, beside his masher brother.

“Ahem, Second Brother, it wasn’t that long, we just haven’t seen each other for a few tens of days”

“Hehe my brother, indeed, it’s been a long time, how can I stop myself from seeing this cute face for such a long time? This is the deepest torture.”

BaiYing smiled broadly at the Second Prince’s sweet words, of course not with the Crown Prince, that person really is shameless, Crown Prince thought as he rolled his eyes upwards.

“Here, Consort Hua, this is very delicious smoked meat, try it, this is a new recipe from the palace chef,” said Second Prince thrusting chopsticks with large pieces of meat into BaiYing’s bowl.

“This looks very delicious, Your Majesty, thank you”

During the meal, several invited guests arrived who seemed to be a bit late for the event.

“Emissary from XinHua Palace arrived!”

The gateman’s loud voice.

BaiYing who was enjoying the food that was already in his mouth raised his head, XinHua palace, it was an envoy from WahYe, he couldn’t wait to meet them, wonder who does his grandmother sent as the first official messenger from WahYe after decades of disappearance?.

BaiYing stand up going to see who’s coming but the Crown Prince’s held him from going anywhere.

“YingYing, just sit down and enjoy your meal”

BaiYing couldn’t wait, he wanted to see who was coming but the Crown Prince’s hand didn’t seem to let go, he held it so tightly.

“Your Majesty, I would like to see them”

“Just sit at your place, they will come to see you soon”

“Just a sneak peek, Your Highness, I’m curious”

LuoXiang didn’t change his expression at all, making BaiYing could only puff his mouth out in annoyance,

“This man really!”

And sure enough, until the end of the event, none of XinHua’s envoys approached the dining table because the Emperor and Empress welcomed all the dignitaries in the Golden Dragon hall, a tedious and time-consuming ceremony for BaiYing.

“Brother!” Lan’er approached, she was specially assigned by the Crown Prince to watch over BaiYing with Fan’er and the other servants, of course, BaiYing’s movements were hampered because none of them dared to go against the Crown Prince’s words.

“What’s Sis?” BaiYing asked in a slightly annoyed voice.

“Don’t talk with me, Ying is upset here.”

Fan’er covered her mouth laugh, BaiYing’s face at that time was clearly very cute even though he said he was upset.

“This little brother, really like a granny, always mad all the time.”

BaiYing looked at Fan’er with big eyes.

“Big Sister, you must be in cahoots with His Highness the Crown Prince and call Ying’er a granny didn’t you?”

The concubines chuckled, of course, who wouldn’t be excited to see the young man’s frowning face at this time, he was so cute.

“Hehehehe what does this has to do with His Majesty? This sweetie is so weird.”

“Otherwise how could you know what His Majesty’s latest title to Ying’er was?”

Lan’er frowned in thought for a moment.

“What’s that? Granny?”

“Sister!” BaiYing exclaimed annoyed, of course, making his two sisters laugh even louder.

“Hahahaha this kid is so cute”

When everyone was so happy to tease BaiYing, ChenMing and ShinYa came closer.

“Hey brat, why don’t you come out to welcome the envoy from grandma, he said he brought a lot of food and clothes from XinHua especially for you,” said ChenMing.

Hearing that BaiYing widened his eyes.

“Brother, can’t you see Ying is forbidden to go anywhere? Ying can’t wait to see who’s coming since earlier.”

ChenMing approached BaiYing, he grabbed the boy’s hand and pulled him up from his seat.


“This kid, come on, why can’t you go anywhere? Did that rotten Crown Prince tie your legs and arms so you can’t move?”

BaiYing stuttered, unable to resist ChenMing who pulled his hand out from the table and followed him, ShinYa and the other two concubines followed them.

“B-Brother, b-but, His Majesty will be mad and pinch Ying’er later”

“If he pinches you, just pinch him back, this kid, why are you so obedient to him”

“It’s not like that, Brother”


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