Chapter 183

183 White Flames


The large horses of the Crown Prince’s troops stopped at a tavern not far from the access road to the Cloud Forest, after passing through SuiLian they finally arrived there before dark, it seemed that Commander Liu and his men had also just arrived there.

“Greetings Your Highness the Crown Prince, may the Crown Prince always being blessed !” exclaimed LiuFu and his subordinates kneeling in front of LuoXiang who had just dismounted from his horse, they had traveled quite a distance, in half a day they had already passed through SuiLian city and stopped there, the only road leading to the forest, which if go inside will be difficult to get out if there are no experts to lead the way, which is why the men from LoHua village joined the group.

LuoXiang waved his hand, his face serious, expressionless looking at LiuFu who then stood in front of him.

“Commander Liu”

“Your Majesty, troops two and three led by Sung and Dao have already moved to the sides where the Black Water Clan will pass, then news from the palace will send reinforcement led by Commander Gao who will arrive before tomorrow afternoon”

LuoXiang was followed by LiuFu towards the tavern where all the places were filled with YueYang soldiers, any passerby would immediately continue their way when they saw the large number of armored troops filling the usually very quiet tavern.

“We can’t wait until tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow before dawn, after a short rest we should arrive at PaiHua Rock mountain within the cloud forest, that’s the location where the Lost Palace is located”

LiuFu glanced at BeiYau, he lowered his head.


“Yes Your Majesty, and there’s another thing, Your Majesty, I meet someone on the way here, someone, who really wants to meet His Majesty, regarding a very important matter”

LuoXiang raised his head, waiting for the commander to continue his words, but, he didn’t have to, someone he knew, already standing before him now.

“Greetings Your Highness the Crown Prince”


“Get up!”

The loud voices of the Black Water Clan people, while BaiYing who was already exhausted had to walk from the sun was bright and now it was slowly getting dark, he turned his head behind him where someone who tied being pulled harsh by two men in black-clothed, BaiYing glanced at ShinYa who was beside him who was looks tired like him.

It seemed they had arrived near their destination because the group had stopped and set up camp around there.

“Master Shin, who is he?” BaiYing asked looking at the young man in beautiful clothes that were starting to get dirty from frequent falls due to fatigue, while YueWang was sitting very leisurely on his big horse, as well as YeMu and the man who might be the leader of the Black Water Clan, these people, at least give them the carriage, really inhumane, his legs hurt like hell.

“He is a descendant from one of the four pillars, that kid will help prince WuYi open the mechanism of the Lost palace” replied ShinYa,

BaiYing glanced at the people around him, YueWang probably took them to the location of the Lost palace and started his plan of reviving it, time by time, he realize the people from the Black Water Clan are getting more and more, he can’t count anymore, the last time was estimated to be around two hundred, but, by no, it looks like the number doubled up, but he frowned looking at ShinYa who was also tired and sat leaning against a tree, both of their hands were wrapped in heavy chains, even trying to escape would be so difficult.

“DuGu Ye, that kid, Master Shin, er, and, Who’s the other one?, why didn’t Ying’er see him?”

ShinYa looked around.

“The last one is the descendant of General Song, whether he is still alive or not, but otherwise Prince WuYi wouldn’t be so confident in carrying out his plan, oh, this chain is so heavy.”

BaiYing looked at the chain in his hand, his skin getting red and scuffed from the tight and heavy twist, he looked at the black chain for a while, until slowly he clenched his hand’s, released energy, resembling a blue fire that instantly burned it, making the steel from the chains melt very easily and fall just in front of him above the ground.


YueWang and others who were sitting not far from them widened their eyes, the old man Lao approached fast, he drew his sword sharp tip which now touch BaiYing’s neck.


“How did you get that chain off?” asked YueWang.

BaiYing looked up, saw Old Man Lao’s sharp blade aiming at the vein in his neck, he dropped all the chains that were barely left from his hand, the bluish-white flame was still burning when he opened his hand, BaiYing smiled, he became more and more skilled at using his new power, this is so much fun.

“Do you want to try it?” BaiYing touched the tip of Old Lao’s sword which touched his neck, the old Man’s eyes widened at the sight of his melted blade, quickly he drew his sword.

“What are you doing?”

YueWang glanced at DuGu Ye, the girl understood what the old man’s gaze meant, and the young girl approached the young man who was sitting exhausted guarded by several black-clothed men, the young man who was none other than FengHan, the third son of the Governor FengXi, without a word YeMu lowered her body in front of the young man, opened his mouth wide and stuffed something into it.


BaiYing opened his eyes wide seeing what the poisonous girl was doing in front of the helpless youngster.

“What are you doing?” he exclaimed.

BaiYing was about to approach YeMu and the youngster but YueWang’s voice stopped him.

“It’s Black flower poison, the poison will work very slowly, at first the kid will not feel anything, but by the time, all of his organs will be paralyzed, the power is quite great, I saw for myself how the poison made a buffalo fall within two days, for that young man, well, maybe is the same for the boy, until all plans to open the mechanism of the Lost Palace are successfully unlocked”

BaiYing restrained himself, old man Lao also pulled ShinYa away from him, threatening with a sharp weapon around the man’s neck.

“Your Majesty, don’t think about us, we are all willing to sacrifice for you, save yourself,” said ShinYa.

BaiYing clenched his fists, that bluish-white flame covered his fists getting brighter, with his current strength he should be able to help them escape from YueWang and the others, but, there were too many of them, they would surely die silly if he tried, despite what the man said, he wasn’t going to kill them before the mechanism of the Lost palace was successfully unlocked, but losing arms and legs, was the same as losing their lives, what should he do? Slowly the bluish flames in his hand subsided and disappeared.

“Ekh you sly fox”

Yue Wang laughed.

“Hahahaha this kid is very interesting, hemh, I really want to know what will happen to the Crown Prince if one day such a great child becomes his worst enemy, this is really very interesting,” YueWang said about to touch BaiYing’s cheek, but the young man’s hand brushed it off, His big round eyes had never seen someone with such hatred before, so hateful that he had to endure the pain in his chest every time he felt it.

“Never touch me with your dirty hands, I rather die than to betray His Highness the Crown Prince”

YueWang laughed loudly.

“Hahahaha, is that true? A child possessing dragon fire energy, this country has a very interesting future, just wait and see, you will change your mind in a moment, young man”

BaiYing held the hands of the two men who were about to restrain him, but YueWang’s eyes glanced at ShinYa, saying if he resisted, the lives of the two helpless people might be at stake.

“Prepare them, we will begin to enter the location of the Lost Palace entrance when our last guest arrives tomorrow morning” YueWang shouted waving his hand ordering his men to take BaiYing and the other two prisoners to the camp they had prepared.

Old Man Lao approached.

“My King, does the King intend to use Shadow Illusion on that child? He looks really strong.”

YueWang nodded, he was still looking at his men who had escorted BaiYing and others away.

“The Shadow Illusion is very powerful, and I need to gather enormous energy while using it, we will do so once the entrance and the Lost palace are found, no matter what, that kid must not escape from our hands, he is too precious to be owned by any country, this really, new WahYe’s treasure”

Old Man Lao lowered his head in front of the broadly smiling YueWang.

“Congratulations Young King, this is truly a stroke of luck”

YueWang walked slowly towards the camp complex they had set up, the number of Blackwater Clan people around the plains was indeed quite large in number, as far as the eye could see the people seemed to be resting and a few still on patrol.

“Hehehehe, when the Shadow Illusion succeeds, the child will see the Crown Prince’s face as a demon that he must kill, I really want to see how the arrogant Crown Prince died at the hands of his own love, this very interesting, hahahahaha”

The man’s laughter sounded all the way, even to the corners of the rock valley.


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