Chapter 276

276 Watch Over You

“Em, this is so delicious” finally, BaiYing enjoyed his sticky rice soup, he couldn’t stop smiling, enjoying the fresh and warm broth with ginger that warm up the body.

XuYi, has subconsciously looked for too long at the boy made him forget about his own soup bowl if it wasn’t for Lan’er to snap him up.

“Ahem, Young Master Xu, please enjoy it while it’s hot, the taste won’t be so good if it’s cold”

Yan and Bi who were standing behind BaiYing and Lan’er covered their mouths holding back their laughter, that young master’s face was too clear amazed by BaiYing, and saw him without blinking.


“P-pardon me, uh this looks really fresh”

BaiYing smiled.

“Young master just takes it easy, you must be very tired after searching for your sister this morning, where did you find her?”

XuYi enjoyed the soup, indeed the sweet and slightly spicy taste on the tongue from the ginger slices and the dried fruit marinade made it taste very refreshing in his throat, he came to know why the cute young man in front of him liked it so much.


“Heh, Yan’er is in the back garden not far from the college, she runs there looking for flowers, she loves it so much, but, every time she gets close, she gets hysterical and destroys all the flowers she saw without a trace”

Lan’er looked at XuYi sharp.

“Yes indeed, your sister is crazy, look what she did to our beautiful flowers yesterday? Even though I already asked for some to take home, oh poor flower, your crazy sister ruin it”

BaiYing touched Lan’er’s arm stopping her sharp words, but instead, she looked at him with big eyes.

“Sister don say like that”

“He should be able to control his little sister or otherwise all the plants around here will be destroyed by her”

XuYi understood how Lan’er could be so furious, he clenched his fists in front of his face.

“Please forgive my sister for what she did, she is just like that, somehow there is no other way to treat her, heh, all efforts have been made but she’s not getting better and always like that”

BaiYing put on a serious face, finished chewing the sticky rice cake in his mouth, he looked at XuYi with his pair of big round eyes which made the young master stutter at that.

“Em, what if I told you, that little sister of yours, being possessed with spirit, what, Young master going to believe me?” BaiYing’s words made the young man raise his head to look at BaiYing with big eyes.

“What do you mean Young Master? My sister, how can she’s being possessed? Eh, who is the spirit?”

BaiYing had finished his soup, he handed his empty bowl to Yan asking her to fill it up again.

“Please Sis”

Lan’er shook her head.

“Brother, You’ve eaten too much already, later if you have a stomachache you will complain.”

BaiYing pursed his lips.

“Ah Sister, I won’t”

XuYi stifled a laugh, seeing BaiYing’s cute face made him forget about his problem for a moment.

“We’ll eat again later.”

BaiYing was forced to obey Lan’er, after all, his sister always knew what was best for him. He turned back to XuYi who was waiting for his answer.

“Em, does, Young Master Xu, know a person named LiMei?”

XuYi’s eyes went wide, he hadn’t told anyone about that name before, not even Physician Ou, then, how did this kid in front of him know about it? Did his guard leak this information?

“Young masters where did you hear that name from?”


Not long after.

BaiYing and XuYi had been talking alone in the garden behind the bungalow while enjoying the fresh air in the early afternoon. BaiYing was holding a bag containing fish pellets which were occasionally scattered over the pond where a lot of beautiful colorful fish would appear simultaneously rushing at it.

“Exactly two months ago, a servant in our house, uh, actually, she is not a servant, she, was our younger sibling from another father, she found death from suicide at her room”

“That LiMei?” BaiYing asked with big eyes looking at XuYi.

Xu Yi nodded.

The two of them were in the garden, with Lan’er sitting on a park bench with maids enjoying the afternoon while arranging flowers.

Lan’er looked very happy to do so, while the two little maids went back and forth to fetch beautiful flowers for Concubine Fu.

“Here you are Your Highness, the flowers are so beautiful,” said Bi.

Lan’er smiled widely.

“Of course it is, fortunately, that crazy girl didn’t ruin it,”

XuYi took a deep breath, he shook his head, gracefully the tall man walked with one arm behind his waist and stopped in front of the pond watching the fish swimming together making the gurgling sound.

“I don’t really follow about what happened when it occurred, I had just returned from a hunting trip with some of my colleagues, the incident at home had been going on for a long time and so news about LiMei’s death also varied,”

“Some say she was raped, and then she was viciously murdered, some said, she got pregnant because of her lover, and committed suicide out of shame, and, some said, she had a fight with XuYan, and XuYan was so angry with her, that it pushed LiMei to commit suicide, there are many allegations which were not true, since Yan’er herself could not be questioned, she was in complete shock and started laughing and crying herself for no reason. Yesterday, calling out Young Master as LiMei was the first clear word from her after two months”

BaiYing puffed out his mouth.

“Oh, then what did Physician Ou say?”

“According to him, my sister Yan’er was in shock because of what happened to LiMei, because ever since LiMei came to our house six months ago, Yan’er loves her deeply, she is very happy to have a younger sister who can accompany her to play and do makeup together. They are inseparable, even though LiMei’s status at home was as a little servant, because our Father doesn’t really like her, but LiMei’s cheerful nature makes her not mind at all even as a servant.”

“Why doesn’t Big Master Xu like LiMei?” Bai Ying asked.

“Em, it because, em, my sister LiMei is the daughter of another man, the man who raped Mother eighteen years ago.”

BaiYing heard that shut his mouth, it was only natural that the girl became a servant in her mother’s house.

“Then, what is Misstress Xu done about that?”

XuYi took a deep breath, he again approached BaiYing at the poolside.

“Mother was seriously ill and passed away seven months ago, and she advised us to take care of LiMei, after all, she is our little sister.”

BaiYing puffed out his mouth.

“I see, Ying’er felt sorry for asked about Young Master’s mother.”

XuYi smiled, he shook his head.

“Hehe it doesn’t matter, since childhood I also don’t know my mother very well, there is a nanny at home who is closer to us than our own mother”

XuYi smiled.

The sweet young man in front of him, who was no more than his chin tall, who had looked up at him earlier with a pair of big round eyes with long eyebrows, which fluttered a few times when he blinked his eyes.

The innocent BaiYing didn’t notice the frozen gaze on him, he threw the pellet back towards the pond while XuYi subconsciously pulled closer to him, he raised his hand to touch BaiYing’s hair which was a bit messy due to the wind.

“Ahem!” Until a loud voice stopped him.

XuYi quickly withdrew his hand and backed away, he’s being insolent!

BaiYing turned his body to see who was approaching, it was ShinYa who was approaching with a sharp look at XuYi.

“Master Shin”

“Ehem Your Maj.. uh Young Master, the air outside is not very good for health, what is Young Master doing here for so long?”

BaiYing smiled widely.

“Hehehe the air is so good Master Shin, have you finished training yet?”

ShinYa nodded his head.

“That’s right Young master, according to His Majesty, eh, I mean Young Master Lu, it seems Young Master BaiYing needs Servant at here”

BaiYing thought, did he say he needed Master ShinYa? Why did the Crown Prince say that to him? He was still confused to the point of scratching his head until Lan’er approached.

“Of course it’s need Master Shin here, to observe what you are doing, my innocent little brother.”

BaiYing thought about what Lan’er meant until the young man came to his senses and looked at ShinYa with a deep frown.

“Master Shin was told to watch over me?”

ShinYa stuttered, he didn’t know what concubine Fu meant who was now looking at him sarcastically.

“Eh th-that”

BaiYing puffed his mouth in annoyance, of course, the Crown Prince said he believed him, but that person sent ShinYa to watch over him, that person was really annoying, he didn’t change at all.

Lan’er and BaiYing’s two maids chuckled in amusement, BaiYing’s frowning face glaring at ShinYa made the young shaman scratch his head and look the other way, knowing that BaiYing was annoyed to see him.

“Eh t-that”

XuYi secretly couldn’t hold back his laughter either, BaiYing’s face was adorable even when he was angry.


“Master Shin, did you always do as He told you to?”

ShinYa gulped down his saliva, of course, who would dare to disobey the Crown Prince’s orders, is he already tired of living?

“Eh That..”

“I can’t believe this”


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