Chapter 260

260 a Very suspiciously Man

The sound of water flowing from the top of the rock.

The water was so clear and cold, with some beautiful small fish swim in it, the large pond in front of the hut was definitely one of the favorite places for the elder who claimed to be called Elder Yi. BaiYing sat on a rock by the pond enjoying the cold water soaking his unbandaged feet, while Elder Yi approached carrying a small meal and pot of tea, the man sat beside BaiYing with a cheerful face.

“Wow, this is so nice, I get used to sitting here alone, but today I have someone who is accompanying me”

BaiYing chuckled.

“Hehehe does Elder Yi have been here for a long time?” he asked.

Elder Yi thought, the man who by his appearance was probably in his thirties to forties, still looked very young, but his figure looks like an old man.

“Erm, it’s been a while, I don’t even know how long, I stop counting the time”

“Then, it also means that Elder never managed to find a way out of this place?”

Elder Yi thought again.


“Way out? So far I’ve never seen a way out, well, actually I don’t really want to go out either, so it’s not really looking for it, but there was one time I was really bored and wanted to peek out every now and then, but after walking around the cave all day, two days, up to a few days, I forgot not to count, still can’t find a way out either, well, I’ll just give up”

BaiYing pulled his lips, he lost his excitement.

“Then, will Ying’er not be able to get out of here? Heh, everyone must be worried about Ying’ er, His Majesty, Brother MingMing, Sis Lan’er, heh” he sighed loudly.

Elder Yi chuckled, he thrust a piece of boiled sweet potato that was still steaming in front of the young man.

“Here, let’s eat first, we’ll think about finding a way out after you get better okay? Right now I don’t recommend you to go anywhere just yet, with your current condition, XiaoYing is very lucky to have arrived in this cave, this might be your chance to recover your condition.”

BaiYing turned his head, his eyes still on Old Yi Elder.

He took a slow bite of the sweet potato, chewed it zealously, swallowed it whole, and continued talking.

“According to Physician Ou, Ying’er’s condition is too severe, he said Ying’er’s core meridians already have no foundation, even though Lord YiXing has channeled reversal energy but the injury already too severe, heh, Ying, might die soon, maybe, disappearing from the Crown Prince is a good thing, at least he won’t be too sad when Ying really self-destructs in the future.”

Elder Yi saw BaiYing’s dispirited face and frowned.

“Em, healer Ou? You mean, OuYangLu huh?”

BaiYing turned his head, he nodded.

“Yes, healer OuYangLu, he is a very great healer, it is said that with his ability he once saved a person whose only left half of his breath, and when Ying was younger, physician Ou also the one who safe Ying with the piece of the Bloodstone”

Hearing that Elder Yi’s eyes widened. BaiYing was about to put the sweet potato in his mouth,

“What do you mean by bloodstone? How could that kid use it? How can he? That rotten brat, he managed to learn the fusion of two elements”

BaiYing pulled his hand away from Elder Yi’s grip whose eyes were looking far ahead, looking serious.

“Did Elder familiar with healer Ou?”

“Of course I’m his... uh, hehe, I, used to be one of his disciples, hehe yeah”

The man looks suspicious, thought BaiYing, frowned at the man who now scratched his head clumsily.

“Hehehe does, that dragon pearl is still inside your body? No wonder XiaoYing has boundless energy, dragon pearls are very powerful, even after hundreds of years of practice, normal people won’t possible can have it, in the past, there was a young man who thought he could do it, but at that time I had not mastered the art of fusion of two elements, as a result, heh, that person did a devious thing”

BaiYing listened carefully,

“Back then? Then Elder Yi also knows the story about the dragon pearl?”

“Of course I know! I was the one who split the pearl into four and had to let my heavenly sword which was extremely powerful be broken in two, heh what a pity, even reassembling the broken sword can’t restore its power back to how it used to be.”

BaiYing frowned, he’s getting more confused about what was the man in front of him talking about. Was his brain too stupid to be able to tell whether the person in front of him was joking or talking for real?

“Em, Ying doesn’t understand, how can Elder Yi know about the matter of the Heavenly sword and others, it’s a very secret matter, did, Elder Yi, possibly know Healer Ou’s great master?”

Hearing BaiYing’s innocent question made Elder Yi who was just drinking his tea choke.


The clumsy man hastily wiped his mouth whos drench by the tea, while BaiYing just looked at him strangely.

“Hehe, how can you think like that? Do I look like someone who knows the great master? How old is he now?”

BaiYing thought, he still looked at Elder Yi’s face for a while, then thought until his brow furrowed.

“Em, according to Physician Ou when he entered the cave, Master’s age was about fifty-five years, and ever since Great Master entered the cave to meditated, he is now probably around ninety-five years old”

Elder Yi almost choked again while drinking his tea, his eyes widened hearing BaiYing’s story.

“N-Ninety-five years? Does that mean I’ve been in the cave for forty years?”

“Really? How old is Elder Yi? If you’ve been here for forty years at least Elder’s age are around the forties to fifties, that’s if Elder already been here since baby, that’s impossible, right? After all, Elder’s face looks very young, Elder Yi please don’t fool Ying’er.”

Elder Yi scratched his head awkwardly, the kid in front of him was looking at him with a pair of very beautiful eyes, making him even more nervous.

“Hehe, that’s right, er, it impossible I’ve been here since baby, hehe”

“Elder Yi is such a weird, look like you hiding something from Ying’er huh?”

“Something like what? What am I hiding?”

BaiYing furrowed his brows deeply.

“Well don’t know, there’s just something, Ying can feel it”

“Hehehe it’s just your feeling, this young man, let’s just cook dinner, XiaoYing is hungry right?”

“Eh Elder Yi”

“Wait a minute, let me see your face, umm it still pale, then your pulse”

The man grabbed BaiYing’s wrist, holding it for a long time as if he really felt his pulse, or he just too itchy just wanted to touch him, thought BaiYing who couldn’t pull his hand away.

“Hemh tonight I’ll channel my inner strength again for you, well, your core isn’t completely damaged, it’s just covered in a lot of energy, that rotten kid still can’t learn God’s eye, such a lousy”

BaiYing frowned.

“What is God’s eye, Elder Yi?”

“That is, as a divine healer, the highest level is the eyes and hands of God, if you have the hands of a god but don’t master the eyes of a god it will be useless, with the eyes of a god a divine healer can see the inner aura of his patient just by physical appearance”

“Em, that, maybe like lord Shin, he can see anyone’s aura”

Elder Yi frowned.

“Lord Shin? Who is that, is he another holy man? He mastered the God’s eye?”

Bai Ying nodded.

“Yes, of course, he is a powerful shaman from WahYe.”

Elder Yi’s eyes widened when he heard BaiYing mention WahYe’s name.

“Wow? How do you know about that country? My younger brother was from there, and as far i knew that country has long gone.”

“And now it has risen.”

“Really? Oh, hmm, it seems that a lot of development I didn’t follow anymore, there’s a lot of changes”

“Well, yeah, Elder Yi said you been here for forty years, of course, a lot has changed out there”

“Can’t let this happen, I also need to get out from here.”

Elder Yi immediately stood up from his seat, and suddenly lowered his body in front of BaiYing and lifted the young man’s body, carrying him with great ease.

“Eh E-Elder, what are you doing?”

Elder Yi smiled, he had already straightened his body carrying BaiYing with his two hands in front.

“Hehe your leg still hurts right? It’s just XiaoYing who was stubborn coming out here, and your current state is still very fragile, I don’t want to spend too much of my energy to reverse your rushing energy because you’re too excited.”

Elder Yi carried BaiYing towards the hut.

“But, Ying can walk by myself slowly, Elder Yi please put Ying’er down.”

Before long, Elder Yi had already carried BaiYing into the room and put him down on the bamboo cot.

“We here! Why need to bother, you’re just sitting here and waiting, this reliable Elder Yi will treat you to the best food in the Cold Rock Valley.”

BaiYing rolled his eyes upwards. Why did he meet another pervert again? Do all the attractive men who meet him turn out to be all perverts?



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