Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 296 In 3 Months

Chapter 296 In 3 Months

Lyrian's eyes widened. Drake stepped back as everyone in the crowd looked at him.

Eyes faced him, but those eyes were mostly full of confusion. Drake didn't look like he was losing to them either, but he still gave up.

Most assumed it might have been out of courtesy.

"He gave him a free win..."

"What are you? Stupid?" Others seemed to disagree.

"It was clear to see that the Phoenix over there scared the shit out of him." The kid who said this got overhyped and laughed at the thought of it.

A few friends nearby did the same.

However, the two teachers knew the real reason after only a few seconds.

Lyrian himself was upset, 'Too weak? I'm too weak?' He knew this already, but hearing it was another type of pain.

'Yeah... I am too weak. I tried to use my Shadow Pendant in a duel like this and he caught onto it. He had no choice but to claim his loss, knowing I would most likely beat him if I controlled him. Still, it meant that I couldn't beat him on equal footing.'

"Oh and by the way..." Drake suddenly said under the noise of the crowd, so only Lyrian could hear it.

All other noise muffled out as Lyrian paid attention to Drake's words.

Drake smiled, as his Dragon Eye outline became larger and more powerful.

"No immobilizing or intoxicating spell can be put on my glorious body, as long as my Emerald Eyes are open..." He said, as his outline disappeared and he walked away back into the crowd.

Lyrian was taken aback, left slightly speechless. 'So... he wouldn't have been affected by it after all. But, just the fact that I tried to use it was enough for him to declare I was far too weak.'

Lyrian was slightly disappointed in his strength, but it wasn't a feeling he wasn't familiar with before.

Still, he clenched his fists. 'Another loss... I hate losing. When will it be until I never face defeat again?'

"Alright, boys! That's quite enough! Let's get back to the academy now!" Rerth yelled out.

"Hey... why didn't he speak of the winner of the duel?"

A few kids began to murmur.

"It wasn't a duel... that's probably why."


After that, all the students grouped around the two teachers, as Rerth held his wrist in front of him.

From his bracelet came a holograph of something that looked like a circular locket of sorts with many mechanical parts inside.

He closed his eyes, inserting mana into it, as a blue ring of mana suddenly formed around all the students.


At once, Lyrian appeared back in the teleportation room. By that time, Drake was already gone from the scene, and the students began to disperse as well.

Lyrian felt off, almost not in his own body.

"Hey! Where are you brats going!?" Rerth suddenly exclaimed.

"Class is over, isn't it? We skipped our last class for this..." A kid turned around and said, slightly confused.

"The time doesn't dismiss you from my class, I do!" Rerth exclaimed, as everyone let out sighs of exasperation and faced him.

"Listen well, since this is going to be some of the most important information you will hear in a while!"

A hush fell over the crowd as he placed his hands on his hips and began to speak.

"The deployment exam is nearing!"

With these words, gasps immediately rippled through the crowd. Lyrian curiously looked around to see excited faces.

"That's right... you brats will finally be able to leave this academy and go do stuff on your own for once. I know, big deal."

He sarcastically exclaimed, knowing that it was far more important to the students than to him.

"The deployment exam is similar to this practice, except the rules will be a bit different. Its purpose will be to actually make sure you are prepared to go out in the real world and hunt."

He paused, letting everyone soak in the knowledge.

"You all probably know what happens after you pass these deployment exams... you will get deployed, of course. Where will be based on pure luck. Different places in the three kingdoms, where you will go on a mission specifically assigned to you. However, note that whatever your mission may be, completing adventurer/hunting quests is absolutely mandatory in your area. You are students of Anaviotis... show your prowess, strength, integrity, and giving mindset to the people. Put on a good show. Of course, I will talk more about this when it actually comes... you still got a while till then."

He took in a big breath as if what he was going to say next was the main deal, "For the next three months, you won't have a single Hunting class with me or any other teacher. These three months will be to prepare you for the exam. Use it wisely..."

Lyrian was intrigued to hear this, but without proper understanding, he didn't make any judgments early on.

Gator stepped forward, "At this moment, this will be the extent of your knowledge. More will be detailed as the exam nears, but for now, focus on training. As for your practice rewards... the Riftstones will be awarded now. The group prize, however, will be rewarded after the end of these three months. If you collected any materials, come to the front. That's it... you all are dis--" He was suddenly cut off.

"Dismissed! You will be dismissed!" Rerth shouted and then looked over at the irritated Gator with a smirk on his face.

'Three months of free farming? And then getting deployed outside of the academy for real-world experience?' Lyrian couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

'I wonder what kind of world it is out there... I wonder what's going to happen...' He mused...

As students dispersed, Lyrian and a few others who were called to come forward by Rerth did just that.

The few at the front got small pouches of Riftstones, and finally, Lyrian stepped forward with a slight smirk on his face.

While handing Lyrian the bulging bag of Riftstones in exchange for his materials, Rerth couldn't help but break out into a laugh.

"Kahaha! You evil bastard!"

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