Chapter 213

213 My Hero


Slowly coming from inside the modest house, which was guarded by the guards, appeared BaiYing who seemed to be still a bit limping out, standing for a moment looking around and the courtyard, his head still hurt so bad like its been hit by tons of heavy rocks, while LuoXiang immediately stopped his training as soon as he saw BaiYing there.

“YingYing!” without a second thought LuoXiang come near and grabbed BaiYing’s waist to help him while his body was still weak and almost fell.

“Your Majesty”

“Hey you, look at you, still staggering like that, why come out of the room?”

LuoXiang invited the young man with a puffy face to sit on the terrace chair carefully.

“How are you feeling? Does your head still hurt?” LuoXiang asked, he put his sword beside him and raised his hand to stroke BaiYing’s hair who was sitting right beside him.

“I’m fine Your Majesty, little dizzy but it’s no big deal”

“It’s not a big deal, heh, even though you can burn the base to the ground but you’re still so careless, heh, lucky I arrived on time”


LuoXiang didn’t release his grip on the young man, BaiYing smiled at the Crown Prince who always seemed to be looking at him with folded foreheads. BaiYing raised his hand, caressing LuoXiang’s forehead.

“Your Majesty, don’t frown like that, you will easily get a wrinkle, and look at this, your sweat” He lifted his sleeve to wipe the sweat that had fallen from LuoXiang’s temples to his cheeks.

LuoXiang enjoyed it, every touch of BaiYing was a cure for all the aches and fatigues in his body, his magic hand even without his healing energy.

LuoXiang smiled, he held BaiYing’s hand that was washing his sweat, lowered it, opened the palm that looked so small in his hand.

“Heh YingYing’s touch is everything, it feels so good.”

BaiYing smiled, holding back a laugh at LuoXiang’s very spoiled face as he raised his hand to caress his cheek again.

“Hehe Your Majesty”

“Don’t ever do this again okay? No matter how great my YingYing is, I still can’t see you get hurt even a bit, then, let me do everything to protect you”

“Your Majesty, I feel very useful, being able to change circumstances and not sink into it, this, a pleasant feeling, this, how it feels to be a hero”

LuoXiang smiled, raised his hand to caress BaiYing’s cheek, leaned forward slowly, and kissed the young man’s forehead.


“After all, my YingYing is a hero, can or can’t do anything, you are still a hero to everyone, much less to me”

BaiYing finally couldn’t help but chuckle,

“Hehehe Your Majesty, how can it be?”

LuoXiang shifted BaiYing’s shoulders and hugged him.

“Heh we’ve been through a lot Ying, it’s time for us to end the day and just go home, I will be calmer if you are in the palace, outside, not a safe place, in fact, this country has had many problems that were not known before, either how can there be such a big incident happened and no one has said anything all this time?”

BaiYing nodded, just like what ManYi said, this matter is unknown to the palace, talks about ManYi and others, BaiYing raised his head to look at LuoXiang with his big eyes.

“Your Majesty, what about ManYi and the others? Did they make it out?” he asked anxiously.

LuoXiang smiled, he saw BaiYing who’s looking at him with a pair of big and round eyes.

“Em, they’re safe, when you get better we’ll visit them okay, now just take a rest, don’t leave the house yet.”

BaiYing puffed out his mouth, LuoXiang’s hand stroked his hair like he was a child.

“Yes, Your Majesty, Ying’er knows.”

LuoXiang laughed.

“Hehehe good boy”

LuoXiang stood up from his seat, he slid his hand under BaiYing’s thigh, and without the young man knowing he lifted his body.

“Y-Your Highness”

The Crown Prince carried BaiYing who looked so small in his arms, slowly re-entering the house.

“Come on, you should go back to rest, I’ll bring you some food and we’ll eat it on the bed”

“Hehe, Your Majesty, I’m fine, it’s just a small wound, Your Majesty can’t think this servant is sick right?”

LuoXiang smiled, he pressed his forehead against BaiYing’s forehead.

“Em, it’s a little warm, brat, just obey, after all, I’m very happy to take care of you, every time, just by looking at you, make me feel YingYing is very safe in my hands, so let me do it”

BaiYing smiled,

“Hehe, Your Highness”


Towards evening, many residents of Moon village had filled the front yard of the residence where the group rested, among them were ManYi and his parents, old man Li and wife, also some of the youth were also rescued from the cave, which had been completely destroyed by the fire, they all gathered in front of the fence where several men were guarding.

BeiYau came out, looked at the people for a while, he was about to report in when the Crown Prince and BaiYing appeared from inside the courtyard together, simultaneously the villagers in shabby clothes, thin, malnourished, and weak bodies lowered their bodies when they saw BaiYIng come out.

“Thank you, savior, thank you for saving us!” cried old man Li, ManYi, and other villagers, BaiYing looked at LuoXiang who was holding his hand.

“Your Majesty”

The villagers didn’t know who LuoXiang and BaiYing really were, in their eyes, both of them were just very kind young masters, heroes who stopped by and helped them, all were very grateful to them, especially ManYi who couldn’t hide his sad face when saw his parents very grateful to their helper.

“Thank you savior, thank you so much”

BaiYing helped the people up, LuoXiang was standing right behind him with a tall build with his arms folded behind his waist, ShinYa helped the citizens up.

“Please stand up sir, ma’am,” he whispered.

ManYi who was helped by BaiYing stood up looking at his face and lowered his head deeply.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have left you there, that person, it’s really very dangerous”

BaiYing smiled, he remembered how ManYi didn’t want to leave him either, but if he didn’t come out then the other prisoners wouldn’t be able to get out at all, because some were still locked in, so, he was forced to leave BaiYing alone against the man he knew was the leader of the people who kept the youths there.

Not long after, to hear more stories, the village elders, old man Ou and old man Li, and ManYi were invited into the living room of the house to talk further.

The people of Moon village are not high-income people, mostly farmers and construction workers in the city and its surroundings, the lack of job fields makes many residents who can’t help but look for work outside the village and leave the village for a long time, some are even willing to have their children work in the brothel for their safety, however, even working in the brothel does not guarantee these young people are safe, according to old man Ou, families whose children go to work in the brothel, have also reported their children who disappeared and have not returned yet until now, don’t know where they are.

LuoXiang lifted his tea and took a sip of it slowly.

“We, don’t know what will happen to us next if, the young master and the others leave the village, since, sooner or later, the city officials will return to catch our children again, all this won’t end, even if their base was burned, this, will only create another new problem,” said old man Ou.

“Then what do you think we should do old man? We are very busy people, we can’t stay any longer, we still have a lot of things to do, after we leave maybe it will be your business to take care of”

BaiYing glanced at LuoXiang as he tugged at his sleeves hearing the Crown Prince’s frank words, his sharp tongue.

“Your Highness” he whispered.

LuoXiang glanced at BaiYing.

“Isn’t it Ying? We have to return to the pal..,, er capital, we can’t stay here too long”

ManYi lowered his head in respect to LuoXiang.

“Young Master, servant, will fight to the death to protect our village, however, they are very numerous, and, those people are city officials, although, no one has appeared until now, I am anxious, one day they will surely come, then, we might be better of dying to defend ourselves, just, after this, when will it all end? Young master, please, help think of a solution for us”

BeiYau and ShinYa who were standing behind LuoXiang and BaiYing looked at each other, both of them also thought it was strange that the city officials’ guards didn’t attack the village after their headquarters burned down, this must be something strange, however, just as they thought about that, from outside came a commotion that made everyone turn their heads.

“What are you doing? Presumptuous!”

All the guests in the living room stood up and took cover near BeiYau, except for ManYi who was standing in the way in front of the citizens looking at the door where there were a lot of soldiers in city official uniforms rushing into the courtyard, several guards guarding in front of the gate blocked them, BeiYau’s men were not ordinary people, they could deal with any number of people, but the situation definitely made LuoXiang hot.

“Your Highness” BaiYing turned to LuoXiang who waved his hand at BeiYau

“Bei, take care of them, how dare they come here”

BeiYau bowed his head respectfully before leaving.

“Yes Your Majesty”

As soon as BeiYau and his men were out of the house, ShinYa followed him.

“What are you doing? It’s so presumptuous to attack someone’s house like this, are you too tired of living?” BeiYau shouted, to the soldiers in official uniforms with weapons in their hands who stood looking at BeiYau, the man in the very front who was probably the leader glared.

“Presumptuous you say? You foreigners who come to the city and killed the governor’s son without any reason, you must be arrested for punishment, surrender or we will burn this house and the whole village!” cried the man.


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