Chapter 293

293 Going Back

“Then, are we leaving tomorrow afternoon, Your Majesty?”

“Of course so, why should we postpone it?”

“Your Majesty, is Elder Yi really going to the palace? Has Your Majesty been planning this all this time? Without Ying’er knowing”

Hearing BaiYing’s question made the Crown Prince suddenly stutter.

“Eh that...”

BaiYing looked at it with a sharply raised eyebrow.

“Your Majesty wants to lie to Ying’er isn’t it? Saying that you will stay in this valley for even forty years, but the truth is, Your Majesty, is already planning to move the cold stone to the palace as well as Elder Yi so that Ying’er can accompany His Majesty back to the palace, isn’t that right, Your Majesty?”

LuoXiang scratched his head.

“Well, that’s, a good idea isn’t it? So YingYing can keep practising wherever you are.”


BaiYing crossed his arms in front of his chest, making an angry face, he turned his face away reluctantly to see the Crown Prince’s face which suddenly looked very annoying in front of his eyes.

“Ying can’t believe this”

“Yes it was not a big deal Ying, the important is Brother has found a solution so Yingying can still get the treatment from Elder Yi, even if we are going home”

“Of course, that is a big problem Your Majesty Honorable The Crown Prince, its means His Majesty was not serious when you said you would accompany Ying anywhere even for forty years.”

Crown Prince tried to hold BaiYing’s hand, but the young man pushed it away.

“YingYing, be good boy, don’t be so angry, you, don’t be so sensitive”

“Your Majesty let go of my hand”

As usual, the two argued until their voices could be heard outside the room.

“This child, why are you so sensitive like a girl, you always angry all the time”

“Your Majesty!”


Klop klop klop.

The sound of the treads of the large hooves of the Crown Prince’s entourage was pounding the road, a large simple carriage that was quite comfortable and spacious in the middle followed by another smaller carriage for several female servants who joined the group, including Yan and Bi.

BaiYing and FuLan sat on the big carriage at the front. Meanwhile, the Crown Prince rode his large white horse in a shiny majestical robe, dazzling in midday sunlight which was slowly rising into the sky.

Elder Yi was on a big black horse side by side with ShinYa at the back of the carriage, while ChenMing was behind BeiYau who was walking beside the Crown Prince.

“Report, Your Majesty after passing through KuiZang city we will enter the Valley of the Winds, it is said that according to young master Xu’s words there is a fairly large inn in the middle of nowhere that accepts many visitors at once, and I have sent a bodyguard with the fastest horse to reserve a place in advance.” Said BeiYau who was riding beside Crown Prince.

LuoXiang looked up, the sky that afternoon was very clear, and the wind was also blowing gently, of course after passing through the Golden Buffalo valley the air might not be as clear as this.

“We may arrive there when the sky is dark Bei, are there other route options?” asked the Crown Prince.

BeiYau thought.

“My respect, Your Majesty, Servant have looked for alternative routes before, but the distance difference can take up to two days, and one of the roads is also small enough that it might be difficult for the golden carriage to pass.”

LuoXiang looked back, their carriage was indeed big enough to take more than half of the way.

“We can’t leave the carriage, YIngYing will be fussy if he has to ride a horse all the way, let’s just continue through the valley of Wind, hopefully, the inn still has rooms for us or else the kid will get grumbled”

BeiYau nodded, he secretly held back he laughed, the current Crown Prince is like a husband who is afraid of his wife and always obeys the wishes of his favourite concubine, but that’s normal, considering how many times Crown Prince almost lost his concubine so he promises to do whatever the child wants.

ChenMing who was riding behind BeiYau pulled on his reins, backing towards the carriage.

“Brother!” he shouts right outside the big carriage window.

As soon as the window curtain was opened, BaiYing’s cheerful face appeared.

“Yes Brother, are you tired? Want to join us inside?”

ChenMing glanced inside where Concubine Fu was sitting not far from the boy, two of them seemed to be enjoying their snack time.

“Just come in, Prince Chen, why do you still feel so uncomfortable?” cried concubine Fu.

ChenMing chuckled, scratching his head awkwardly.

“Hehehe, it’s all because of that rotten bodyguard, asking me to accompany him to drink all night, and now I’m so sleepy”

BaiYing smiled broadly.

“Hehehehe, let’s hurry in.”

Inside the carriage, there were many boxes of food and herbal souvenirs from the Medicine Valley to take back to the palace, of course, all BaiYing’s request.

This morning in front of the mansion, BaiYing’s eyes widened to see some of the Medicine Valley’s disciples who approached before they left the valley, with boxes filled with tea leaves and herbs, as well as a liniment and even cold medicine, all of which were priceless treasures in BaiYing’s eyes.

“Wow Brother, this is a lot!” BaiYing exclaimed.

YoTang scratched his head, he smiled awkwardly at BaiYing’s excited face who looked at him with shining eyes as he had just given the boy treasures.

“Hehehe brother said Her Majesty the Queen often catches colds, here is a liniment and herbal leaves, also concubine Lu often complains of stomach pain, this also has tea leaves, Brother have written the name at each of boxes, later they can drink it as tea regularly, and brother, you also get bumped a lot, here’s a rubbing ointment for bruises and such.”

“Brother forgot, even if Ying’er bumped and spraining a lot it won’t be any problem anymore now”

YoTang widen his eyes, he just realized it.

“Oh yeah, I forgot, but, just take it with you anyway,”

BaiYing happily accepted the box that was in YoTang’s arms.

“Then what is this brother? Wow, dried fruit, peanut cake, wow this is delicious, there are fried peanuts too, Brother, Ying can smell it, it’s smell so good”

“Hehehe of course brother, these all for Brother to enjoy all the way back to the Palace, Brother expect your trip to take days one day, hopefully, this will be enough until you get to the palace.”

Back in the carriage.

ChenMing was already lying on the side of the carriage while BaiYing and FuLan continued their eating and chatting.

“This one is quite delicious,, it’s delicious.”

BaiYing nodded, the beans size were quite big which were fried dry with some spices which made them taste even more delicious, of course, they just couldn’t stop eating, not to mention the herbal tea that boosts energy as a companion to eat their snacks.

“This is very good, em, Sis, will sister Fan’er will love our souvenirs for her? she’s a very picky Fan’er, she would complain because we did not buy the pretty clothes for her in the middle of the city, as she said before we apart”

“Well that can’t be helped, we didn’t have time to go to the city, after the funeral of Miss Xu, heh, that poor girl, but I’m pretty sure that sister Fan’er will like all of these herbs, she really takes cares about her health and beauty, there is a topical medicine, there is liniment, stomach-ache medicine, she must be happy to receive it.”

“Well I hope so, otherwise Sis Fan’er will complain every time she meets Ying, heh this is so troublesome”

Lan’er covered her mouth laughing lightly at BaiYing’s sullen face.

“This kid, don’t overthink about it just take it easy, have you tried any other food in another box? You said there was dried fruit, um, sister really wants to eat persimmons right now”

BaiYing grabbed one of the boxes not far beside him right when he heard a voice, quite loud outside the carriage.

“Stop there!”

The sound of the guards shouting, then the loud galloping of the horse’s hooves, BaiYing glanced at FuLan, wondering what was going on outside, but just as he was about to peek out the carriage suddenly stop.


BaiYing almost fell backwards and the box in his hand tumbled out of his hands.


He and FuLan tried to hold on to something to be able to sit back in their position while ChenMing immediately sat up alert.

“What just happened?”

The young prince grabbed his sword and rushed towards the exit of the carriage.

“Insolent! Who so dare to block the group like this?” cried BeiYau who was already on guard with his sword at the person on horseback who galloped through the ranks of soldiers and stopped suddenly in front of the group.

Crown Prince’s horse was screeching while lifting his two legs in front of him, of course even in any condition Crown Prince remained calm sitting on his horse.


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