Chapter 301

301 Love? Scene?

“Heeee!!” The horse that was occupied by a white veiled figure with a wide hat was startled and lifted its two front legs.

“Heeee!!” and inevitably, the surprised horseman let go of his grip and couldn’t hold his body as the horse straightened up.


And the figure was pushed down from his saddle, soared high enough towards the side of the road, where the Crown Prince was standing, as a decent person he couldn’t let people get hurt in front of his eyes without doing anything, so, spontaneously, he caught the person’s body before he fell hard to the ground.

Crown Prince caught the figure’s and landed on the ground, spinning a few times until the veil of the person, which from its quite slender body shape was resembling a woman, removed, the sound of the crowd of people watching sounded boisterous, the beautiful and smooth face of a young woman was instantly visible when the veil was removed.


She’s a beautiful young girl with white smooth skin, small pointed nose and big round eyes, oval face shape like a goddess, her eyes blinked couple times as she saw the Crown Prince who was still holding her waist and back almost carry her whole body.

“Eh please forgive me” realized he had seen and stood for a moment the Crown Prince immediately released his grip, so did the young woman,

“Eh m-my fault, sorry for the rush, excuse me” her voice also sounded soft, the young woman quickly put on her veil and paying no attention to anything else to save time, she approached her horse which had stopped near the side of the road, mounted it quickly and continued her run.


“Hiatt! hiatt!”

Everyone was still stunned, even BeiYau who was standing in the middle of the road watching the young lady run past him, his eyes wide open, not from being shocked by what had just happened before his eyes. This would be nothing and no big deal if the Crown Prince didn’t hold onto the girl for too long but, it looks like it will get complicated as BaiYing’s eyes are already wide open looking at the Crown Prince across the street, BeiYau thought as he quickly walked away.

Crown Prince walked over to BaiYing who was still standing by the roadside, while the young man who could hardly believe his eyes just now pulled Lan’er’s hand behind him and walked past the Crown Prince.

“Come on Sis, Ying’er is so sleepy, let’s have a rest in the carriage okay?”

Lan’er stuttered, the young man pulled her past the Crown Prince without saying anything as if he was angry with him.

“Eh little brother, eh, that..” BaiYing’s maids lowered their knees in front of the Crown Prince before following BaiYing into their carriage.

“Excuse me, Your Majesty”


The sky was already dark when the group stop at a large inn to rest in order to gain more energy to continue the journey for the next day.

Inside the room, where Crown Prince and BaiYing stay that night.

“Eh YingYing, how if I’ll massage your back tonight,” said Crown Prince who slowly sat beside BaiYing who was getting ready to sleep.

Since this afternoon the young man ignored him, didn’t even look at him when he spoke, was he still angry?

“Thank you, Your Majesty, but no need, I’m just a small concubine, don’t let Your Majesty’s hands get tired from massaging me.”

Crown Prince pursed his lips, he touched BaiYing’s hand, which was already lying down to the bed.

“No, it’s not tiring, Brother told you already wasn’t it, touching my YingYing body is the most enjoyable thing, all of this makes my nerve loosen and recharge my energy”

BaiYing turned his head to look at the Crown Prince with his sharp eyes.

“Well, but I’m fine Your Majesty, no need, thanks.”

BaiYing pulled the blanket up over his head, Crown Prince was about to pull it, but he held his hand, BaiYing’s eyes clearly showed that he was still angry with him.

Just as LuoXiang pulled his hand back, he sat down with an unenthusiastic face, maybe he had done something bad, and he realized what it was, while the Crown Prince was also feeling guilty, there was a faint sound of his sighing sigh. Just as the Crown Prince was thinking about keeping BaiYing quiet until his mood improved, a voice came from the young man.

“Your Majesty won’t ask why I’m mad?” The young man lowered the blanket to below his eyes, his big pair of eyes looking intently at the Crown Prince.

LuoXiang stuttered, he straightened his seat again.

“Em, is it because of that girl? What, YingYing isn’t exaggerating, Brother is just helping her, otherwise, she will fall in a worse condition, it seems she was in a hurry so she didn’t think much of anything else, what, YingYing is really angry just because of that?”

BaiYing looked at the Crown Prince until he lowered his blanket and got up from his bed, seeing the man’s face which at that time looked more like a cute kitten than a ferocious tiger like he usually does.

“Your Majesty, it is no small matter, what would Your Majesty do if it was someone else who held Ying like that?”

Hearing the question, the Crown Prince widened his eyes.

“Of course, it can’t happen, that person is really tired of living! I’ll cut off his hand if he dares to touch you!” his voice was loud and excited, but BaiYing’s gaze made him stop and think.

“Eh, what, YingYing also wants to cut off that girl’s hand?”

BaiYing restrained himself, the honourable Crown Prince is so great and smart, but why does he look so stupid in such trivial matters.

“Does Ying look that cruel?”

“Um no, then, what will YingYing do?”

BaiYing held his breath, then exhaled heavily and turned his body back to lie down.

“Heh, I don’t know! anyway, it’s up to Your Majesty”

LuoXiang tried to turn the young man’s body towards him, but BaiYing pulled the blanket to cover all of his head.

“YingYing, why you upset? This kid, it was just purely accidental, would YingYing prefer it if your big brother just stood there watching the girl fall down like that?”

BaiYing covered his ears with his two hands.

“Ying doesn’t want to hear anything” while the Crown Prince was still trying to shake his body.


“Your Majesty I want to sleep, please let me sleep!”


The sun had not yet appeared perfectly at the eastern end when the group already stomping the road. The atmosphere in the middle of the city that morning was not as crowded as the afternoon, only a few citizens have seen walk at the streets to enjoy the fresh air that morning.

BeiYau tries so hard to hold his expression flat and not laugh seeing the Crown Prince who’s riding beside him, still with bloodshot eyes, blackened under eyes and yawning with teary eyes.


The bodyguard had never seen the Crown Prince in such disarray in his entire time he knew him, and now, Crown Prince looked more like a husband who have to sleep on the terrace all night, kicked out from the room by his beloved wife, and due to so many mosquitoes and not comfortable, he has to stay awake the whole night.

ChenMing who was riding in his big horse beside BeiYau nudged BeiYau’s arm, glancing at the Crown Prince. BeiYau shrugged his shoulders, even so, ChenMing was sure the matter must be related to yesterday afternoon’s matter, that rotten Crown Prince, he deserves being ignored by BaiYing.

“Let him know who’s he’s dealing with”

While in the carriage.

BaiYing was already sitting with Lan’er in the carriage enjoying their morning snack at that time, the young man was still busy talking even though his mouth was bloated with so many small snacks he had chewed earlier.

Yan and Bi were seen sitting with them in the carriage serving the two enjoying their snacks and tea.

BaiYing looked so excited to tell Lan’er that his eyes were sharp because he was so annoyed, making Lan’er who heard the story get carried away with emotion.

“Just think about it Sis, could it be that, His Honourable the Crown Prince who is so smart and magnificent doesn’t know what he’s done wrong? He’s either really stupid or just pretending.”

“Brother, didn’t you already know that His Highness the Crown Prince has always been in the masher, the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree” Lan’er whispered.

BaiYing opened his eyes wide.

“Of course, Ying knows about it, but according to him, His Majesty is only being a pervert with Ying, not expecting that he would do such a flirtatious thing in front of Ying’s eyes! This, it’s really annoying, what’s called love half to death? Such a liar”

Yan and Bi who were busy serving the two pretended not to listen to their conversation, even though their ears kept pointing upwards.

“Then, Sister, what do you think Ying should do now? For some reason this feels really annoying, he holds the little girl’s body with his two hands very tightly, even their eyes meet each other, was it, His Majesty probably likes that girl? Will he take her as his next concubine?”

Hearing this Lan’er who had just drank a little tea almost spat it out. Bi immediately handed the napkin to concubine Fu to wipe her slightly wet mouth.


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