Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 243: You look great? You look beautiful?

Chapter 243: You look great? You look beautiful?

As occupied as both Tyler and Lucas were, it was still inevitable that they would cross paths. Especially since Tyler was personally invited by Lucas unlike everybody else. What was even more amusing was that their meeting was completely unintentional. 

Lucas had just walked away from a group of acquaintances with Jen in tow when just a few seconds later they bumped into Tyler. The three of them were silent for a few seconds before Lucas decided to break the ice.

"Hello, Mr. Ainsworth" Lucas said formally with a bright smile that got on Tyler's nerves however he could not express those emotions in front of everybody at the party. Especially since they stood out not only physically but also since they were both the future of their companies since Tyler was already at the position of CEO and Lucas was being groomed for a similar position.

"Mr. Lewis, Miss Larson" Tyler said and shook both of their hands and nodded at the couple. When he shook Jen's hand, he ended up holding it for a second too long and quickly released it when Lucas cleared his throat in clear warning. Tyler looked at Lucas and smiled in amusement. Although it was an amused smile it really made people think that he was plotting something.

"I'm surprised that you were able to make it," Lucas said making small talk. 

"My assistant was able to convince me to come" Tyler replied implying that he was not really thinking of coming to the party but was forced to because of work purposes. 

While the two men were talking, Jen was completely lost in thought. When she had seen Tyler earlier she really did not feel anything, however now that he was standing in front of her, that he had smiled at her, shook her hand and that she was hearing him talk made her feel strange.

When he smiled, she was reminded as to why she fell for him in the first place. He had a devilish smile that was quite mesmerising and mysterious at the same time.

She knew that what she was experiencing was not love or anything of the sort but she was reminded of how and why she was with him in the first place.

She was currently extremely happy in her current relationship and was head over heels in love with Lucas.

She did not think that she would feel nostalgic once she actually came into contact with Tyler. It was a feeling that made her realise where she was when it came to coming back from her old relationship. 

She was absolutely certain now that she did not have any lingering feelings for Tyler and that she was not heartbroken anymore.

"How have you been doing?" Tyler asked Jen who had managed to space out in those few seconds when the guys were talking.

Jen looked up at Tyler and saw that for the first time, his eyes looked at her warmly. He always walked around with a mask and she was never able to read his moods before. She even started wondering whether he had changed over the past year.

"I've been alright, as you can see, what about you?" Jen answered politely.

Lucas was doing his best to maintain a straight face as he thought that the two of them were acting quite awkward. It reminded him of the time when he met his own ex-girlfriend at the hotel when he had decided to have breakfast with Jen at the hotel restaurant. He hadn't gone back there since that day.

"You look great" Tyler replied and whatever amusement Lucas was experiencing was gone almost instantly. He was no longer amused. In fact, he was not too happy anymore.

"So do you," Jen replied completely unaware that Lucas' mood was getting colder by the second.

"It was nice seeing the both of you. I'll be going to see the other guests" Tyler said and politely nodded to the both of them before he was on his way. Jen watched him disappear into the crowd before turning to look at Lucas once more only to be met with a dark expression.

"You- what is wrong?" Jen asked not knowing when he had worn such an ugly expression.

"He was flirting with you," Lucas said with clenched teeth.

"Was he? We were just having small talk, when did he flirt?" Jen asked clearly confused. Jen was really confused because after being in a relationship with Tyler for more than three years, she would definitely know if he was flirting with her.

Lucas  on the other hand had nothing to say since Jen looked convinced that Tyler did not flirt with her at all. He couldn't stop that sour taste in his mouth whenever he remembered how Tyler said she looked beautiful.

A/N: He said she looks great, this is one example of auditory hallucinations.

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