Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 207: Fatigue

Chapter 207: Fatigue

Lucas turned around to look at her and Jen raised her head so that she would be able to see him properly. Lucas stroked her hair and pushed a few stray strands away from her face as e smiled down at her.

"You look tired" he commented when he looked at her face. 

"I am tired," Jen said with a pout. 

"Did it take long to find something you like?" Lucas asked with a smile as he leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Not me, I swear I'm never shopping with Nancy again" Jen complained with a pout making Lucas chuckle and pinch her nose.

"Should I cook tonight?" he asked mid laughter.

"Let's order in, I'll pay this time," Jen said with a bright smile. She figured he would also be tired from work, she didn't want to make him toil in the kitchen.

"Mmh," Lucas said as he took out his phone.

"What are you in the mood for?" he asked as he looked at her in question.

"I want some soup, but I'll have whatever you are having," Jen said. She really wanted something warm to just get rid of the fatigue she was experiencing.

Lucas called the manager and asked him to tell the kitchen to prepare their meal, not forgetting to add soup in his request before telling him to put it on his tab.

"I said I'll pay this time" Jen complained.

"It's more convenient to have them add it to my tab," Lucas said as he stroked her hair as if he was appeasing an angry kitten.

"Then you should have told them to put it on my tab," Jen said with a pout.

"How can I ask you to pay for my meals?" Lucas said and kissed her forehead.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Jen asked and Lucas laughed at her expression. His expression became warmer the longer he looked at her and he leaned down and caught her lips with his. Jen's body completely melted into his and the hands that were around him fisted the crisp white shirt he was wearing.

Lucas lifted his hand and brought it to the side of her face adjusting the angle of her head before he deepened the kiss. Jen was being very compliant, unlike the numerous kisses they had had before, this one was very leisurely but it still managed to shake her heart, probably even more than those heated kisses that she normally received from Lucas before.

Jen could feel his tongue teasing hers before he grazed his teeth against her top lip. Jen only tightened the grip she had on his shirt. She could feel herself grow weak knead from his kiss. Lucas had only been kissing her during the past few months so saying he had enough practise was correct. They both knew how to stir each other up which they both enjoyed.

Lucas did not kiss her for too long and he finally released her leaving a lingering kiss on her lips.

"Should we go freshen up? You look like you could fall asleep while standing up" Lucas teased and kiss her forehead. Jen just nodded absentmindedly and followed him out of the kitchen.

The two of them finished freshening up and were sitting together in the living room watching a movie as Jen was putting her hair up in a braid.

"Did you get anything interesting today?" Lucas asked as he watched Jen's deft fingers expertly braid her hair.

"Besides the dress? I got shoes and some jewelry" Jen said as she recalled what she got at the mall.

"Oh~," Lucas said as he nodded his head.

"Ah, I also got you something," Jen said and dashed towards the front door where she left the bags she had brought back. She quickly rummaged through them and brought out two boxes. One of them was rectangular, slightly flat and also long while the other one was a small square box.

"Are you proposing?" Lucas teased when he saw the small box. It was understandable that he would make such a comment since it did look like it would have a ring inside. When Jen heard him she felt her face become hotter. She did not expect that he would say something like that so suddenly, catching her completely off-guard.

"Unfortunately, it isn't. Go ahead" Jen said looking excited.

Lucas looked at her quizzically before he picked up the rectangular box and opened it. It was a simple gift of a tie that she seemed to have bought for him so that he would wear it the next day.

He actually liked the tie, it seemed that Jen was able to remember his tastes since she did not buy something that was tacky.

"I like it," Lucas said as he held up the tie to look at it.

"That's a relief," Jen said with a smile. Lucas put the tie aside and picked up the other box. He did not wait long before he opened it and saw that there were two cufflinks inside. They were clearly expensive even if he could not see the quality with his own eyes. The brand itself was a testament to the quality and prices of their goods.

The cufflinks were diamond studded with sapphires in the centre of the cufflink. They were truly eye catching.

"How do you like them?"Jen asked with excitement.

"I like them," Lucas said genuinely. Honestly, he felt like he was being showered with pieces of jewellery like Jason normally did with his girlfriends, it was a bit unsettling but he did not hate it.

"What's better is, I got matching earrings," Jen said with a bright smile and rummaged through her bag taking out a slightly larger box and excitedly opened it to show Lucas.

Lucas did not know much about jewellery, mostly because he had never cared much about them before, but he could tell that the earrings were pretty good, he was satisfied by the fact that she got them a matching set more than the actual jewellery.

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