Chapter 268

268 Stay? or not?

LuoXiang looked at the man for a moment.

“Ehem, I don’t take much care about who you are, but one thing I do care about, you said that only you the one who can reverse the energy within YingYing’s body, and, in your opinion, all this can only be done in Cold Cave?”

Elder Yi stopped laughing, apparently, the business that caught everyone’s attention especially the Crown Prince was not who he really was, but about what he could do to, to save that sweet young man, who was none other than the Crown Prince’s favorite concubine who was now staring at him intently.

“Ehem, that’s...”


The sound of running water.

BaiYing’s long hair gently swayed by the wind, sitting on the edge of the terrace where he saw the small green garden at the back of the bungalow filled, some beautiful flowers, tall plum trees, some medicinal plants to grass that was deliberately allowed to grow because of its beautiful color and shape.

There is a small pond not far in front of the terrace, the pond with several colorful fish swam cheerfully, some wide lotus plants, and can be seen there two or three frogs jumping. It wasn’t as beautiful as the Plum pavilion or even the Crown Prince’s Western Dragon pavilion, but just looking at it made BaiYing smile.

Shortly sitting alone after Lan’er had just left him, someone approached a person whose weight was evidently making a rather loud sound on the wooden floor as he stopped right behind him. The hands of the person who was definitely the Crown Prince embraced him from behind.


“YingYing, why don’t you rest in the room? Why are you sitting and exposed by the wind here?”

BaiYing turned his head, smiling at the Crown Prince who rested his chin on his shoulder, pursed his lips like a very adorable little child.

“Your Majesty, the weather is warm, Ying has been in the cave too long and it just so happens that today the weather is very nice.”

LuoXiang nodded. He tightened his grip around BaiYing’s waist as if pulling the young man’s body into one with him.

“Um, yeah, according to Elder Yi since the energy he expends from his body while practicing caused the weather in this mountain irregularly change, he’s trying to make it back to the way it was”

BaiYing frowned.

“Elder Yi? Did he really do all this? It’s not weird, he’s such a great person, his inner strength is so light and comfortable, heh”

LuoXiang straightened up, brushed BaiYing’s long hair that was left loose, took the wooden comb beside him, and carefully combed it.

“What is YingYing thinking?”

“Em, Your Majesty, I have thought about it, according to Elder Yi, I should train in the Cold cave for some time in an effort to make my energy back to normal, and, Ying knows what Your Majesty will do to Ying, but this time, Ying’er beg you, just listen to Ying’er’s words for this once”

The Crown Prince’s hand movements stopped, he held BaiYing’s long silky soft hair, looked at it for a long time, leaned his head slightly to smell it, the hair was so fragrant, the familiar smell of YingYing that he loved so much, far more than anything, the smell that already becomes his drug and makes him addictive from it.

“Does YingYing want me to leave you here? Um, how long? A year, two years? Or, forty years?”

BaiYing lowered his head, lifted his legs to his knees, and rested his head on, looking far ahead.

“Heh, Your Highness must be bored. Always following Ying’er to dangerous places, several times almost risked Your Majesty’s life.”

Crown Prince secretly smiled behind BaiYing, he continued to brush the young man’s long hair.

“Em, that’s why YingYing has to receive a lot of punishment for taking up my precious time, I’ll think about the punishment later.”

For a moment, BaiYing thought very seriously.

“But, Ying had thought, this time Your Highness should go back to the palace instead, don’t accompany Ying here anymore, just leave Ying’er here alone”

Finally the Crown Prince’s hand movement stopped, slowly, he put the wooden comb beside him.

“So YingYing just wants to be accompanied by that old man? And purposely told me to go home so as not to disturb you guys like that?”

BaiYing stuttered, the Crown Prince might have misunderstood him.

“Your Majesty that’s not what I meant, I mean, um, because, Your Majesty has a very important duty as a Crown Prince, His Majesty shouldn’t have accompanied me here any longer, however... eh”

BaiYing stopped his speech, he stuttered, lowered his head in not knowing what else to think. His hands were shaking, his lips were trembling, he had never prepared himself before to speak like that to the Crown Prince, and his chest hurt so much as now he said it.

However, he also couldn’t deny that he was too dangerous for anyone, even the Crown Prince, even though he could never imagine what his life would be like without the Crown Prince by his side, but this was a decision he had to make, no matter how hard it is.

LuoXiang, who was about to get angry, stopped his intention, he lowered his body back to sit next to the young man, pulling on one of BaiYing’s legs whose ankles were still slightly bruised.

“Does, it still hurt?”

BaiYing turned his head, he tried to wipe away his tears but he couldn’t control himself from crying, a few drops of tears fell from the corners of his eyes. Since Elder Yi stabbed his acupoint temporarily to prevent his energy from breaking loose accidentally, he can even heal himself, back to become useless and weakly HuaBaiYng as he used to be, how lousy he is really now?

“Ems, It’s fine.”

Crown Prince pulled BaiYing’s leg, placing it on his lap.

He glanced at BaiYing’s servant who was standing not far from them, Yan and Bi who immediately grabbed the medicine box and handed it to the Crown Prince’s hands.

“Here it is, Your Highness.”

“Bring me the hot water and clean cloth.”

The maids nodded and retreated in an orderly.

“Yes, Your Majesty”

BaiYing endured the pain as the Crown Prince’s big hand touched the bruise on his leg.

“Your Majesty”

“Don’t move”


The Crown Prince smiled, he pinched BaiYing’s nose in exasperation.

“You, what makes you think that I will leave you? That’s what you want? Leaving you here alone with that masher? That won’t happen at all.”

LuoXiang raised his hand, holding BaiYing’s small face in his two palms, wiping the tears that rolled down the young man’s smooth cheeks.

“Ying, a year, two years, ten years or even forty years, I will accompany you, who told me to have a YingYing who is so great that it makes everyone overwhelmed by him, even there are so many problems that must be faced by him, who told me to already fell in love with a young man who could explode at any moment, and, I won’t be able to live without him.”

BaiYing’s tears became unbearable, he held the Crown Prince’s two wide hands that covered his cheeks.

“Your Majesty”

The Crown Prince rubbed oil on his feet, it’s quite comfortable and cold, he doesn’t pay attention to how hurt it was but it does.

“Hey, I’m so ridiculous, aren’t I? Why I have to always hurt my own feet, Ying, it’s so useless.”

“It’s because Ying did it on purpose so this sweet and gentle Big Brother can massage your feet, is it?”

“Y-Your Highness.”

BaiYing really couldn’t help the tears that keep coming out.

LuoXiang smiled, he’s getting more excited to see BaiYing who was crying, and make his nose and eyes red with a pair of teary big round eyes, he was so cute.

“Hehehe this kid, don’t cry, you look like a frog.”

BaiYing pursed his lips at the Crown Prince’s jokes on him.

“This venerable Young Master, how can I be like a frog?”

While the real frogs were jumping around playing with each other among the several wide lotus leaves above the pond.

“Just look at your face, big teary eyes, red nose, no matter how I look it really looks like a frog”

BaiYing protested, while wiping his tears he looked at the Crown Prince sharply.

“I’m not a frog, Your Highness”

LuoXiang couldn’t help but laugh, BaiYing’s face when he was angry was adorable, at least it was more fun to see him angry than to see him sad.

BaiYing hit the Crown Prince on the shoulder, but the Crown Prince held his hand, holding his small hand with ease. BaiYing swallowed hard, the Crown Prince’s gaze at that time, a pair of beautiful eyes, which sparkling beautifully by the morning sun, he got closer, staring at him deeply.

“Y-Your Majesty”

The Crown Prince advanced towards BaiYing who was seated so there was no place for him to escape anymore, lowering his body as the Crown Prince’s massive body crawled over him.

“Why are you so attractive, my concubine, I feel like really want to eat you”

“J-just now, His Majesty said that servant was like frogs, and sec...” BaiYing didn’t finish his sentence when the Crown Prince’s face got very close to his and kissed his lips.

Her red lips moist and tender, chewing it completely in his lusciously thick lips, exhaled once and kissed BaiYing’s red lips without giving him any mercy.

“Ummph, so cute”

His large palm, held BaiYing’s head down slowly on the wooden terrace, holding the young man’s slender neck, tilting his head to kiss his lips again, not stopping there, he kissed BaiYing’s cheek to his neck.

While Crown Prince’s other hand, wildly went into BaiYing’s clothes and touched the young man’s smooth and warm skin beneath his clothes, lifting his slender waist and kissing his neck to his chest.

“Umph why do you always taste so good”

“Your Highness”



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