Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 246: Different

Chapter 246: Different

"Let's go sit down," David said and firmly held her as he led her to one of the benches in the large garden.

Nancy's focus was on the water bottle that she was holding so she did not pay much attention to what was going on around her. There was a bench in a conspicuous part of the garden that was shrouded in shadows as the area was enclosed by quite a number of trees.

As Nancy was sitting down, she almost lost her balance once more so David found himself helping her sit down on the bench before settling himself there as well.

She turned her head and looked at David's face. She actually wanted to say something but she suddenly forgot about what she was going to say.

David noticed that Nancy had gotten abnormally quiet and when he turned to look at her he noticed that she was staring at him. She looked like she was completely lost in her own thoughts.

"You should drink your water," David said. He kept on thinking that he should have probably stopped her from drinking a bit earlier but she looked like she was having fun and he had been hesitant to stop her.

In contrast, David had not had a drop of alcohol the entire night and was as sober as a monk so he was really at a loss of what to do especially when Nancy was acting out of character earlier.

"Mmh" Nancy agreed and obediently drank her water and closed the cap of the water bottle. She then leaned back but rather than lean against the bench, she leaned against David who almost stood up in his surprise.

Nancy shamelessly rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes for a moment as she had started feeling a bit nauseous. It was like she just got drunker after every passing minute.

"Are you okay?" David asked once more as he looked at her with eyes filled with worry. After a few seconds of silence Nancy turned her head to look at him.

"I'm fine," she replied and smiled lazily at him. David immediately focused his attention on his surroundings as Nancy looked really tempting. He was out of his element as he was rarely flustered by anything but his heart was beating a mile per minute.

He was not very aware of what he did and said when she was sober but now that she was drunk, she behaved differently from the way she normally did so he did not know how exactly his current situation should be handled.

"Should I take you back home?" David asked still avoiding her gaze.

Nancy lifted her face to look at him once more and saw that his attention was elsewhere. She was initially a bit slow but at this point she realised that he was avoiding her gaze. She felt a bit disgruntled by this fact so a frown appeared on her face.

"Are you avoiding me?" Nancy asked and brought her hand to the back of his head and tilted his face downwards so he would look at her.

"Why would I avoid you?" David asked feeling a bit flustered. He did not think that she would catch on to his actions so quickly.

"That's what I'm wondering as well" Nancy asked as she blinked her large dark brown eyes. After hearing her response, David was at a loss of what to do.

The Nancy he was looking at now was not the one that would impulsively say something or feel shy whenever he expressed himself. She was clearly acting coy, like a vixen.

"How can you be so handsome regardless of the angle you're in?" Nancy asked and used her other hand to tilt his face. Dropping the water bottle she had been holding in the process.

It was David's turn to feel embarrassed as his cheeks became slightly pink. No one had ever dared to flirt with him so obviously before.

Nancy could feel the heat that rose on his face through her soft palms. When she focused on his face she noticed that it was flushed pink and she couldn't help but smile happily.

David had been sitting still the whole time. He was inwardly swearing not to let her drink ever again. He truly felt inexperienced her presence because even though it was not his first time being complimented about his looks, it was different when he was complimented by someone that he liked.

As he was thinking of how to get her to sober up quickly, he realised that her face kept on inching closer to his. His eyes widened behind his glasses as he thought that she was going to kiss him. Fortunately she stopped just a hairbreadth away from his lips and smiled happily. 

He did not know that Nancy had taken note of his embarrassment and she was feeling good about herself.

"What is it? Is there something on my face?" David asked once he could not take her staring any longer. David had let himself be taken advantage of thoroughly as her upper body was completely sprawled over his own.

Nancy, on the other hand, was not expecting him to say something suddenly, so when he talked, she could feel his warm breath on her lips and the way his chest vibrated from his deep voice under her chest.

The gaze that had been focused on his cheeks was now focused on his lips. How could David not notice this? But before he could do anything Nancy moved slightly forward and their lips connected.

David was not prepared at all but even though he had planned to stop her from kissing him in the beginning, now that she had acted so fast, there was no point in regretting it now. They might as well enjoy themselves.

Nancy felt David wrap an arm around her waist before she was pulled up David's body. She did not put up any resistance and let him do whatever he wanted.

Even though she was the one that had initiated the kiss, the whole situation was soon out of her control and she could only respond to his actions.

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