Chapter 274

274 Nightmare

At night.

The atmosphere in the Medicine Valley was very calm, so serene that the sounds of crickets and frogs sounded as if they were singing non-stop.

BaiYing was already asleep in the Crown Prince’s arms on their bed, until a scream came from outside.

“Fire! Fire!”

Suddenly, in the darkness of the night, there was a scream accompanied by a fire in one guest house, a small bungalow at the back of the big house not far from the Crown Prince’s bungalow, where it could see a fire rapidly spreading in one of the bedroom windows.

Crown Prince woke up alert, he glanced towards the door where there was a soft knocking sound, without second thought Crown Prince grabbed his robe, put it on quickly, and approached the door where BeiYau was already standing in front of him.

“Bei what happened?”

BeiYau lowered his head.

“There was a fire in one of His Majesty’s guest houses, I just wanted to let Your Majesty know that the situation has been resolved.”


Crown Prince glanced into the room where BaiYing looked a bit disturbed by the noise outside, but he was probably so tired that he continued sleeping.

“Heh those people, why are their voices so loud when the situation is already under control?”

BeiYau raised his head to look at the Crown Prince.

“Um, I heard that...”

The Crown Prince raised his hand to stop BeiYau’s words, he closed the door slowly so that BaiYing wouldn’t be disturbed by their voices.

“What is the problem?”

“Em, according to what I heard, if young lady XuYan disappears”

As usually, Crown Prince didn’t have many expressions when he heard it, he actually didn’t really care about it, but that crazy lady could be a problem if she suddenly appeared and attacked BaiYing again.

“Send two or three of your men to joining the search for the girl, lest she causes trouble for BaiYing”

BeiYau lowered his head nodding.

“Yes, Your Majesty” Then retreated in an orderly manner towards the steps and hurried down, his hand waving at his subordinates who were standing downstairs to come closer.

“You guys...”

ChenMing still with a sleepy face came out of his room which was next to the Crown Prince’s room, approached while yawning slightly while glancing at the direction BeiYau had just left.

“Your Majesty, is there a very important matter? What a fuss.”

Crown Prince only glanced at ChenMing for a moment, then prepared to open the door again.

“Just a small matter Prince Chen, everyone should go back to sleep again.”

ChenMing scratched his head, the handsome young man frowned and obeyed the Crown Prince’s words back to his room.

“It’s really noisy in the middle of the night like this.”

Meanwhile, BaiYing who was still sound asleep seemed to be dreaming, his forehead furrowed deeply as if he was having a bad dream.


A young girl with a wide smiling face shouted as she jogged over to another girl who was sitting on a park bench, a beautiful backyard, a girl who was dressed beautifully like a young lady of a high official sat accompanied by the other two maids turning her head.

The cute girl who called him stopped in front of her, the cute girl who was also wearing a maid outfit called her Big Sister.

“Naughty girl, why are you shouting like that?”

The young girl smiled deeply, while the young lady pinched her nose in exasperation.

“Please forgive Mei’er Sis, Mei’er can’t hold back my longing”

The girl tucked the young girl’s hair who called herself Mei’er behind her shoulders.

“This brat”

BaiYing broke out in cold sweat, he tried to open his eyes but they felt heavy, his chest hurt as if someone sitting on him, he tried to move but couldn’t.


Crown Prince was anxious, he tried to wake BaiYing up.

“YingYing, what happened to you, oh your body is so hot, servant!” he cried anxiously.

Someone or something was now on top of BaiYing’s body, a figure that only BaiYing could see because the Crown Prince does not see it, he opened his eyes glaring at the figure who was trying to touch his cheek with arms stretched forward with long black nails, long hair covering it face leaving one eye completely black which stared at him horribly, this, a ghost?

“No” BaiYing was most afraid of ghosts, he jolted awake and embraced the Crown Prince who was right in front of him, his breath panting, his chest hurting unbelievably.

“YingYing what happened to you?”

BaiYing’s eyes were still wide, he was dreaming, but why did it feel so real? He really felt those long nails touching his cheeks, almost piercing him, and that very scary face, it was a ghost, how could he dream of such a terrifying ghost? He hugged the Crown Prince so tightly that the Crown Prince could feel his body shaking.

From the direction of the door, Lan’er and ChenMing entered quickly, as well as Physician Ou who was picked up in a flash by the maid.

“Your Majesty, what happened to XiaoYing?” Chen Ming asked.

Crown Prince also didn’t understand what was happening, all he knew was that now the kid was scared and hugged him very tightly, he gently caressed BaiYing’ hair trying to calm him down,

“I don’t know, this, maybe just a bad dream, this was just Ying’s dream, heh”

BaiYing buried his head on the Crown Prince’s shoulder, this was clearly a nightmare that made him very frightened, he still felt the horror.

“Hoh, there is a ghost, Your Majesty, there is a ghost.”

Lan’er who was also afraid of ghosts leaned closer to Yan, she glanced around.

“Is-is there really a ghost here? Oh Ying’er, don’t scare me, please.”

Yan and Bi were the same as those who were very afraid of ghosts, but both were trying to calm down.

Morning came quickly, finally, everyone was awake until morning because of what had happened last night.

Dew had just dripped down from the broad leaves of the peony tree that was next to the bungalow the Crown Prince’s entourage was staying in. While in another bungalow not far from the main building, the front of the window was blackened from burning overnight, the fire was successfully extinguished so it didn’t spread everywhere, but it wasn’t that room that suffered the most damage, but the whereabouts of Miss XuYan, who has yet to be found. XuYi couldn’t be seen around the bungalow, he was probably still busy looking for his sister until he left college. But, is it possible that this little barefoot girl can walk so far?

Although they haven’t found it around the valley and have to leave the college to expand the search area.

BaiYing turned his head when he felt the bed move. The Crown Prince was seen approaching while carrying a bowl of porridge whose hot steam was still steaming.

“Ying, are you hungry? Your servant has prepared your favorite abalone porridge, it smells so good”

BaiYing smiled, there is nothing happier to see the Crown Prince’s bright face and beautiful smile on that sunny morning.

“Your Majesty, em, did Your Majesty not practice this morning?”

The Crown Prince glanced out the window, the sky this morning was indeed very beautiful, the air was warm with a gentle breeze.

“Em, in a bit, let’s eat first, when Ying is done eating Big Brother will come out to practice.”

BaiYing chewed the porridge with his mouth bulging out as if he was in a hurry to finish it.

“Er slowly”

The youth’s eyes glanced down where they could see the bungalow belonging to the young master and miss Xu staying.

“Em Your Highness, what, Young Master Xu is out looking for his sister?”

Crown Prince frowned, he thought.

“Em maybe, why are you asking? YingYing can’t come looking for him, your current condition doesn’t allow it”

BaiYing frowned at the Crown Prince seriously, until the young man stopped moving his hands, he knew the young man so well that he knew that BaiYing was currently thinking something very important.

“What’s wrong Ying, don’t hide anything from me, remember that”

BaiYing shook his head quickly.

“No, who’s hiding something? Em, why would Your Majesty think like that?”

Crown Prince put the spoon of porridge into the almost empty bowl and pinched BaiYing’s nose exasperatedly.

“This kid! Tell me what’s wrong?”

BaiYing glared at the Crown Prince.

“Your Majesty!”

“This bad kid”

BaiYing touched his nose which was red from being pinched so passionately by the Crown Prince.


“Then what do you want with them? They have nothing to do with us, well, we will soon be leaving this place...” The Crown Prince’s words stopped, oh no, he almost spill the tea, his eyes turned elsewhere to avoid BaiYing’s gaze, looks like the innocent boy didn’t seem to have heard it earlier.

He seriously thought while looking out still with his mouth chewing porridge until his mouth puffed up, he swallowed it quickly looking at the Crown Prince with his big pair of eyes.


“Um Your Majesty, servant, would like to have a serious talk with young master Xu, regarding, his sister!” BaiYing quickly continued his speech before the Crown Prince glared at him.


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